What Game Do You Think Has The Most Heart?


New member
Oct 5, 2014
Dunno about THE most, but Ico is definitely high on the list for me. I came to it a decade or so late, when the PS3 remasters of the Team Ico games were released, but it still blew me away with the care that obviously went into crafting the lovely, melancholy setting and the connection between Ico and Yorda that reaches across the linguistic barrier (those mysterious hieroglyphs). Also, watermelon.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
Whatislove said:
Tales of HEARTs R, Kingdom HEARTS, anything developed by Compile HEART.

Joking aside, Final Fantasy 9 will always be the most endearing to me, there is so much heart in that game.

Vivi's entire character progression, the sidequest stuff with Eiko and Quinna, Garnet, Beatrix... the whole game. It's just brilliant.
Speakingof compile heart, i think the hyperdimension neptunia games have a lot of heart poored into them. That and fan service and videogame/anime references.

Also valiant hearts. Why can't a AAA game have heart like that?

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
The Darkness. The ammount of hearts I had to consume was mindblowing.

Well OK, serious answer is... I dunno actually, but it's somewhere between Final Fantasy X, Persona 4, Valiant Hearts and Journey.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Mortal Kombat Trilogy: I remember a Cyrax fatality when he exploted and the opponent was turned into a pool of organs. It had half a dozen skulls and as many hearts.

Serious answer now: Okami and Rayman Origins. Those games felt so earnestly joyful...

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Gotta go for Kid Icarus Uprising for sure. Wonderfully fun gameplay, characters, fantastic music, and all else. I adore that game, and having 99.3% on my save file and 100 hours shows exactly that much. Nintendo clearly had a lot of fun with this one, and I'm glad it had that initial delay to make it even better
Jan 27, 2011
What game I've EVER played has the most heart?

...I...I don't even think I can answer that question. So many games...So many games with real heart to them...

So instead I'll mention a somewhat recent game with a ton of heart, which absolutely made it into a stellar game:

Of Orcs and Men.

It's a somewhat low budget action/tactical RPG about an Orc (looks more like a troll, though), and a Goblin on a mission to kill the tyrannical human emperor.

I went in expecting a really short, super cheesy over the top game with little emotional impact.

What I got? I got a tightly bound, surprisingly long (24 hours, according to my steam log) game that actually pulled at my heart a little. Despite it clearly being made on a tight budget and having a few questionable design choices, it gave the world, story and gameplay EVERYTHING it had. By the end, I had stopped seeing the two main characters as an Orc and a Goblin. They had become "people". I cared about their struggle, I connected with them. I, amazingly, empathized a lot with the Orc, who at first I thought was just another meathead tough guy, but who actually is the emotional heart of the story.

Seeing a game deliver on that level...It was amazing. It knew what it wanted to do, and it went and DID IT.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
FF9 is just a game that understand the concept of heart with its characters. The character of Vivi is probably one of the saddest because of what he endured.

That part of the game is so heavy if you know the backstory of it all. ? That, and Vivi's letter at the end.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
To me it is usually the ones that are overally details (I mean they cramp in alot of stuff) and most indie games out there.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Any Yu-Gi-Oh video game. Cause you've got the heart of the cards. Nothing can beat that.

Caramel Frappe said:
Pokemon: Omega Ruby

They went out of their way to make every cutscene / moment something special. The game is polished to a point it's like a whole new game despite being based off the original Ruby... but because of the 3D visuals, different landscapes and having to touch up on every Pokemon in existence to not only appear 3D but also how they act in Amni ... yea this game has heart. Especially after becoming the League Champion, there's way more to the game and the passion can be seen in Episode Delta for reasons I will not spoil.

Just play it or get Alpha Sapphire.
I love how you add Alpha Sapphire like an afterthought... even though Kyroge is best!

*Ahm* I agree with Frappe here. They put a lot of work into bringing back the amazing memories of Ruby/Sapphire that I remember from childhood. It's the little things too, like PokeNav showing the old map instead of the new one.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Corruption of Champions... It has heart, soul, and then some...

Other than that, Odama clearly had some heart poured into this game... especially during the last few stage of the game...

And Man

New member
May 12, 2014
Malbourne said:
Wonderful 101, for certs. Anything with a dedicated henshin sequence is being genuine as fuck. The villains are over-the-top villainous caricatures of the ones you see in Saturday morning cartoons, the heroes even more so, the levels fun, the combat deep and enjoyable, and running around the environment with a hundred superheroes evokes some sort of childish glee long tamped down by the vindictiveness of life.

Wonderful One Double-O, move out!
Gotta agree with this. It's really apparent how much heart went into the game after just the first mission, with their theme song playing in the background and everything.


New member
Dec 31, 2011
Come on...how has nobody said Shadow Warrior yet? Entire game is full of damn Demon Hearts. Or Viscera Cleanup Detail?

Having got the parody stuff out of the way...and on a more serious note I kinda have to agree to an extent with the FF9 suggestion above. I still maintain it had the best plot and best written characters of any Final Fantasy game to date. Its one of those games that I've been wanting desperately to replay for many years now...but I haven't. Because its dated now and I'm afraid of tainting my wonderful memories of it.

Maybe I'll replay it at some point. Have to see. Would do a lot for a HD remake though. >_>


New member
Jun 26, 2011

You could spend a week reading and not finish the optional text books. You could play 100 hours and not finish half the quest. You had tons of freedom in creating spells and enchanting gear.

With an improved combat system, and some shiny new graphics this game would be flawless. I can't wait till the remake in the Skyrim engine is complete, because the Oblivion remake and Overhaul remake are getting a bit dated. (Seriously how many games have seen 3 fan recreations?)


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I choose Majora's Mask. They reused a lot of the assets from Ocarina of Time and ended up creating what I think is a superior and more creative product.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
White Lightning said:
Kingdom HEARTS, duh. I mean, it's in the title of the damn game. I haven't even played it and I know that.
The first game, yes. But the sequels....eeeeehh, even if I like the second game better, it have MANY signs of "don't worry, you will see in a sequel the meaning of this"

My selections are:
Planescape Torment
Saya no Uta
Portal 2
Ghost Trick
Actual Sunlight
And many others but I am lazy to remember.


New member
Aug 3, 2014
The Darkness II. An obscure sequel to an obscure game based on an obscure comic series. It didn't sell well, but the developers put a lot of effort into making it and it shows. The game is short, but there are no "filler" levels to pad out the story; each level seems to have it's own identity and unique atmosphere. The asylum side story was very well done and added a lot to the story. The story and characters were well written, with the Darkness's voice acting and dialogue being top notch, along with Jackie's very well done performance. The gunplay was some of the best I've experienced so far and felt very natural. I actually had never heard of the Darkness series before playing The Darkness II, and the game was good enough to get me to pick up some of the comics.


New member
Apr 16, 2011

Everything about the game just really lights up my inner child. The protagonists designs, the setting, the city, the job system, and the combat, and the music is amazing. It takes me back to a more innocent time. Out of all the game's I own its the one I'm most eager to replay and really get in-depth about it, make more friends and do more side quest, and over all explore the world more.
I'd love to see it remade on a stronger console, making the cities bigger and what not.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I think GW2, TF2, Braid, and a huge number of the Mario universe games-- in particular Yoshi's Island-- have a great amount of heart. The recent indie platformer Kisima Ingitchuna too; it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

mysecondlife said:
I choose Majora's Mask.