What do you think E3 will bring?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
NinjaDeathSlap said:
A lot of hype and hopefully a funny ZP episode.
Yes, that's probably the best we can hope for.

I expect nintendo to unveil a new console but to still completely miss the point as to why we just smile and pat them on the head.

I expect sony to announce that PSN will be back up any day now by getting the most sweaty and nervous IT guys they have to explain what they're doing with a ppt presentation.

I expect R* to announce a new and even more tediously pretentious GTA game but to highlight the generic quality of their titles of late, I expect it to be in their own stylized version of Dover Delaware.

I expect G4 to televise it in Fast Forward to help retain bored viewers.

I expect Gabe Newell to shock gamers even more than last year by walking on stage during the Nintendo conference and weighing only 120 lbs.

I expect MS to try and be like Nintendo by also getting Gabe to join them on stage to play Kinect with Mr Rogers with them.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
ZombieGenesis said:
Well they did rumour the whole 'new gen Xbox' deal but I'm not sold on it yet.
If it does exist, then I'm not exactly in a place to worry, haven't seen my consoles in about 11 months.
If you are referring to the article form escapist that said there was EA already had development kits of said new Xbox there was an update that said EA stated that this was 100% untrue so yeah its unlikely a new Xbox will be announced at this years E3.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Already obvious: New Nintendo Console, NGP

Stuff that'll almost definitely be there: A shitload of 3DS games, there are so many in development we haven't seen yet, so I'm guessing they'll be there, including that Super Mario game.

Stuff I hope will be there: Something from Microsoft, with the other two companies getting brand new devices, it feels like they might be left behind... that said, XD there might be a surprise or two.

Plus I really want to see Bioshock: Infinite there, and I'd really like them to surprise me and bring out a game that will really impress me...


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Metal Gear Rising, and DMC 5. I just hope there's some new stuff to surprise me.

And maybe an update about when PSN will actually be back online...


New member
Mar 11, 2011
crushing disappointment...

and a severe lack of Bioshock Infinite.

and a look at the new wii which will shape and therefore ruin the next generation because nintendo are shit at everything.


Sep 23, 2010
What I'm hoping it will bring:

New game announcements from Atlus, more information on Gravity Daze (NGP), the phrase "We will be localizing Tales of Xillia" from someone official at Namco Bandai, Square-Enix hiring competent writers for FFXV, Platinum announcing Bayonetta 2, Ninja Theory being taken off the DMC reboot, the DMC reboot being canceled, Ninja Theory being canceled, David Cage going missing under suspicious circumstances.

What it will bring:

More EA/Activision franchise fuckery. Nintendo unveiling a plan to region-lock air. Apple teaming up with Ghost Hitler, Ghost Pol Pot and Zynga to create the most evil game in the universe with awful touch screen controls. Bitter gamers complaining about everything.


Self-Important Angler Fish
Feb 17, 2010
- Crytek's new game project turns out to be Timesplitters 4
- New Super Smash Bros. gets announced
- New Fire Emblem game with a release outside of Japan
- The Sequel to Golden Sun: Dark Dawn gets announced

... At least I hope so.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
TriggerHappyAngel said:
- Crytek's new game project turns out to be Timesplitters 4
- New Super Smash Bros. gets announced
- New Fire Emblem game with a release outside of Japan
- The Sequel to Golden Sun: Dark Dawn gets announced

... At least I hope so.
I would like in particular to see the first three of those things. If the next FE is on the Wii, i'd buy a wii just to play it, same for SSB.
Oh, and i will always love the TS series. I just hope they stay true to the original series.


Sep 23, 2010
Oh, and that unspecified upcoming 3DS Persona game. If it turns out to not be a remake or a port, it will be a console seller for me.

Also that Guillermo Del Toro game ("Insane") scheduled for 2013. There will probably be a few screenshots and concept art that will tell us nothing.

+Deep Silver will begin hyping Dead Island again, trying to make people forget that it's Dead Rising dressed like Left 4 Dead.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Half-Life 3 (and the Source engine successor...possibly)
The Wii-DS...or whatever Nintendo's next console is
Golden Sun 4 (with a plot revolving around a device that manipulates time)
Final Fantasy XIV: The Unbroken Edition
Some new, pointless gimmicky product for the Xbox360 or PS3...maybe both
...and probably some others, too

Playable Demos:
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Gears of War 3
...and I don't actually remember any other games coming out this year

Footage from:
Mass Effect 3
...and many others

And a big apology from Valve, as the announce the cancelation of Episode 3

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
I HOPE E3 will bring the following:

Details on the Story of Metal Gear Solid: Rising
More details of DMC
DoTA 2 details
Mass Effect 3 footage
Skyrim footage
My Little Pony: Friendship is magic game announced
A damn good look at Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Some news on Half life 3
Battlefield 3 looking sexy, oh wait!
HD Digimon World
HD Metal Gear collection
Bioshock Infinite footage
Some decent info on Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Y'know, something interesting. I was fed up with Ezio in Brotherhood and I still don't like Desmond that much. Altair is nice though. Good room for expansion with him)
Nintendo announces Project Cafe without this stupid touch thing as that sounds expensive, like pretty much all of it.
Microsoft announces it's new Gaming Focused OS will not be as horrific as it was made out to be ages ago.
Sony has the PSN up by then, then continues as per usual.
Some hint that the Fallout MMO is coming and won't be crap.
Whatever Bungie is working on get's an announcement and some ponies details.

Calumon: Jack needs less ponies. :p


New member
May 10, 2008
Ah, I totally forgot about TS4 :D

If that gets announced, I will officially be delighted and not care about anything else, no Halo, Modern Warfare, God of war, Skyrim or god knows what else revelation will take away the excitement I'd have for a TS4 :D

Timesplitters! Woop woop!


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Hype, lies and false promises.

In bucketloads.

Seriously though, hopefully some new info on Saints Row 3, Diablo 3 and Mass Effect 3. It would be even better if they could release something about Skyrim that would help me make my mind up about it.

By the way, Valve, I still feel like there's something you haven't got round to yet... so maybe a release date for that would be in order? [http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Daily/2010/03-Mar/30/E3%20explodes/final_episode3--article_image.jpg][footnote]Old picture is old, I know, but that just supports my point really.[/footnote]