What do you think is there worst way to die?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
The question is in the title. Torture doesn't count. What do you think is the worst way to meet your end?

I personally think that drowining is the worst way to die.The lack of oxygen is terribly painful + the sensation of your lungs filling with water. I do realize that you technically lose conciousness due to lack of oxygen in your brain before drowning, but the time you are concious must be extremly painful. The only thing that i think would be worst, would being completly unable to breath, like if you were in outer space without a space suit.

Your Turn


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Getting raped to death by a bunch of black dudes in the African jungles would suck. Being eaten by a hyena is also terrible since they open up your stomach and eat you alive

Orks da best

New member
Oct 12, 2011
getting killed by a pencil... or a piece of paper, painful maybe, but rather shameful deaths. Most painful would be to have ye limbs and head pulled off one by one, till the head is last.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
krazykidd said:

Your Turn
Drowning isn't painful, it's scary though. It'll cause you to panic and it's really awful knowing you're going to die the whole time you're submerged. I know i've been there. Although I personally find terror worse than pain.

The worst way to die is slowly at an old age. Constant pain, worthless body, and all the while knowing just a few decades ago life was good. Count me out.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Having just played through Amnesia I think the Brass Bull would be my "worst" death so to speak.

Slowly getting cooked alive in a small metal prison with people outside of your encasement who have the power to free you, yet remain unmoving throughout.

Sounds like loads of fun.

exp. 99

New member
Mar 31, 2010
There is no specific way to define the "worst" way to die. If I'm honest, asphyxiation, burning, drowning, old age, getting shot...they're all pretty bad. I mean, hell, depending on circumstance any of the above can be a gut wrenchingly, mind numbingly horrific and supremely painful way to go out.

No, the worst ways to die aren't defined by what kills you. It's how the experience is.

The worst way to die is alone, knowing you're dying, knowing that your death could be helped, made easier or averted if you could get help, but knowing full and bloody well that there is no one who will help you, nobody to comfort you or save you. And most of all, knowing that whatever end you're facing, you have to experience every second of it with that knowledge that you've been abandoned and left alone.

So dying of infection, of a gunshot wound, of suffocation or some other horrid way really only matters if the psychological trauma is thrown in for the mix. With enough heavy shit on your mind, any way to die is the "worst".


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I feel very smart... missing the second sentence of the original post and all.

In that case my worst death would be falling through the ice above a river and somehow not being able to find the place in which I entered. The combination of freezing cold, drowning, and being so close to safety would probably drive me insane.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Death by electricity. You probably won't die in one shock, it could take you minutes to be killed.

Or, it's a very slow murder.

Capt. Crankypants

New member
Jan 6, 2010
krazykidd said:
I personally think that drowining is the worst way to die
I would say a Vacuum. Like drowning, but worse. I also don't know if a never-ending slippery-slide with the surface of a cheese grater counts as torture, but that would also be pretty nasty.

Ashannon Blackthorn

New member
Sep 5, 2011
Scaphism... it's unbelievable nasty way to go...


Yes it involves torture but it's a method of execution, so I think it would qualify...


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Death by snu-snu. After a few minutes you wouldn't even be able to feel it, and once it was over the agony of having a shattered pelvis would be overwhelming... but you still wouldn't pass out or die until you bled out internally, which means you're alive in unrecoverable, unremovable, unbearable agony for several hours. Of course that never happens... heh.

Then there's human sacrifice. That's pretty nasty. Especially the Aztec ceremonies, they drain your blood from your body and remove your heart with a glass knife while you're still alive. The last image before you die is the sight of your still-beating heart being eaten by an Aztec priest. Or the Zande ritual decapitation... after they rip out your intestines with a particularly brutal hook spear in combat, they tie a noose around your neck to a flexible tree sapling not strong enough to hang you, but enough to get some tension. Then they slice off your head with a special sickle-knife, so the last thing you see after watching your entrails coiled up like spaghetti is your own body as your head flies in the air. Then the children play a version of soccer with your still-alive head for the last few minutes it's alive... fkn brutal.

Oh yeah, and there's the good old-fashioned arrow to the eye. From the second the tip strikes your eye you're feeling the arrow wiggle and grind every nerve in your eyeball, eyesocket, and brain. There's nothing anyone can do about it, and you still won't die instantly. You just lie there, paralyzed and immobile, until your brain bleeds out or you suffocate from the inability to breathe. Fkng nasty.

Burning sucks, but at least it's over in less than a minute. Every single one of these deaths takes minutes, hours, and sometimes days for you to die... and you feel every agonizing second of it.

Oh, but it gets worse. Spaghettification: what happens when falling into a black hole. Your body is literally ripped apart atom by atom, and time slows down for you to the point of practically stopping... so your mind is still effectively active during the whole ordeal, which can take decades for you to actually die. The whole while unable to breathe thanks to the lovely vacuum of space.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Boiled in oil.
Think about it, it would take a relatively long time ad would be unimaginably painful.


New member
Aug 5, 2011
I can think or two horrible ways:

humiliation - example bull rips your clothes off in matador ring then gores you to death.

pain - accidentally swim into irukandji jelly fish. Morphine makes the pain barely tolerable and the pain lasts for days or weeks if you live.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Phyrophobia said:
Having just played through Amnesia I think the Brass Bull would be my "worst" death so to speak.

Slowly getting cooked alive in a small metal prison with people outside of your encasement who have the power to free you, yet remain unmoving throughout.

Sounds like loads of fun.
But the Iron Maiden had an even more brain-bleach worthy description!

Seriously, "the eye had been punctured and was now running down the " AAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH.