What do you think of the word "******"? [LOTS OF CURSE WORDS AHOY]

May 28, 2009
Existed on the internet long enough to stop becoming insulted on behalf of a group it's generally not being used to insult. Now if it was actually being directed as an attempt to maliciously insult gay people...


New member
Apr 5, 2010
I use it quite often with friends to mean 'dick', 'asshole', 'dumbass'. I don't tend to use it around my homosexual friends though as I had a nasty experience already where one got mega offended.


New member
May 29, 2010
Use the word for smoking that's about it, does anyone really use it with sexual connotations any more, at least in the uk? Thought it had turned into another 'gay', a general insult.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
I think it has the homosexual slur in there, but if I use it it's just used as an insult, nothing specifically against gays.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
Depends on the context, it has more than one meaning. I'm not offended by it at all, like you said it's a casual insult on 4chan and IRL I'm not a ****** so if you call me one I'll just laugh because you're wrong. Though I rarely use the term ******, I prefer ur a faget.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
I have a rather odd relationship with slurs and insults, to me they only exist if you let them exist you can call me anything you like i will not feel insulted as I simply do not care about your opinion of me.

That in context mean all words are slurs as much as it means they all are not. I remember once a black kid was massively offended because I called him black, he told me the correct term is African American. I then did what i though was make a fairly insulting comment by saying "what if you lived in France? and what if your parents and grandparents had all been born in France? and you thus has no relation to Africa in at least 3 generations and no relation to America at all?" and to this insult he responded "i never thought of it like that" and forgave both my unintended insult and my intended insult that just turned out to be education of a simple fact.

So yeah to me nothing is a slur, their are no offensive words. To others I just don't know

Jeremy Meadows

New member
Mar 10, 2011
I hardly ever use the word. And when I do it's normally used for people that are not homosexually, just the ones that pisses me off.
Sep 14, 2009
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
You choob"
what is a choob? I have never heard/seen that before..

OT: First time I heard that word? Probably when I was 6-7ish, just knew it was something interchangeably used with "dumbass"

I didn't learn it had any relevance to being gay until I was in 8th grade Human Growth class, which I was quite surprised by.

heck I have 6 buddies who are gay, and every single one of em use it in the "****** = douchebag" context, so it's just become second nature to use it that way.

so it mostly goes down to context for me, I don't use it in front of people I don't remotely know, but it comes out on occasion when playing video games with the buds or when trash talking at parties.

the only person I have ever seen actually offended by it, was this Politically Correct anal chick in my senior english class, which she wasn't gay, so it made it even a bit more "wtf" when she screamed at a kid for calling his paper a ****** for giving him a paper cut. Was a bit funny to be honest.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
I don't really see much in the way of redeeming features with it. It's still a touchy word due to homophobic connotations, it has echoes of the 10 year-old kid who shouts insults because he's 'edgy,' it's uninventive, and I just don't find it fun to say. And it means I have to patiently explain 'I mean cigarettes" every time I use the term 'fag.'

MMSouthpawVIII said:
Honestly, just this

Captcha: learn the ropes
*****, I'm the lurker extraordinaire
That song was the first thing that popped into my head upon seeing this here thread.
Sep 14, 2009
DANEgerous said:
I have a rather odd relationship with slurs and insults, to me they only exist if you let them exist you can call me anything you like i will not feel insulted as I simply do not care about your opinion of me.

That in context mean all words are slurs as much as it means they all are not. I remember once a black kid was massively offended because I called him black, he told me the correct term is African American. I then did what i though was make a fairly insulting comment by saying "what if you lived in France? and what if your parents and grandparents had all been born in France? and you thus has no relation to Africa in at least 3 generations and no relation to America at all?" and to this insult he responded "i never thought of it like that" and forgave both my unintended insult and my intended insult that just turned out to be education of a simple fact.

So yeah to me nothing is a slur, their are no offensive words. To others I just don't know
I've actually nearly done the same thing with a few people (not as good reactions)

I said something along the lines of "hey that black guy over there, his name is John, he'll be on your team" and this guy did the same thing of "why did you call him black? That's rude, he's African American."

and I said "You called me the white guy earlier did you not? By that logic, I'll get into a rage for you not calling me Polish-German-Russian guy" and he was dumbfounded, and said "well, that's still not right" and I simply rolled my eyes and went about playing the game.

Seriously getting over racial bullshit like that needs to happen, it's perfectly fine to use it as a quick description of someone. When describing someone, do you not describe the color of their hair? eyes? why would you not do the same for skin?

General Twinkletoes

Suppository of Wisdom
Jan 24, 2011
I don't use it. When I call people out on, people go "I don't mean it that way, I just mean bad or stupid!"

Question time.
If I started calling things I didn't like black, or any other racial slur regardless of their colour, people would cry "RACIST!". If I replied, "No, I just mean bad!", would you guys take that as an excuse?


New member
Nov 19, 2011
It's so overused I don't think it matters. It's like saying fuck. It used to be really bad and insulting but it's not that bad anymore.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
BlackStar42 said:
People who use it as an insult need to get a better imagination.
Because every other insult is so imaginative.... :/

OT: It's just another insult. Most people don't mean it as the specific insult that it has unfortunate connotations with.
Well, some are. You just need a little more *Spongebob voice*...imagination.



New member
Sep 15, 2010
From my personal experience I can say that the young of today mostly use it as a general insult, they learn it, usually, from people around them who use it as either a general insult or a slur. Personally I don't like using it because it feels too one-sided, you've nowhere to go after saying it and it is extended mostly to a small amount of the populous.

This also reminds me of the advertising campaign in which a group of kids would be chatting and one of them would say 'that is so gay' or something like that, then a celebrity pops up and tells them that they shouldn't be using it in that context because it's generally seen as an ignorant way of saying something is stupid.

I would use words that could be used anywhere. Words like 'dumbass' or 'fool' are the simplest I can conjure with still places to go if need be, I can even get creative in calling someone a 'walking bowel obstruction' or that they are afflicted by 'cranial rectitus'. However I am rarely in an arguement where I have to resort to name-calling or swearing instead of blatantly pointing out flaws in their arguement.

If you want to get philosophical about it, words in the grand scheme of things, mean absolutely nothing until you give them value, yourself.

endnote: I do feel like facepalming when I hear school children shouting things like that, havn't actually figured out why yet.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Terrible choice of insult, because it reveals a homophobia I don't care to flaunt. Terrible choice to describe the gays, because they don't like it. And no, you don't get any cleverness points from me for using it to describe your firewood, you sophistric doodyhead.


New member
Sep 18, 2008

Having been a teen in the 90s, this is pretty much what the word meant to us.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Yes I do think some bikers have issues with overcompensation, which is why they drive loud obnoxious-sounding bikes. What of it?