What games have money/items/etc that build up while AFK


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Team fortress 2 drop system.
Guess it kinda applies to CS:GO too? but everyone will think you're a dick really.


New member
Feb 15, 2015
Silentpony said:
I guess Starcraft? Warcraft too. Any RTS with resource mining, so long as the resources last I suppose.
But may I ask why? Isn't part of playing the game you know...playing it?
I wouldn't add starcraft or warcraft due to the game being designed for you to be actively building your base and army as fast as possible to counter the enemy units.

As far as why I'm after a game that does things when not playing, I tend to be half afk most of the time I play a game now and so many games require you to have all your attention on the game in order to play. I don't have that ability some times and so I'm after something more AFK friendly.

That being said, I think I need to clarify what I'm after. While I like the idea of money/resource build up, I'm a little more interested in item build up and character leveling up/building.

Grumman said:
Is the OP only looking for games that do this while the game isn't actually running? Obviously any "real-time" game will have things happen while the game is on, even if you're not paying attention, but games that work off real hours and days and not the in-game clock are rather rarer.

The worst example for me is State of Decay, a zombie sandbox RPG which takes things away in real time. If you save and close the game because you need to go have dinner, you'll come back to find the neighbours you were protecting are dead. Bad things will happen to your community if you shut the game down for the night. It is a game that punishes you for having a life, and for that the developers can go to hell.
Either or. I don't mind having the game running, I just can't be looking at it the whole time I'm playing.


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
If we're counting the "send minions to a mission for you which takes x amount of real life time", then The Crew also has that.


New member
Nov 13, 2011
Modded Minecraft, where you can automate it such that every resource will generally build up over time.

You can send minions on missions, level them up, equip better items (that you can also acquire by sending them on missions) in your garrison in WoW.

Timber and Stone has the possibility to just lay out a blueprint, tell your settlers where to farm and you can go afk for a bit, if you want to. (There's still the risk of them getting eaten by wolves and such, maybe build a solid, doorless wall around the village.)


New member
Feb 12, 2015
RIFT has minions that you can send on missions (5m/15m/8hr/10hr) who return with items that can sold for plat.

Kind of killed the market for certain crafting materials but its easier to get artifacts now.


New member
Feb 15, 2015
Although I'm not crazy about mobile games, and I originally didn't care about any of them for this list, The game Called Iron Knights for android is one I've been taking a liking too. You can switch between automatic combat and manual combat at any point during battle.

The levels are fairly short so you will have to come back to check every so often but, if you have the time & ability to play with the combat, you can. It's similar to diablo or other phone action games. So far I've been treating it as a team management type of game instead of a regular action game.


New member
Aug 5, 2014
homeworld. the end of mission mining all the asteroids that you went and watched a movie waiting for the harvesters to finish