What do you think of Fanfiction?


New member
Mar 12, 2010
AgDr_ODST said:
Could you lemme know what sorta games are you into? cause among the game fics I've been reading its Halo, Mass Effect, Bioshock Team Fortress 2 and an amazing Red Dead Redemption story
Been looking mainly at Mass Effect, Halo, Warhammer 40k, Borderlands, Half Life and Dead Space.
I'm pretty much open to any fic, as long as its good, though I have a hard time getting my head around fantasy most of the time.

Of those theres sometimes a gem, but they're damn hard to find, and often I've been pretty disappointed when I start reading a story that seems good but soon descends into madness, as I said before like when someone begins to type out their own fantasies where crap that just has no place at all within the confines of the game appears and shit like bad romances happen for no damn reason.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
Some of it is mildly entertaining, most of it is mind numbingly awful, and about 1% of it makes me wish the author were involved the creative process of the source material because it's so shockingly good. No different from any other form of media, really.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
For every semi-decent fanfic out there, there's approximately 3 million other stories written by people with serious mental problems.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I like to read Fan Fiction, as long as it's readable and it isn't stupid. Like Insomnia, the novelization of Majora's Mask, is a really fun read, and has a good concept of how to basically do the entirety of the game as a story that makes a bit of sense as long as you suspend your disbelief enough. Which isn't too hard considering playing games at all and having a lot of fun with them pretty much depends on your ability to suspend disbelief.

There is also a fair amount of fan fiction that I like, just because of the pairings. I will admit that, but there are just as many that are really good reads with a pairing I like as there are without. Again, Insomnia is basically telling the entire game as a story, therefore no pairings aside from what was in the game in the first place, but it builds on the relationship of Link and Tatl which in game was pretty much just another Navi, just with a bell instead of yelling at you. But in this story, they talk and fight, just like you'd expect them to do based on their situation, which is that Tatl was separated from Skull Kid and Tael and stuck with Link who was transformed into a deku scrub by Skull Kid with Majora's Mask, if you didn't already know that.

So, yes I like fan fiction. Just some more than others, and I haven't read any of the more famous ones except for Doom: Repercussions of Evil and Half-Life: Full Life Consequences.


New member
May 6, 2009
Necrofudge said:
I usually avoid fan-fiction because of the high (100%) rate of disappointment. I admit some of it is just terrible enough to get a laugh out of, but it's usually not worth my time.

Plus, its FAN fiction. Probably some random asshole with a high school education and some writing classes creating an alternative ending to Harry Potter where he's the hero and everyone is a furry...
But that was just the worst case scenario...
I'll admit the majority are terrible wish fulfillment, but I've read some that have been really great.

I'm not sure it's worth the effort to find the 1% diamond in the 99% crap pile though.


Another Regular. ^_^
May 22, 2008
Generally, it's probably not good. Luckily, though, I have a friend who is a big fan of fanfiction... She wades through the generally badly-written stuff and finds the gold (usually from the same ~5 Authors in each fandom), which is actually incredibly well-written, and often heart-breaking and/or (more often than not) rather funny.

So... Since I've been lucky enough to not search for it myself, but instead have a friend send me the great stuff, my opinion of Fanfic is a rather good one. :)


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
I remember enjoying Parabellum which was a Half Life 2 fan fiction about the guy near the start in a train carriage with a vortigaunt. Though I'd probably enjoy it less now I'm older.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
most of it is crap. just plain crap.

The only fanfic i really find good is the stuff from snafu comics.

However, i am not grouping parody and fanfic in the same category. FUll life consequences, abridged anime series, and a few pieces of purposefully bad fanfic hold special places in my chest muscle


New member
Dec 15, 2009
I..avoid it like the plague. Especially those from fans of idols. I find fanfictions about your idol rather insulting. >.>

Still, there are some good ones. But that's the occasional flower in a torrent of crap.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
While I do read fanfiction on a regular basis, I will always be one of the first to admit that most of it is crap. However, there are some very good fanfiction, on par with some modern pieces of (good) literature.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I like them as long as they stay loyal to the characters. I'm a stickler for story and character development, so as long as characters aren't totally different, I'm cool with it. Like I read a '3rd Rock from the Sun' fanfiction (yes, i know, but i love the show) and it painted Dick, Sally and Harry as caring, understanding family members...I couldn't read on. It was so bad.

Also Slash fanfiction is pretty good, depending on which characters are involved. but that's just my own personal taste shining through...


New member
Apr 2, 2010
90% of all fanfiction is crap (read the story "My Immortal". If you read that, you've seen enough.) But the 10% which doesn't suck and don't involve shipping lemons are great reads.
Heck, I'm writing one right now, but I'm treating it as if I'm writing a novel: professionally.

Shaun Hastings

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I stopped reading fanfic as I started getting older. Suddenly, the good fics didn't seem that good anymore.

But... I write the damn things. Had it not been for fanfiction, my vocabulary probably wouldn't have increased, I wouldn't have started to shape my writing considering I want to be an author when I grow, and it gives me something to look back on and say, 'wow! i thought that was good?!'. I guess the bad fanfictions are the ones that the author creates an original character and shoves them into the fandom, instantly creating a love interest without any plot relevance, motivation, ect.

Ugh, out of my three years of fanfiction'ing, I've never done such a thing. Thank God.


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
IBlackKiteI said:
AgDr_ODST said:
Could you lemme know what sorta games are you into? cause among the game fics I've been reading its Halo, Mass Effect, Bioshock Team Fortress 2 and an amazing Red Dead Redemption story
Been looking mainly at Mass Effect, Halo, Warhammer 40k, Borderlands, Half Life and Dead Space.
I'm pretty much open to any fic, as long as its good, though I have a hard time getting my head around fantasy most of the time.

Of those theres sometimes a gem, but they're damn hard to find, and often I've been pretty disappointed when I start reading a story that seems good but soon descends into madness, as I said before like when someone begins to type out their own fantasies where crap that just has no place at all within the confines of the game appears and shit like bad romances happen for no damn reason.
Well I've done some searching and I dug up some of my favorites from the games you like as well as afew excellent ones from games that you didn't list:
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6259537/1/Men_of_War_Ultimate
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5846640/1/The_New_Life_of_John
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6023426/1/The_Parallel_Two_Corpses
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5957444/1/Cortanas_New_Life
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3826519/1/Unto_Dawn
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5910092/1/Into_the_Darkness
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5879587/1/Reclamation
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5729123/1/Fighting_for_Those_Long_Awaited_Days
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5785804/1/Forbidden_Fruit
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5705653/1/Finding_a_Way
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5823912/1/Unexpected
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5832412/1/Mass_Effect_2_Slim_Chance_of_Success
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5756464/1/An_Unfortunate_Mix_Up
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4059710/1/You_Dont_Hear_the_Bullet
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5540924/1/Mass_Effect_Degradation_The_Values_of_Organic_Life
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5730447/1/Convalescence
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5833881/1/Mass_Vexations
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5951969/9/Mass_Effect_Integrity

* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5921281/1/Half_Life_2_The_Last_Stand
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6290519/1/Propriety_Gone_Scandalous
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6374572/1/For_What_Its_Worth
* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5889623/1/The_Legend_of_the_Wandering_Pair_from_Vault_101


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I write a few fanfictions, but I never take away from the atmosphere of the source material. The only thing you should ever fabricate in a fanfic is the story - maybe create some new characters if you need to, and some new places if it's appropriate, but it has to feel like the game, book or film it's a tribute to (or an expansion upon).

I write fanfiction because it allows me to connect with the game (I only do game ones) better, and gain a deeper understanding of it.


Sep 22, 2009
Used to be into it - like really, really into it - but now I'm just kind of over it. I think I've outgrown it, or maybe I'm just too busy to think about things like fandom at this time in my life. It's too draining.

Even though there is some good stuff out there, it's just way too time consuming to write and read, and hence I can't get any enjoyment out of it at the moment. I even went and deleted my livejournal, my website and most of my old stuff because I didn't want to have it out there anymore, and I didn't want to have to think about it.

Anyway, enough about me. Back on topic; some fandoms/segments of fandom are worse than others. Some have absolutely no good writers (or so few that they're swallowed up by first time writers) and others seem to have nothing but talent. Most fanfiction will always be shit, but it's not hard to know just by looking at the summary (or even just the title) whether it's passable or bad. Here's a tip: anyone who says, "I suck at summaries! Just read, lol!" is an instant fail.