What game do you hate most?

Jan 18, 2012
I don't think a game has ever pissed me off more than Final Fantasy 13. To this day I am convinced that the developers blew their entire budget on the graphics and marketing so every other aspect got $20 to split between them. The plot is paper thin and told almost backwards. The environments look fine in a few areas, but all the people have very plasticy skin textures and look very doll like. The combat is lazy and runs on auto pilot. The level design is virtually non-existent and the characters are so annoying that I want to murder them all with a rusty chainsaw!! (Except Sazh, his death will be quick and painless)


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
I hate League of Legends because it occupies many of my friends, but I dislike the game and its community too much to bother trying to get into it. I had hopes of some of them switch to Paragon, a SMITE-like MOBA I could stomach, but they lost interest after a couple of days and went back to LoL.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive can burn for eternity with its community.

I also despise Killer Instinct both because it's constantly played by a person I hate, and because I dislike fighting games in general.

Competitive games have been really hit-or-miss with me. Mainly miss.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
How has Spore not been mentioned

The most potential, years of hype - videos showing features and promise beyond anything ever before


3 poor minigames, then a lackluster grind of dull boredom....

Last game I pre-ordered. It killed any excitement I've had for gaming news, any time hot new product gets announce or hyped I sit their going meh....sure I've been burn less (still fell for The Mandate - but there's still hope) but the industry lost some magic that day


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Black Mesa. The original Half Life is dated and they had a chance to modernise it, and while they made a few steps in the right direction, it was undermined by an increase in fake difficulty and absolutely awful jumping controls that only further exacerbate the horrible first person platforming of the original.

Bear in mind, I haven't played the retail version, so they might have fixed these issues since the initial release. But I still hate the fact that when I brought up the issue with the jumping on these here forums, all I got was the shitty 90s nostalgia equivalent of "git gud scrub". I would counter that the point of Black Mesa should be to bring the original in line with the vastly superior Half Life 2, and Half Life 2 had none of that crouch-jumping bullshit.

Danbo Jambo

New member
Sep 26, 2014
Samtemdo8 said:
Danbo Jambo said:
I guess I don't hate it as much as I feel saddened by it.
Especially because the first game had such a STRONG start.

I miss Ferelden so much right now. Fuck the rest of Thedas.
Haha, yup! Such a damn shame. The Dragon Age series had SO much potential, yet those sequels were painful to play.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
FalloutJack said:
I have recently renewed my FF8 Rant for use in threads like this, so I'm good for it.
Currently watching an 11 hour "speed run" of FF8 (yes, you read that correctly,) and as much as I personally love the game, I must concede, this game is boring and slow as shit when speed is the primary concern. I swear I had no idea there was this much dialogue; almost 2 hours in, he just got to the train heist bit, and there's been maybe 15 minutes of gameplay? I don't agree, but most certainly can see how someone could hate it...


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I hate Final Fantasy 7, 10, and 13. I actually liked 10-2 at the time but haven't played in a long time. I like every other in the series but those 3 and 13's offspring just ruined the series for me. I mean I went from loving 1, 4 and 6 (not getting to play 2/3/5 till later) then 7 comes along and convinces me to get a Playstation along with my N64. I hated the game but liked other PS games to when FF8 came along and I played it I was happy to see I liked it and the series again.

Then 9 came along and I liked it too, except for the jump rope game. The card game was not good compared to FF8's awesome one mostly because they didn't really tell you how to actually play it and made it a plot requirement to progress. The final boss coming literally out of nowhere was also pretty dumb but not unprecedented. But the characters and plot were pretty cool, as with 8, so it was hardly damning.

PS2 came and FF10 looked amazing. It was amazing, visually. Musically it sucked. Nothing on the level of One Winged Angel, Dancing Mad, or Eyes on Me. I had to look on Youtube to find the OST so I could refresh my memory and apparently it has over 5 discs worth of tracks none of them do it for me. I remember Otherworld being at least different as a kid but its not that great a track.

The characters were a mixed bag. I liked Lulu, Rikku, and Auron. I only used them, and honestly I could only stand them and Yuna and I used her when I had to. I would do the same thing in FF12 with Ashe, Fran and Balthier because seriously why are Vaan Penelo even in the game? They literally bring nothing useful to the plot and have zero personality. At least Tidus was kinda central to the plot of 10. V&P also didn't do anything to take away from my enjoyment of 12, which can't be said about Tidus. I'd use Basch too if the party size were bigger but he's 4th on the list.

