what do you want to see in elder scrolls V


New member
Jan 25, 2009
i always thought it was cool in games when u could change the inchantment on weapons based on who you were fighting. Structure for a battle mage type set up would be really cool


New member
Apr 9, 2009
elitecrewer said:
For it not to be made by Bethesda? That or it just being a good remake of Daggerfall, or something.
I would love it if they remade Daggerfall in the Gamebryo engine. The system requirements would be inhuman, but it would be fantastic provided they made it, you know, playable.

What I'd like in TES V would be a taught political thriller based around the power vacuum left by Martin's death. Various different factions are trying to get control of the Empire, the player can choose which one to side with, and the faction you choose will have a significant impact on how the story turns out. The factional struggle will eventually turn into an epic war, where, at the end, the protagonist is proclaimed Emperor.

Of course, that's never going to happen, but a man can dream.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
I'd really like some sort of co-op multiplayer or at least some intelligent companions. I'd have loved to play a cleric style class in Oblivion but there just didn't seem to be much point without someone to actually buff or heal.

Oh, and more unique magical weapons and items. Not really a fan of the randomly generated loot.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I would be nice if they didn't ignore me for owning a ps3 but that's too much to ask for.

So I guess I would like to see a targeting system (firing arrows & spells in Oblivion was a pain if you wanted to hit a moving target) similar to VATS. They don't have to use my idea: FATS fairy assisted targeting system but anything would help.

I would also like them to stop trying to make the people look realistic; they only ever get them just realistic enough that they look like a DisneyWorld automatron.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
what about a more complex aiming sytem for example when i kill as a stealth guy i want a insta kill for a headshot unless he has some sort of armor so yeah inplmenet a location damge thing but without VATS


New member
Apr 21, 2009
1. A plot. A plot could be really cool.

2. Werewolves. I missed them so much, the fluffy, howling wolfie guys. Good times.

3. Make both vampirism and lycanthropy actual CURSES. Or diseases, I don't mind of you want to get scientific with me. Guys go around and let vampires infect them on freaking peurpose. Because vampirism is a blessing.
Vampires WILL get some advantages. Maybe some attribute bonuses or whatever(SMALL ONES). They would ALSO get weaknesses. Make them BURN in the sun. Make it so that they die or freak out if they can't get their blood.Make them incapble of communicating with normal people. Make hunters chase them. The more time a player spends as a vamp, the more powers he get's, but the worse the penalties become. Several "sub races" or clans of vampures will exist, each with different powers.
Werewolves WILL get some advantages. Maybe some attribute bonuses or whatever(SMALL ONES). They would ALSO get weaknesses. When the moon is full they transform and they have to kill people or they will be severly weakned the day after. Make them suffer terrible damage from silver. Make them incapble of communicating with normal people. Make animals afraid of them. Make hunters chase them. The more time a player spends as a were, the more powers he get's, but the worse the penalties become. Several "sub races" or clans of werewolves will exist, each with different powers.

4. A much, much, much bigger world. A HUGE world, with HUGE cities.

5. Mounted combat.

6. Noble titles, being able to gain or lose land, build on eat, train armies.

7. Buying a ship and hiring a crew so that you can explore far shores. Ship to ship combat.


Yes, I know I am asking for too much and that it is all impossibly ridiculus. But... Well, that's what I wish for in my next ES game.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
let there be kids and teens that would make it more realistic instead of having an entire province of twentysomthing adults


New member
Apr 27, 2008
- Animations that DON'T suck (just tried Oblivion again today...dang)

- A less irritating starting area (again, with Oblivion, I restarted the game recently, and to be honest I don't want to have to go through that 20 minute sewer again. I liked Morrowind; fast, a couple conversations to establish your character and then you're out of there.

- More voice actors.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Non shit spells, spell variety, better looking characters, more customisation options, more quests, more weapons types/abilities, no fucking level scaling, better dungeons, a physics engine thta can actually make cobat decent rather than a gimmick, better animations, more items, more than five voice actors.

Oh and keep the toolset simple like oblvions the horrid GECK thing give me nightmares.


is the king of kong
Jun 21, 2009
a variety within the maps, which bring different types of things, not like an entire singular woodland that oblivion was, because walking around felt like being within 10 square foot. so a greater variety of environments and culture would be good, for instance samurais in one section, barbarians within another whereas more civilised roman culture can be to the east each with different statistics not just general people with general armour

console MUMORPUGER ????? have friends join ur world, have loads of people on a single server world?

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
I know it won't happen, but I want the Kadjit home land for a game, Skooma dens, Kadjits as the eye can see. Oh yes and better horses, more Dark Brotherhood quests, less shitty main quest that I'll actually want to finish.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
More Dark Brotherhood, hell, make that the focus of the game. Plot line be damned! Also ye olde fat-man.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I'd like for the game to be finally entertaining. That'd make me pretty happy. I tried both Morrowind and Oblivion and regretted buying both... however, more specifically:

Give me a sense that I'm actually doing something in the game universe, and make me want to run about this place. The same old, dark ruins and happy fantasy forests get old really quickly (I think Morrowind was a bit more varied, but I couldn't stick around long enough to figure out), so giving me a sense that actually makes me want to explore the world would me amazing.

I'd also like combat to feel a bit more visceral, like I'm actually fighting and not just swinging a weapon around randomly (Morrowind made fighting boring as all hell, and Oblivion didn't do much better). I liked Oblivion's ability to create different spells, but they never seemed impressive or that they were doing much of anything...

I dunno. I think I'll be a violent little whore and stick with Fallout 3, really xD

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and what other people said - different body types! Everyone being the same exact height and size gets old REALLY quickly.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
decapitations like in fallout, load times that take less than 500 years, maybe dual wielding, and multiplayer. Preferably give the whole world to 2 players (waiting and sleeping would have to be confirmed by both) but if that isn't possible, i would settle for online trading and arena matches.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
1: A new engine. The engine they're using is nearing a decade old. It's buggy, it's optimizations are horrid, and isn't impressive graphically. I've dotted with mods for a bit in it, and they're also a pain to make. It's scripting is incredibly limited.
A new engine (even if they made it) would save them so many hours and allow so much more to be done.

2: No multiplayer. Chances are they're going to swing onto the mmo bandwagon sooner or later.

3: less dumbing down. Fallout3 is ridiculously easy, even with difficulty mods. With oblivion though (mods of course) I had a very difficult time surviving a dungeon.

4: More creativity. Elves, magic, demons, ect. It's like they opened to a random page in lord of the rings and said "Yeah, let's add that!"

5: A better storyline. Dear god, world's in danger. Up to a random thug to save the day! I've never bothered with a bethesda storyline. I haven't started fallout3's, and I haven't gone through the portal in oblivion.

6: Better quests. "Get me this item!" "This cave if full of X" was nearly every quest in oblivion. Ugh.

7: A more open world. Creating a dynamic world isn't terribly difficult, in fact it's probably easier than making a closed world that feels open.

8: Better artists. The amount of models (and their quality) was disgusting in fallout3 and oblivion for such a big game.

However, so long as Todd is in charge things will only get worse. "Just look how much fallout3 sold for! I'm such a great person! More money for me!". Bethesda has little competition in the console market for extremely open rpgs, sadly.