So something has come up today in my area that really irks me and I want to get some opinions from other people.
Yesterday in my area there was a fatal police involved shooting. My post isn't about this, this is just the catalyst to the events today. I hope the thread doesn't get derailed by this because I know how much the internet hates police.
Today a Vigil was held for the dead 18-year old, packed with people. There was also a protest near the police station. For the most part things went well, a little bit of minor vandalism like spraypainting ect, police telling people to disperse ect. I don't have to full story on that part yet (most news on it is lacking on these events)
What it HAS become is riots and looting. All I see on the news right now are shots of people breaking into gas stations, auto parts stores and a Walmart. People are breaking stuff, stealing tires and rims. At one point the news anchor on scene had to cut his report short because gunfire broke out.
This is the part that pisses me off. Regardless of what happened to leading up to that man's death, how is this helping? Someone owns that auto parts store, people work in that Walmart. What do they have to do with anything? Why do these people think a police involved shooting means they get to go on a rampage? Does this encourage change for the better?
This is mostly about riots. I understand civil unrest, I understand civil disobedience, I understand people using force to fight for what they believe in.
This is none of those. What is this? Is this people using someone's death to justify their selfish actions to their friends? Why do people think the solution to police violence is indiscriminate violence? More people are suffering and I see no positive outcome... unless you just got new rims for your car.
This feels like a horrible way for people to remember this victim. Now he isn't just the victim of a shooting, he is the cause of a riot.
Anyone here ever been a part of a looting riot? anyone ever been a victim of looting? What do you guys think of these situations. Not just this specific one but of other examples.
Yesterday in my area there was a fatal police involved shooting. My post isn't about this, this is just the catalyst to the events today. I hope the thread doesn't get derailed by this because I know how much the internet hates police.
Today a Vigil was held for the dead 18-year old, packed with people. There was also a protest near the police station. For the most part things went well, a little bit of minor vandalism like spraypainting ect, police telling people to disperse ect. I don't have to full story on that part yet (most news on it is lacking on these events)
What it HAS become is riots and looting. All I see on the news right now are shots of people breaking into gas stations, auto parts stores and a Walmart. People are breaking stuff, stealing tires and rims. At one point the news anchor on scene had to cut his report short because gunfire broke out.
This is the part that pisses me off. Regardless of what happened to leading up to that man's death, how is this helping? Someone owns that auto parts store, people work in that Walmart. What do they have to do with anything? Why do these people think a police involved shooting means they get to go on a rampage? Does this encourage change for the better?
This is mostly about riots. I understand civil unrest, I understand civil disobedience, I understand people using force to fight for what they believe in.
This is none of those. What is this? Is this people using someone's death to justify their selfish actions to their friends? Why do people think the solution to police violence is indiscriminate violence? More people are suffering and I see no positive outcome... unless you just got new rims for your car.
This feels like a horrible way for people to remember this victim. Now he isn't just the victim of a shooting, he is the cause of a riot.
Anyone here ever been a part of a looting riot? anyone ever been a victim of looting? What do you guys think of these situations. Not just this specific one but of other examples.