What game (or games) would you have liked to have turned out perfectly?


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Mass effect 3,
The division
SW battlefront

games that had promise and fell short of what they should have been


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Battlefield 1943.

And by that I mean... came out on PC. With 16 maps instead of 3.
And 5 armies.
And 35 vehicles.
And pretty much everything else from Battlefield 1942.

Yep- that would have been nice.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Um, pretty much any game?

But if we're going by most disappointing games that I actually had high hopes for, I guess that would include:

-Brute Force (Interesting premise squandered by so-so gameplay)

-Command & Conquer: Tiberian Twilight (more forgiving to this game than most, but this is a case of ending the series on a whimper)

-Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (Actually a good game, but doesn't live up to its predecessors)

-Halo 4 (Granted, I never wanted Halo 4, I thought Reach was the perfect place to end the series, but even with that expecation aside, this game falls short in almost every aspect)

-Enter the Matrix (Average game - not bad, but for the time it was released, I can't help but remember how much I wanted it to be...well, better)

-Perfect Dark Zero (Where the best thing to come out of the game was the novels that Greg Rucka wrote based on its setting)

-Pretty much any Sonic the Hedgehog game post-Shadow the Hedgehog (yeah, it's a copout, but I can't help but feel that Shadow is where the series changed for the worst. That said, there's plenty of handheld games I enjoyed post-Shadow, and having not played one since Unleashed, I can't comment on Colours or Generations)

-Star Fox Command (Heh, and people think that Adventures was the worst Star Fox game ever made...)


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age Inquisition
Star Wars Battlefront
Sim City [New one]

If you've noticed these are all EA games and want some from anyone other than our favourite company to hate...
Batman Arkham Origins
Batman Arkham Knight
Civilization; Beyond Earth

Some of all these I like, despite being flawed. Most of them... Ehhhhh no. Completely failed to deliver on the premise of the game, or otherwise had major failings that often left modding them to feel more enjoyable than playing them. Lets just say there have been a lot of mediocre games recently, with the potential to be amazing. A shame so few reach that threshold.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
I would have said "All the games!!" But that constant level of perfection would numb us to the point of apathy before long, so we need the contrast of your Ride to Hells alongside your Witcher 3s if we want to continue our collective appreciation for this hobby past-time.

Hmm, for me personally, I would like to take people back to a time when a Perfect Dark sequel was announced for the (at the time) next gen consoles. "Ooh!" Thought I... "This glorious 10 bedroom mansion of a game with all the furnishings, shiny high tech gadgets and swag decorative secrets will soon be upgraded to a chrome castle with rum on tap and a wine cellar of vintage worth a lifetime! Can. Not. Wait."
However, the final result was more like stepping into a very shiny, unfurnished, minimalist penthouse suite that you aren't even allowed to stay for long in. They didn't just cut some content. They cut nearly all the content! The bastards. And Rareware pretty much went downhill consistently from there. Even if Nuts and Bolts was alright, the creative juices were running dry so blatantly, as MS kept a pistol-grip on them to further their own doomed motion control gimmick. Am way past grieving these days, but MS still haven't done anything to reflect any improvement, let alone awareness of their continual murderous tendencies towards creative freedom.

Hawki said:
-Enter the Matrix (Average game - not bad, but for the time it was released, I can't help but remember how much I wanted it to be...well, better)

-Perfect Dark Zero (Where the best thing to come out of the game was the novels that Greg Rucka wrote based on its setting)
Second one; There were novels?? Nobody tells me nuffing!

First one; Have you played Path of Neo? That is the only matrix game as far as i'm concerned. ;)


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
I'd have liked "Halo: Reach" to be a more substantial game, given that it was the end of the series[footnote]"Halo 4" was made by literal madmen and is thus irredeemable and never could be anything good, as is everything else 343 Industries has done since 2011.[/footnote].

The ending was damn-near perfect already, but the game leading up to it was so meh-tastic. There is so much good in it as well, and a lot of little things to love such as the fact that all the achievements are quotes from the previous games.

I think the biggest issue was the emphasis on characterisation when we were still at the same level as the rest of the series (i.e. most of the cast are one note). This was fine in "ODST" as you were mostly by yourself - which "Reach" probably should have done as well as the best missions are when it's just you and Emile. Given the entropic theme of the game I couldn't care less when they inevitably start plucking off the characters one by one.

The gameplay is fine, but I feel like the move towards Armour abilities and emulating recent shooter trends really bogged it down. The missions became a drag. The enemy design of the Covenant was looking less distinct than it did before, and a lot more drab. The decision to make the Covenant only speak an incoherent alien language was also a mistake - basically morphed all the races into one and gave them no identity.

