What games have you missed in 2011 ?


New member
Oct 27, 2011
Always the same questions ''What games did you played in 2011?'',''What was the best game in 2011?''. Let´s change it up a bit. What did you missed. Me? I missed Skyrim (and my friends where all close to never talk to me again). What did you missed? Do you regret it or not? Will you play it in 2012? Or are there more important things (Mass Effect 3)?


New member
Jul 30, 2011
I missed Skyrim too. I could have gotten it on 360 like all my other games, but I really wanted the full experience. And mods.
Im starting to regret it, cause new computers are hella expensive.

I kinda feel like i missed out on Revelations. Not the game, the story, I really enjoyed the AC storyline, but I just cant stand the new game. :/


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Oh god, loads! L.A Noire, Saints Row 3, El Shaddai, Assassin's Creed Revelations, a bunch of downloadable games, and please forgive me, Portal 2. I still plan do get at least some of those in the future.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
AC: Revelations, Portal 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, El Shaddai.

I only plan to get two out of those 4 eventually (you'd probably be a little surprised which ones I want).


New member
Apr 27, 2010
well ill get around to skyrim whenever i dont want to have a social life or see my family anymore lol. also ive been meaning to give wwe12 and that new dragonball z game a try since i liked the older games and these two actually seem to had added more than just new people.


New member
May 29, 2010
Saints row 3, I would have added AC:Rev but I only like the story and I'm watching a good LP of it so :3 but the row looks like alot more fun than I expected it to be and I wish I had gotten it when I had the chance, oh well, next time I can get it


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Here's a list of every major title I can think of, mostly pulled from Zero Punctuation's reviews for this year, that either never interested me or would have interested me a lot more if they weren't overpriced and made by publishers more concerned with the bottom line than making a genuinely awesome product, and giving that design doc to their developers and blaming them when the product doesn't get 9.5 reviews.

-Dead Space 2 (EA) (jump scares + gore =/= horror)
-Bulletstorm (Epic) (don't like shooters that much)
-Dragon Age 2 (EA) (Bioware dumbing down another series)
-Crysis 2 (EA) (counter-intuitively a console-focused game)
-Brink (Bethesda) (somewhat decent idea with terrible execution)
-LA Noire (Rockstar) (ditto)
-Duke Nukem Forever (who knows and who cares?) (took all the bad things from every shooter between now and 1998)
-Alice: Madness Returns (EA) (average sequel to average game)
-Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo) (mostly because I think the original only stands up on nostalgia)
-Dead Island (WKAWC?) (I already have Left 4 Dead; I don't need Left 4 Dead: Bethesda Edition (more on that later))
-A few games that were console-exclusive and don't turn me on anyway
-Rage (Bethesda) (doesn't work on most PCs, short, brown and doesn't even look that good)
-Batman: Arkham City (Warner Bros. Interactive) (not really into beat-em-up or sandbox games)
-Battlefield 3 (EA) (if alien shooters don't turn me on, military shooters turn me off)
-Modern Warfare 3 (Activision) (ditto)
-Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda) (due to a pattern of bugs, bad animations (particularly facial animations), large but mostly empty worlds and more bugs between Oblivion, Fallout 3 and now this (also what I meant with Dead Island))
-Assassin's Creed Revelations (Ubisoft) (don't really need or want any AC games besides the one I already have)
-Star Wars: The World of Warcraft Knockoff by a Developer That's Used to Making Single-Player RPGs (EA) (see alternate title)

If there is a game on that list that offends you by being there, feel free to quote me, bold [/ b] the offending game and flame me as much as you like.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
I'll eventually get round to buying AC:Revelations, Sonic Generations and possibly Skyrim at some point.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Sonic Generations, Xenoblade, Saints Row The Third and Tales of The Abyss.

I am getting to all of them, I just haven't had the time yet. I'm just catching up on games since I finished my exams... Also Batman Arkham City stole my time from elsewhere...


Good Coffee, cheaper than prozac
Aug 20, 2010
Its my most favouritist game of all time! Peroid.

OT: Drakes Deception
Assassins Creed Revelations
Shadow of the dammed
Rage... woundn't be able to bloody even play the damm thing
From Dust
Dragon Age II


New member
Oct 25, 2011
You only can miss something you really wanted to play, can't you?

Only game i missed was MW3 as i figured i'd have enough to play with titles like Batman AC, AC: Rev, DeusEx2, Skyrim, BF3, SpaceMarine and now SWTOR. :p

Might pick it up later when i'm done with those. Not gonna happen soonish.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Pretty much freaking everything. Name a game from this year, and I probably have not played it (beyond a demo, that is). I have a whole 3 games from this year (Catherine, Gears of War 3, and Bastion). New games are expensive...


New member
Jan 1, 2011
MW3; after the last two debacles, Call of Duty will have to make a pretty drastic change to coax me back, especially when it seemed any development in BlOps (however flawed), had been completely ignored...

Dragon Age 2; I didn't like the first one and I had a feeling I'd dislike the second one more.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution; I wasn't 100% convinced; maybe next year, maybe.

Battlefield 3; I may get this one at the start of next year though.

I missed out on Men of War; Assault Squad, although Christmas day will remedy that problem.


New member
May 16, 2011
I've spoilt myself this year, has to be said. The only game I was looking forward to, but missed was Rage, too many people advising me against it, so I decided I'd just wait on Borderlands2, which is probably what I hoped Rage would be like anyway. I have only briefly played MW3, but decided to skip it as there aren't enough hours in the day to play that as well.

I got my BF3, Skyrim and Dead Island - I guess that's not too greedy, still playing BF3 and Skyrim, probably gonna try and make Skyrim last a while, as there isn't really any games to look forward to until summer. It has to be said though, that 2011 was a damn good year for gaming, the best gaming year for a long while IMO.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I missed loads of games - was too busy trying to complete others, but the ones I kinda regret not getting (but will probably come back to) are:

- Alice: Madness Returns
- Dead Island
- Batman: Arkham City
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- Skyrim (just to have a go really)

Bring on 2012!!


New member
Apr 22, 2010
The list turned out to be longer than I thought...

-Alice: Madness Returns (My girlfriend bought it, so I'll probably give it a try when she gets stuck.)
-Battlefield 3 (Already have MW3 which I almost never play, so buying the same game twice would be stupid.)
-Crysis 2 (Not a fan of the first one)
-Dead Island (The bad reviews turned me off)
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution (No idea why I haven't bought it yet tbh.)
-Duke Nukem Forever (Maybe I'll give it a try when it's in the bargain bin, but I'll probably regret that.)
-Dead Space 2 (For the same reasons as leet_x1337)
-Gears of War 3 (My 360 crashed for the sixth time and I promised myself never to buy a new one.)
-LA Noire (It just doesn't sound like a game I'd might like)
-Ocarina of Time 3D (Bought it, but I still have to actually play it.)
-Rage (Same as Dead Island.)
-Star Wars: The Old Republic (Don't have time for MMO's unfortunately)