What do you want to see in assassins creed 3, or what changes would you like to be made.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
I shall state this before i even start writing. I have been absent form the forums for a bit, and my skills at searching at fantastic, there are probably a million of these threads. But i decided to start my own to see whats cooking in my fellow escaptists minds.

Alright thats out of the way.

1. Right off the bat, i am really really hoping they drop that crypt crawling crap. I mean it was fun in prince of persia yes, but i do not like it in a game about assassins. It matchs the free running aspects which have always existed but it simply doesn't make for a fun flowing piece of game to me.

2. Please, please please please please. Let their be some actual assassinations. In revelations i can't really even think of a true assassination. I mean there were some points where you dropped down on guys and they didn't see you and that started a cutscene, namely in the base of the Janissary and the hidden city with the Turk (shakkulu?). But really, those aren't assassinations. I would really love to see some intense blending in, not being seen at all. Creeping up, then planning to make everything work in a way (if you play it that way) that no one knew you even did it, so you can walk away with your target dead and not need to kill the entire cities reserve of guards in the process. This desire may contradict my next one.

3. Actually epic battles. If we must have "boss" battles. Lets make it more then counter more then once. I love the fighting system in assassins creed, and implemented properly, at moments of dire need or distraction, intrigue or betrayal. Then it works amazingly with the established speed dexterity and general skill already worked into the identity of a assassin. But countering a charecter 5-6 times because he can block more then a normal enemy isn't challenging, it's monotonousness. I have no fear in any kind of fight at all in assassins creed because i am damn near immortal with countering. That makes me feel awesome when i play and drop entire squads. But as enemy's would would be set up to be generals, masters at arms, amazing warriors and then i manage to drop them in a few seconds of holding r1 and pressing circle. Thats just silly, it doesn't make me feel like a total badass because i didn't overcome anything to feel that way. it's just bleh.

4. Stop with cutscenes for every little action. This is short and simple, nothing breaks the mood open faster then pressing a switch or opening a crate (and having to hold a button for a few seconds to do it for some reason, as those little foot lockers extend to olympus) then a cutscene right in the middle of it. It breaks flow, screws with my gaming momentum and is simply silly.

5. This is just me, but since i would like to play a stealthy, smart, rouge like assassin. I'd just kill for a poison making system. Things you can find, or steal out and about. Put them on your weapons, or sneak into sewers throw them about. Maybe it's dumb, but bombs as in revelations were just silly. You wouldn't see 47 throwing a grenade around. But a well placed bit of poison in the lords feast knocking them all out to kill, steal, kidnap. Would be awesome and add some depth for me personally.

6. Weapon customization. Now before you say it, i don't want this to become an rpg. No way. I would simply love to have a sword or dagger in which i can choose certain parts to make it work best for me. I'm not blocking much but i find i need to be quicker to get around big guards, or to run faster. Oh alright let's shrink the hilt size, shrink the width and give it a bit more edge, or give it an angle to get around defenses. Maybe a tomahawk that has a backing to it so that i can disarm someone during a block instead of simply block. That kinda thing, small details which add interesting perks to combat.

7. Assassination sidequests. I would simply kill for a simple hitlist, from a local warlord, or down on his luck fighter, or a politian to give me a list of people he wants dead, get to go kill them in interesting and unique ways then return for a cash bonus. I realize the assassins have always been less assassins in the common term and more a guild resembling the illumati except with more hidden blades and hoods, and less secret political agendas. But a return to the roots of the idea of assassins for the sake of it would be fun for me.

So in summary.

1.Stop with the crypts.
2. Actual assassinations.
3. Make "epic" battles actually epic instead of counter fests.
4. Cutscenes for every action suck.
5. poison making.
6. Weapon customization options.
7. Assassination sidequests.

So thats what i'd like to see in the new game off the top of my head. what about you guys?