What does your movie collection say about you?


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Look at all of the movies you own AND enjoy actually owning. These movies are your collection. They are the movies that have inspired or entertained you enough to buy them or steal them. Just having them feels right.

Arrange this collection of movies from your favorite to your least favorite. Think about the content of each movie. What do they have in common? What sets them apart? What did you like about each on the most? Now think about how all of these factors relate.

So tell us: what does your movie collection say about you?

For example: my collection starts with Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, Stranger than Fiction, Fun with Dick and Jane, Fido, Clue, Throw Momma from the Train, Be Kind Rewind, Pan's Labyrinth and the Hangover.

What do you think this says about me?


New member
Oct 28, 2010
Vern5 said:
Look at all of the movies you own AND enjoy actually owning. These movies are your collection. They are the movies that have inspired or entertained you enough to buy them or steal them. Just having them feels right.

Arrange this collection of movies from your favorite to your least favorite. Think about the content of each movie. What do they have in common? What sets them apart? What did you like about each on the most? Now think about how all of these factors relate.

So tell us: what does your movie collection say about you?

For example: my collection starts with Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, Stranger than Fiction, Fun with Dick and Jane, Fido, Clue, Throw Momma from the Train, Be Kind Rewind, Pan's Labyrinth and the Hangover.

What do you think this says about me?
You view movies primarily as entertainment and not as art.
You are more carefree than somber and serious.

What my collection says about me: That I must be a guy. And I must not like romantic movies and comedies much. I bet an astute observer could guess my age pretty closely and other things about my personality.

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Porn Addict..? :p

nah I joke.. um lets see:

All the Bond Films
Both Star Wars trilogies, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy..
The Tin-tin animated collection..
The Mummy and The Mummy Returns
Hot Fuzz, Run Fat Boy Run, Shawn of the Dead, I'll get Paul when it comes out on DVD
Reign of Fire
V for Vendetta
Batman Begins and The Dark Knight
The Day the Earth Stood Still

Overall, your basic geek and Simon Pegg fanboy.. Also a Christian Bale and Keanu Reeves fanboy..

EDIT: oh, not to forget Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.. "Cheeeeeese.."


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
It says I own 6 BluRay movies per month I've owned a BluRay player.

Which means I spend to good damn much on movies.


New member
May 13, 2010
It says that I don't buy many movies. Mostly Xmas gifts from the grandparents from my youth. The only one I really bought on my own was Advent Children. Do with that what you will


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Snob... (lots of arthousy stuff)

Failing that, war-buff (lots of war films... the ones with battles in, wouldn't believe the number of dramas labelled as 'war films', also, historical accuracy... could launch into a rant, but won't)

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
That I was a pretentious teenager who ran out of money, I have a load I bought in the space of a couple of years and then my collection just stops. Lots of arthouse and French films, particularly Jean Pierre-Juenet. Then there's box-sets of BBC shows, like Black Books and The Mighty Boosh, and a couple of Doctor Who box-sets. One Star Trek film too, it looks a little out of place actually.

That you mostly like quirky comedies, I suppose.


New member
May 1, 2009
I never really liked "Be kind rewind".
I felt it was overly sugarcoated and forced.

On topic, my collection includes: Pan's Labyrinth, all Alien movies (on blu-ray and in a limited collector's edition ^^), Cube, The Box, Se7ven, The Fly, One flew oven the Cuckoo's nest, A Clockwork Orange, 8 1/2, Citizen Kane, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, North by Northwest, 2001: A space Oddyssey, Koyaanisqatsi, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Godfather trilogy, Perfume, Metropolis, Spirited Away, Princess Monoke, Castle in the Sky, Howl's moving castle, Kiki's Delivery Service,...
I feel like I could go on forever.

Duck Sandwich

New member
Dec 13, 2007
Mine also says that I'm a cheap bastard - a cheap bastard who likes over the top action with a hint of humour and thought-provoking dialogue. It also says I'm religious, but that's no longer true.
The Dark Knight
Blade Runner
The Passion of the Christ
UFC 2 Pack - 47 & 48 (not really a movie, but seeing how small my collection is, might as well throw it in)

Jasper Jeffs

New member
Nov 22, 2009
My movie collection is more or less non existent. I have like 10 DVDs, and they are pretty bad 'cos they are mainly stocking fillers I get for Christmas. I have, the Bourne trilogy, every Family Guy film and season up to season seven, Hot Fuzz, Black Hawk Down, Superbad and a few others. If someone saw them without knowing me they'd assume I have a shit taste in film. It's the opposite however, I love them and I'm currently studying Film Studies at Uni, I just watch films through other means.


Yay! Custom title!
Jul 9, 2010
I guess it say that I really like WW2 documentaries.. Take those out and you find a pretty average horror/splatter/action/triller pack with a few good parody movies like Airplane and Hot Shots.. Then a few comedies.. And to sum it up.. I laugh at all those genres : ) (not the WW2 documentaries though.. That would just be sick..)

Your collection contain a lot of the same movies as my extended collection do, and I guess your collection would point towards an easy going guy who likes a good laugh either alone or with friends.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Lord of War
LOTR Trilogy
Star Wars 1 - 6
Operation Valkyrie
District 9
Inglorious Bastards
X-men 1-3
Sophie Scholl
Bad Lieutenant

So... I'm a bit poor and like intelligent/pretentious war/action movies?

(If TV series box sets count, Rome, True Blood, When they Cry, Spice & Wolf, Baccano!, Monster, and Dexter as well)
Feb 18, 2009
It said, that I really like movies from Studio Ghibli, Sergio Leone and The Marx Brothers.

Also, that I´m poor and should go out more often. Hmph, the hell does he know?


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I have:
-The box-set of the first three Star Wars movies(I hate the series and I'm giving it away soon)
-A Mystery Science Theater 3000 box-set.
-A box-set of a TV special called The Future is Wild(haven't watched since I was 12).
-The Longest Day(more like "The Longest Movie")
-Eagle Eye.
-Fight Club.
-Dark Knight.
-A Mythbusters season 5 box-set.
-Eddie Izzard's Glorious.
-Iron Maiden Flight 666
-A random Snowboarding DVD that was $30 even though it was only 10 minutes long.

What does my movie collection say about me? It says that I like box-sets, I barely watch/hate half of my collection, and that I don't care about cinema.

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
That I don't watch a lot of films.

Currently it consists solely of The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. Okay, I did have others but I disowned them for lack of viewing.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
A coupple of things:
-Arnold is da man.
-I like Pirates.
Anyway it would be nice to have a big film collection but I'll start expanding mine when I move out of my parents.