I'd also have not included that Cortana subplot at all, it's superfluous and does nothing but give us a hamfisted reason to see the Pillar of Autumn in the final "Halo" game.

"Halo: Reach" could have been a beautiful final farewell to a great series. Instead what we got was a respectful game that was nonetheless a mediocre slog. Even as shit as "Halo 4" is, it's a fascinating kind of shit, one that you could look at any given detail and wonder what the fuck the creators were thinking when they put it in.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I wish LA Noire had lived up to it's potential. The detective element was cool, the setting is something we don't see a lot of in games, and gosh darn wouldn't it be nice to see an Australian studio pull off a successful big budget release. But instead it went over budget, the story fell apart towards the end and the sandbox gameplay was totally at odds with the tone of the thing. While the game did well commercially, after the issues with development and the lukewarm critical reception we probably won't see another one like it.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
As long as they're not hampering anything critical, I think a few flaws can give a game more character. Besides, even if everything was perfect, people would still find something to complain about...including being perfect.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Dark Soul's 3.

In a perfect world it would have been much more open, and the plot would be new and original. Maybe they'd actually do something new with the story, instead of retreading old ground. Or, at least, not ruin the lore. When I started the game, I thought maybe the theme would be about rebirth. The game starts with you crawling out of a coffin, after all. Maybe we'd see the beginning of an age of ire, instead of the end.

Nope! Let's retread old ground!

Also, the third installment of a certain series would have a different ending.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
AccursedTheory said:
Putting aside that some of this seemed a bit vague to me, so I just didn't get it, the comment about Vaults in Fallout 4 stood out to me because the Vaults are not dungeons. They are, as you know, government-built radioative fallout survival enclosures for supporting a population of people over the years...PLUS being secretly an experiment conducted by the later-to-be-known-as-Enclave to test various weird things. Now, I dunno what you're expecting, man. I think Bethesda did a decent job of actually making the Vaults look like real survival areas. Previous Vaults were neat, but you kinda' notice that they could never have supported people sometimes. Anyway, the perfection here is that it looked the way it was suppose to look, not necessarily down to player preference. It is a common problem that people complain that something looks less interesting when it looks exactly the way it should.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
FalloutJack said:
AccursedTheory said:
Putting aside that some of this seemed a bit vague to me, so I just didn't get it, the comment about Vaults in Fallout 4 stood out to me because the Vaults are not dungeons. They are, as you know, government-built radioative fallout survival enclosures for supporting a population of people over the years...PLUS being secretly an experiment conducted by the later-to-be-known-as-Enclave to test various weird things. Now, I dunno what you're expecting, man. I think Bethesda did a decent job of actually making the Vaults look like real survival areas. Previous Vaults were neat, but you kinda' notice that they could never have supported people sometimes. Anyway, the perfection here is that it looked the way it was suppose to look, not necessarily down to player preference. It is a common problem that people complain that something looks less interesting when it looks exactly the way it should.

Are you series?

I don't really have to explain to you what a video game 'dungeon' is, do I? Christ... fine, 'level.'

And what I was expecting was something interesting. In the new Fallout games (And arguably some of the older ones), Vaults were some of the most interesting areas. In Fallout 4, they're boring and lifeless. But then again, most of Fallout 4 is boring and lifeless.

And so help me, you know exactly what I mean by lifeless.


New member
Jan 26, 2012
Mister K said:
I love this game, but I'll have to say that Brutal Legend could use a better gameplay.

Now, Axing enemies, frying them with guitar solos and riding through the world in a Metal Car was fun, but the RTS element of the game wasn't implemented very well.

I wish Double Fine simply allowed for calling a single unit to aid with a specific task, while creating something like a dynamic background with two armies fighting (to create the feeling of massive battle) and also developed hack'n'slash elements a bit better.
Dalisclock said:
I love BL, but I would have liked it better if they hadn't focused quite so much on the stage battles and if the storyline hadn't felt like big chunks were missing from it after you defeat Lionwhyte.

