What gritty game centers around a vicious morally gray female protagonist?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
DarksideFlame said:
lacktheknack said:
BathorysGraveland2 said:
Yeah, early Tomb Raider is all I can think about as well. Often killing exotic animals as well as human rivals not only for artifacts and wealth but also just for the personal thrill of it. I guess the greyness comes from the fact that the people she's fighting against wish to obtain the artifacts for evil purposes, and so it turns into an Indiana Jones-esque race against time to get it first.

But still, absolutely no mercy for potentially endangered animals. Hell, given by her reactions, I'm pretty sure Lara actually enjoys killing things. So yeah.

I've only played the first four Tomb Raiders however. Whether she's the same after those, or in the reboot, I wouldn't know.
She gets worse.

I actually tried a "sanity pacifist run" of Angel of Darkness (ie. refusing to kill people because the entire reason the story is going is because you're wanted for murder), but it's impossible. You have to mow your way through a bunch of security guards at the Louvre, botanists in a biodome, and mental patients because reasons. Totally innocent of murder, people.

And in Tomb Raider Legend... the body count rises to frankly hilarious levels. But we're still rooting for her! Somehow.


"I just streamlined your payroll."
I haven't played much of the older Tomb Raider games (The games that were before Legend). But the impression I get is that we root for Lara is that the antagonists tend to be evil to a ridiculous degree.

Most of the enemies in Legend are mercenaries, who've been ordered to shoot on sight, the first merc you encounter in the game you hear whining because he has got the order but there isn't anyone around to shoot. Although it's been awhile since I played the games I can't remember any situation where it wasn't a kill or be killed scenario.

Gotta root for the person you dislike the least I guess. I am curious to see how they address this in the Tomb Raider Reboot 2.
Yeah, the older games were also "kill or be killed", but that often didn't make her any less of a psychopath. Like the aforementioned Louvre guards, for instance - they're just supposed to tase you, it's their job. And quite frankly, they're in the right, because a deranged lady exploded open their basement and is running around inside with guns.

Also, the villain of Tomb Raider was world-endingly evil, yes... but for all intents and purposes, the antagonist of Tomb Raider III wasn't even an antagonist until the last three levels. Up to that point, she was mowing down everyone in Area 51 and the old London railway stations for a treasure hunt.


New member
Aug 29, 2012
Wait for few months and depending on Ciri's involvement there will be Wild Hunt. Other than that right now... mostly create your character RPGs, like aforementioned Shadowrun. Notable that OC at least doesn't go really black hat, no idea of Dragonfall.


New member
Sep 22, 2014
Tomb Raider: Legend/Underworld. Lara was deliberately written as a self-centered psychopath who conceals her viciousness with good English manners.

Lara's character is complicated and depends significantly on who was in charge.

Tomb Raider 1 = Toby Gard.
Tomb Raider 2-6 = Variety of people because Toby Gard quit after TR1 over intense disagreements regarding Lara's sexualisation by Core and Eidos.
Legend/Anniversary/Underworld = Gard returned to supervise/co-write/direct cutscenes. This reboot ignores all the games Gard didn't work on.
TOMB RAIDER/RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER = Rhianna Pratchett seems to have control over Lara's character now. Her Lara is very different. Sympathetic, concerned with the welfare of others, and "relatable". Not a selfish, cruel sociopath.


New member
Aug 5, 2014
saints row, the boss works well as a female character, not a psychopath but a puckish rogue..


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Would Heavenly Sword count? Actually, even if it matches your quote, I don't think the gameplay is very good. You should pass on that.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Shaun Kennedy said:
Perhaps the "Deception" Series of games best fits what you describe, they are dark in tone and often involve lots of clever and merciless carnage... the only caveat being whether or not they 'deserved it'
I don't think that would work. If Bayonetta is too upbeat, then Deception will probably be too silly.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
sageoftruth said:
Would Heavenly Sword count? Actually, even if it matches your quote, I don't think the gameplay is very good. You should pass on that.
Eh, I thought it was a pretty good game for a God of War clone. And yeah I'd say it meets the criteria for the OP.


New member
Jan 19, 2014
I second Remember Me, if you can stand the combat. It's basically cyberpunk with a heroine who struggles with the moral soundness of essentially brainwashing people into doing her bidding.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Make a female character in EVE Online? There's all the moral ambiguity you'll ever need and then some.


I'm pretty good. Yourself?
May 11, 2009
Ambient_Malice said:
TOMB RAIDER/RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER = Rhianna Pratchett seems to have control over Lara's character now. Her Lara is very different. Sympathetic, concerned with the welfare of others, and "relatable". Not a selfish, cruel sociopath.
... Yet.

Actually I'm really looking forward to seeing where they go with Rise, whether it actually shifts towards 'empowerment fantasy' from 'you want to protect Lara'.

Gonna agree with the people mentioning RPGs and actioners where there's a gender choice. Saints Row, Dragon Age (sorta), Mass Effect (sorta), Sunset Overdrive, Skyrim, etc.


New member
Dec 19, 2013
Prototype. Sure, you're not really a male or a female, but you can at least take the form of a female!