FF13 was just an utter disappointment. I haven't even bothered to finish it in all the years I've had it because my original PS3 died at (while I was playing something else) the second Bartolomus fight and I was not starting again from the beginning. The sad thing is I actually really liked the characters, except for Hope and Snow but I didn't hate them either. The music was okay, the plot apart from the whole L'ciel, Fal'ciel etc. being awkward and confusing made up words to keep throwing about when they sound so similar instead of just calling them Espers and thralls or something.

I didn't even necessarily mind how linear it was, because its an RPG its not a sandbox game and once you left Cocoon it opened up a bit. But you can be linear and not be barren. You can have a fast paced battle system, and not resort to just letting the player watch as the game plays itself. Oh it makes you think you have some level of input in the battles, but its more like a glorified series of QTEs. You had better have THIS paradigm set up and switch to it at THIS time and the shift to THAT one immediately or you are screwed. No grinding to get more leeway, because we decided to lock your levels HERE until you reach the next arbitrary plot point.

I just got sick of it. I just wanted to have my fighters fight, my healers heal, and my mages mage. The gambits in 12 were more of a helping hand, and allowed you to set up intricate series of conditions for various actions that you wanted to plan ahead for. The paradigm system in 13 is just glorified DDR.

FF15's combat looks better. You actually seem to be controlling a character again. If it works like Tales of Symphonia then cool. I kinda lost my hype for it over the...10 year? development hell its been in, but it really tanked when I learned it was gonna be a total sausage party.

One of the main reasons I loved the series since I was 7 was the inclusion of awesome female characters. White mage's sex is debatable, but Rydia, Rosa, Faris, Terra, Celes, Quistis, Lulu, Freya, Garnet, Agrias, Rikku, Yuna, Paine, Edea etc. are all just as important as the male characters. I'm not saying I'm against a male cast either. Some of my favorite parts of FF8 were the ones with Laguna and the boys, which must have been weird for the girls to be linked with across time or whatever.

The little adventure the dead side characters have in FF2 is also all dudes I think, and its still fun. But those are parts of a whole. An entire game, where the lack of a female party member isn't just coincidental but outright stated by the devs to be intended as they would ruin the bro dynamic with their vaginal voodoo (paraphrasing) makes it sound like its not really gonna be something I'm looking forward to spending 80 hours or more in.

I mean I'd not even care one way or the other if not for the aforementioned opinions of 13. Its basically prove to me that SquareEnix can still make a good FF game and then I'll buy a ticket to ShonenRPG 15.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
World of Warcraft. I feel betrayed by that game. While it has gotten better in lots of different ways people are enjoying, and I do see a lot of fun to be had if I were to play it again, it's like going back to an ex-lover that's betrayed you. You could, but you would be disappointing yourself, and you could simply find somebody else who's better.

I find it's sacrificed its open-world and innovative potential in favor of "gear treadmill" gameplay. Getting gear in itself is fine, you've got to pass out rewards somehow, but when getting the next reward IS the gameplay loop, it suffers. What's worse is that it's become more casual than ever since I quit in Burning Crusade.

In the Burning Crusade expansion PvP was actively ignored in favor of boring arenas and the main focus on raid content. They actually downplayed alternate playstyles and community interaction and ruined old content and concepts. The largest example of this was removing most of the NPCs from the Alterac Valley battleground. What was once the most epic source of PvP in the entire game due to its intricate map design and innovative mechanics like using side-goals to allow players to create elite NPC troops to help in combat, or even controlling elite units directly was reduced to a race to kill the end-boss because there were no more guards, objectives were made irrelevant, and people were actively discouraged from engaging the enemy in actual combat because that would slow down the PvE race to the enemy's general and the end-result reward acquisition. I've talked to many people about what's happened to Alterac Valley and all I get from them is "but it's a great way to get PvP gear" which I find to be sad.

Most of the old developers have quit, many feel it's due to Blizzard betraying the old visions for it.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
pretty much everything nintendo have ever made. zombi got dull very fast and thats the closest ive come to liking one of their games