But I'm gonna go with ME3. Literally by remaking the entire game(sans the Citadel DLC).
Brutal Legend and ME3 are both good answers. I actually think that a lot of heart went into both games, but things like budget/time constraints got in the way of really fleshing out the conclusions.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Dragon Age 2
It had potential, but it was obvious that the developers weren't given the time to realize it.
Just some variety in the dungeons would have helped, instead they just blocked some paths, if I remember it right they didn't even remove those blocked of parts from the minimap. Another thing that got really tiresome were the unnecessary padding of the fights. There were several issues with the story as well.
From a developer perspective, I can understand that you reuse portions to save time/money, but that usually means that you create some dungeon blocks that you stick together to create new dungeons, not one and reuse that one again and again.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
AccursedTheory said:
Ah, well you see, Unwarranted Sarcasm, the issue is that you find Fallout to be boring while I love it. That's entirely down to your aesthetic, and not a comment on a fundamental flaw of the game itself. Clearly, you like the dungeon crawl in games where it's suppose to be a dungeon crawl, but heaven forbid we design our fallout shelter to look like a fallout shelter. I'm totoally fine with you not liking the game. That's fine. But busting its chops making something look functional and how it might've looked like if we HAD the Vaults? That's just nit-pickery, right there.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
FalloutJack said:
AccursedTheory said:
Ah, well you see, Unwarranted Sarcasm, the issue is that you find Fallout to be boring while I love it. That's entirely down to your aesthetic, and not a comment on a fundamental flaw of the game itself. Clearly, you like the dungeon crawl in games where it's suppose to be a dungeon crawl, but heaven forbid we design our fallout shelter to look like a fallout shelter. I'm totoally fine with you not liking the game. That's fine. But busting its chops making something look functional and how it might've looked like if we HAD the Vaults? That's just nit-pickery, right there.
Considering it was a common complaint, I really don't think it's out of line for me to mention.

You act like I'm trying to nail my opinion down as fact, but I hardly see that - I already discounted two games because my opinion was in opposition to the majority. Fallout 4 was, however, widely criticized for how empty the world was, and how bland much of it was. That doesn't mean it was a terrible game - I have quite a few hours in it (184 according to Steam, though about 75% of that is idle time. I use my computer as a heater during winter).

All that aside though, may I suggest that, when a criticism comes up of a game that's in your user name and is your avatar, that maybe your should double check and ensure you're not over reacting and putting a bit too much into it?


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
FalloutJack said:
AccursedTheory said:
Uhh, dude? You're the one making the effort. I'm pointing out that your opinion is an opinion, not a fact.
As opposed to everyone else in this thread, who's observations were absolute fact.

But no, the one guy who happened to criticize your name sake was the only one you had to come after.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
AccursedTheory said:
FalloutJack said:
AccursedTheory said:
Uhh, dude? You're the one making the effort. I'm pointing out that your opinion is an opinion, not a fact.
As opposed to everyone else in this thread, who's observations were absolute fact.

But no, the one guy who happened to criticize your name sake was the only one you had to come after.
Oh, not for hating the game. Just for making the equivalent comment to hating that there's brown in video games that contain lots of dirt. Dirt is dirt-colored, but people complain. Yes, it's funny to lampshade, but you're not trying to be funny. Essentially, you've hit the crossroads between the demand for realism and the demand for looking special. This is an aesthetic view. And while I am pointing it out because I love the series, I'm ALSO doing it because it seems like people complain about these things in alot of games and never remember that there was a demand for making things look real. The joke about Realism Is Brown is both funny and yet true, because the places where people complain about these things are in places like warzones, wastelands, deserts, and other such places where you can only make the dirt and stone so interesting. The same applies here. Besides, it was never about the Vault itself, but what goes on inside of it. What kind of social experiment or just weird-ass thing was going on in here? Take Vault 81, which as I said looks like it actually supports people. Attached to it is another Vault conducting viral research that has bred disease-ridden Molerats, and THAT looked more dungeon-like, but only because the Molerats wrecked it. Basically, it seems like the issue is a mountain out of a Molerat hill to me and I just don't get it when people talk that way.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
The Witcher.

Yeah, people keep saying "OMG mature storyline and choices that matter!". How about "tolerable controls" and "sex scenes that aren't out of a 14-year-old's notebook"? I played as far as the first tryst, laughed to myself and uninstalled.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Lots of Bioware popping up in this thread so far. I guess it speaks quite highly of them that people expect such great experiences out of their games, and yet speaks equally as lowly of them because seldom do they deliver such.

On that note, +1 for Bioware here as well. Star Wars: The Old Republic was one of the biggest missed tricks I think I've ever seen in gaming. What could've been one of the most incredible and immersive world experiences turned into some aimless grindfest. It's quite sad that they didn't know how to create MMOs when pulling this title out of the bag. I like to think it was EA forcing them to develop it, but who knows.