Yeah right.
These figures seem highly inflated for 'averages'.
I've seen figures for salaries in this industry before.
Granted, they're UK figures, but let's consider the programmer.
Now, according to that chart, that'd be $90,000
But, according to what I've seen, the typical wages for a senior programmer are about £50,000
That's fine, that converts to round about $90,000 us.
That glosses over the fact that that's a 'senior' position, eg; Highest paid in that area...
A junior, starting position begins at £16,400...
Suddenly doesn't look so hot does it? That's maybe 30,000.
This is in a country where the minimum wage is £5.76, which for a full-time job is about £12,000.
Now, since that's £12,000 for a 'full time' job of 40 hours a week, but £16,400 for a job where 60 hour weeks were once considered 'normal', and you've got to ask yourself, is it worth it?
Sure, the pay is good if you're at the top...
But then it usually is.
And yet, have you seen ads for programming jobs recently?
They get up to £120,000 a year if you look around; Suddenly, even £50-60,000 doesn't seem so hot...
try this for comparison: