So let's start with the first problem:
For being an article that wants to talk about content comprehension, the author then tries to re-purpose the definition of a word. Snob, definition, Mirram-Webster:
That strike anyone as a little weird that he didn't find a more precise term? Maybe even ironic?
Then there's what seems to be a backhanded strike at Kotaku, or at least that writer, on a game that can't and won't ever strike the upper echelon of gaming. Just a little unfair, that.
Look I have no problem with suggesting that people have different tastes and that there is an intellectual comprehension that comes with appreciation. The idea that you (or I) might have more sophisticated tastes which has us leaving behind objects of lesser quality is the kind of thing that isn't new-but ought to be promoted and encouraged.
You know why we get shit like Transformers 2? Because enough people are willing to say: But I just wanna see shit blow up! I don't care if everything else sucks! Even though there are a ton of action movies out there that do things better in every other department.
The flipside of this is; old Warner Bros cartoons endure because you can see them as a child and they're hilarious. Then you can see them as an adult and they are /even funnier/. They're beloved and will be for decades to come because of their ability to appeal to such a broad audience and much of Zero Punctuation mines a similar vein (although instead of child I'd say teenager as its starting point.)
However, I don't think the author's case is forwarded very well in this article. His language is imprecise and it shouldn't be, his tone is condescending "What an enigma (or mystery, to you 4th grade readers)!" and there's no reason for it, there's no call to action, that is; no suggestion that we ought to 1) demand more 2) teach others 3) engage ourselves at higher levels, and the article ends on these loaded questions, "Do you consider yourself game snobs? Web snobs? Am I right that ZP is funny on multiple levels.... Or is it really just all about the codpiece?"
Given the article I just read, isn't answering "It's about the codpiece" just the kind of thing that opens me up to ridicule? Why the fuck would I say; yup, I'm in it for the dick jokes.
The other side of this is that sometimes, EVERYBODY is in it for the dick joke. I read Daredevil, not Maus, I like Andrew WK not the Decemberists, and I loved Resident Evil 4 but am in no hurry to play Heavy Rain.
Let's push it even further; I don't know the first thing about cars. I can change a tire. I know what looks cool and that's about it. Anyone who does know about cars can do one of two things; be a snob-which /by definition/ means they're looking down on me because I'm inferior since I don't know what they do, or educate me about something their passionate about. Which would you rather have?
TL:dr-I like the concept but the finale didn't work due to the use of language that should've been better than it was.
But that's just my opinion, man.