What do YOU expect in a good, modern shooter?


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Simple question, I'm trying to gather data on this. List any features that you would be angry if left out of a modern shooter. State the feature, and how angry you would be about the lack of it, ranging from "slightly annoyed" to "I won't buy because of the lack of it". Something that makes you say, "Hey this should be in any modern shooter!".

Please do not list any features that would annoy you if included such as "bloody screen upon taking damage".

Example: "Headshots: I would not buy a modern shooter if headshots were not included."


Edit: I mean what do you EXPECT of a good, modern shooter?
What features do you want? Not what do you expect to actually find.

Serving UpSmiles

New member
Aug 4, 2010
I expect there to be ADS or some form of pricision mode, it increases accuracy but disables mobility which is a great balence imo.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
Grenades and RPG's. I know some people prefer not to have them in their games, but I personally can't stand it when people disable/ban their use. Suffice to say, if a game didn't have those (or their equivalents) I would not buy that game.
Dec 14, 2009
No ability to jump. Only the ability to climb over or on top of things.

None of this jumping around corners shit.

Note: This only refers to the 'realistic shooter', stuff like Halo wouldn't be the same without the jumping.


New member
May 6, 2011
Fun weapons/abilities - jetpacks, gravity guns, flaming birds, a crossbow that shoots small animals, sticky bombs, etc.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
ADS, regenerating health, two-weapon system.

Basically games trying to mimic the system that Call of Duty has become so successful using.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
bussinrounds said:
What would i expect ? More mindless COD type shit for the kiddy's and casuals.

What i would want and what i would expect are 2 completely different things.
Ruiner87 said:
ADS, regenerating health, two-weapon system.

Basically games trying to mimic the system that Call of Duty has become so successful using.
Sorry, you misunderstand me. I mean what do you EXPECT of a good, modern shooter? Not what do you expect to actually find.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Bags159 said:
Ruiner87 said:
ADS, regenerating health, two-weapon system.

Basically games trying to mimic the system that Call of Duty has become so successful using.
Sorry, you misunderstand me. I mean what do you EXPECT of a good, modern shooter? Not what do you expect to actually find.
You asked me what I expect out of a modern shooter. Whether or not it's good comes down to the execution. Call of Duty 4 includes all of the things I listed, and is one of my favourite shooters of all time. I expect these things out of any modern shooter, and I expect it to be done well in any good one.

Sehnsucht Engel

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Apr 18, 2009
Mindless non-stop action. I don't want to spend much time thinking, I want it to attack me constantly, so that I have to simply react. I play more RPGs, but I still play some FPS
Jul 11, 2011
With single-player,I expect an immersive story and characters. The story does not have to be unique or entirely new, but well-written and engrossing. For mutiplayer, I expect variety of game modes. I find games with the only standard deathmatch and capture the flag modes to be boring. A variety of weapons is also defnitely expected for a modern shooter nowadays.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
As far as gameplay goes, I'd say that CoD has it pretty close, tbh.

Ideally, like if I could design the perfect FPS, for multiplayer there are 3 features I would look to having that I haven't really seen in any FPS yet:
1) Massive teams. about 50 each.
2) No health, one bullet kills, regardless of the gun used. This way, suppression fire and cover would actually matter
3) Big maps. I mean huge, so that gun classes can actually be balanced. Prolly about 1000 meters long and half that wide. That way, snipers actually fire from sniping distances, and you can make shotguns kill from proper distances, and Assault rifles won't be rendered worthless.

For campaign modes, I would like something a lot like halo, just with more story.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
spartan231490 said:
As far as gameplay goes, I'd say that CoD has it pretty close, tbh.

Ideally, like if I could design the perfect FPS, for multiplayer there are 3 features I would look to having that I haven't really seen in any FPS yet:
1) Massive teams. about 50 each.
2) No health, one bullet kills, regardless of the gun used. This way, suppression fire and cover would actually matter
3) Big maps. I mean huge, so that gun classes can actually be balanced. Prolly about 1000 meters long and half that wide. That way, snipers actually fire from sniping distances, and you can make shotguns kill from proper distances, and Assault rifles won't be rendered worthless.

For campaign modes, I would like something a lot like halo, just with more story.

Sounds like you will like Planetside 2. Well, you won't get your #2 but everything else.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
Every FPS game should include a multiplayer map set in an asteroid field. Every player should be equipped with a jetpack to jump between asteroids, magnetic boots to walk on asteroids, and a laser pistol able to melt asteroids. The objective of the game would be to knock the opposing players into space.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Standard controls.

Most FPS games have similar controls for a reason, it works well and I think it's become natural to expect a certain button to do a certain thing because it makes sense. When the rare game messes with this expectation I'm always pressing the wrong thing.

For example, almost every game has quick weapon swaps on Y (for 360) and special abilities or special grenades on LB. I really wish those, of all things weren't swapped. Melee and crouch are almost always on either RS and B but it's 50/50 so it's easier to get used to, then there's the rare game that puts melee on RB and it's all out the window.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Bags159 said:
spartan231490 said:
As far as gameplay goes, I'd say that CoD has it pretty close, tbh.

Ideally, like if I could design the perfect FPS, for multiplayer there are 3 features I would look to having that I haven't really seen in any FPS yet:
1) Massive teams. about 50 each.
2) No health, one bullet kills, regardless of the gun used. This way, suppression fire and cover would actually matter
3) Big maps. I mean huge, so that gun classes can actually be balanced. Prolly about 1000 meters long and half that wide. That way, snipers actually fire from sniping distances, and you can make shotguns kill from proper distances, and Assault rifles won't be rendered worthless.

For campaign modes, I would like something a lot like halo, just with more story.

Sounds like you will like Planetside 2. Well, you won't get your #2 but everything else.
Number 2 is the one I want most :(, but that is still intriguing. might play it.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Everything Metroid Prime 3: Curruption did. Good controls, intense combat, amazing graphics, cast of likable and unlikable characters.

Heck even Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes were amazing. They did so much right. I just love how the view the gun/weapon. Not just as a tool but truely an extention of the self. Samus Aran going on a quest, but before she can do so, she must become a unified whole. It is just beautiful

Vanquish did some great stuff too, but Vanquish is not first-person.

Half Life was also really good too

And Portals puzzles could be more into shooters. Metroid Prime series did puzzles well too. FPS games could use more of those infused with the combat