What Has Your Week Consisted Of? A helpful Distraction.

Fear of Intent

New member
May 30, 2010
So im curious, what has everyone been doing in the past, oh let's say... 7 Days? Just to Gauge what a typical escapist member does in his weekly routine. Me personally Ive been playing the Guitar, which is harder then i thought but is easier then it looks if that makes sense? I went rock climbing on Saturday, Climbed a 5.9+ and felt very accomplished, went to the Destiny midnight release yesterday for my little bro and picked up Super Metroid while i was there for my newly purchased Wii U, Oh and i bought a Wii U 5 days ago, New Super Mario Bros U is hard as dicks btw, the retro formula is very unforgiving, I have a easier time with Dark Souls. But anyways back on topic, what have you all been up to? Has it been the Stuff of legend (of Zelda)? or just a week of Lounging?


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Let's see, I almost had a three days in a row off work. The one day in between was easy as crap though, so everything worked out nicely there. Work has been hectic lately, the thieves have been hitting us hard. Leading to some stress. Got to hang out with a friend, play some League and Titanfall. The rest of the week should hopefully be nice, just got Destiny, so we'll she how that is.
Sep 9, 2007
Work, work and more work. Apart from that, I have brass band rehearsal on Tuesday nights, board gaming on Friday nights and most other nights I'm either browsing the internet or getting some gaming in. I'm currently playing Timber and Stone, Tales of Xillia 2 and soon I'll be looking into the alpha of Stonehearth, seeing as the next phase of alpha will be released sometime this month.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
Arcane Warrior run in Dragon Age: Origins on Nightmare difficulty. Started out fun but it became so boring toward to the end. Nothing could touch me and I was putting out damage like a champ, but all challenge was lost. Other than that doing school work and not much else.


New member
Feb 1, 2009
2 weeks ago my prof shot down my master thesis by basically saying "well no, we have to do it completely differently" after I handed him a draft and was nearly finished...
Yesterday I asked him what the fuck he even thinks we can do now with the topic he had in mind and he basically admitted he didn't know. Now I'll see him today at the BBQ of our group, hope he has thought of something. I mean now that I basically have to add another semester for this shit I guess he has some time~

Other than that it was my grandma's birthday yesterday and it was kind of a blast. She's pretty awesome, but some of the people she invites are strange but I got along well this time. Everyone was really suprised how fit and good looking I was now and I even had a nice talk with my weird kinda-uncle about running (he's been running for many many years now). He was impressed with my speed when I told him I regularly do my 9.7km routine in under 35 min. Speaking of which, I'll be going outside to do that very routine in just a few minutes.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
Back to school, homework, browsing here and Reddit, occasional game of CS:GO.

I need more to do in my life.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
Replayed Sly 2 Band of Thieves and scored my first lifetime Platinum trophy, currently replaying Commandos 2 Men of Courage, given minor consideration to Dark Souls 1.

Some text-based action-adventure roleplays in the middle.


Welcome to the Fantasy Zone
Jul 3, 2010
Pretty much just PAYDAY 2, 100% Orange Juice, and browsing the usual websites I browse.

I really should get to doing some of the stuff I've been putting off.
Mar 30, 2010
Work. Lots of work. Lets see, last Wednesday I pulled both the early and late shifts at work and so that was pretty much my day. Thursday was another early shift but after work I did have a few friends over for a beverage and a bit of the old Burnout 3. Friday was yet another early shift but that was OK because when I got home I could relax by repainting the bathroom. Saturday I was at the memorial get-together for a mate who died last Tuesday. Sunday (after the hangover had gone) I got some reading done on the new Firefly RPG core book, went for a walk around the Lakes and learned 'There she goes' by the La's on piano. Monday was back to both an early and late shift so again that was pretty much my day. Yesterday I was, surprisingly, just on the normal shift so when I got home I had enough time to make a delicious pheasant hotpot and play GTA:O for a couple of hours. As for today? Well I'm at work aren't I.

See kids? Study hard at school and all of this will be yours!

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Well since I have been getting less hours at work, I been prety much playing more Guild Wars 2 since I am close to hitting the 20k achivement point mark (alot of reward to get out of it).

I really shouldn't played it that much since I need to get back into FTL and Transistor.


New member
Sep 9, 2014
Boardgames (2-4hrs) - this week blueprints & toc toc Woodman
Guitar - (1-2hrs)
Crafting/making -(4-6 hrs) - currently beginning the big halloween push
Performance & practice (8hrs)-I do both stand-up comedy and performance art... this week about 14hrs since I've both practice and a performance.
Gaming ( 8-10 hrs ) - currently MWO , Terraria, minecraft & DOTA

Any other second is doing the above or reading....


New member
May 27, 2014
Broke up. I thought it was an ok breakup but things are still pretty akward.
Dota 2! way more time for it after breaking up.
Kicked a crazy lady out of the hotel.
Saved a life! Sunday was exciting!
Stood around pretending to help arrest someone... things were already under control.
More Dota 2.
Today has been boring.

Interesting past 7 days I think.

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
Hmm lets see. I worked a bit, then worked some more & oh yeah I worked those other days too. After work was usually spent numbing my mind with tv, games or a book. I watched the two Hobbit movies this weekend, that was a thing. I really need to get out some more. Oh yeah I get to go try to open a new bank account today since the bank I'm currently using has decided to screw me over. Yay fun times.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
This was more or less my one true week off from academics this year so I caught up on a bunch of DIY projects: some home-made amenities for my pet turtle, a mini cactus garden for my desk, repairing some jewelry... I'm proud of the fairly decent results because experience wasn't on my side, only google and good old trial-and-error. The same goes for all the cooking I did this week for the rest of the family. For funsies I also went to see guardians of the galaxy (It's all right) and rediscovered final fantasy XII and devil may cry 4.

How I could ever have forgotten how much I love the DMC games I really can't say because man, I love em! FF12 though? Njeeeeh... This is my 4th attempt to get through it and that damned license board still trips me up. Every time I think I made a good team I end up fleeing and chugging dozens of potions regardless. This time around I've resorted to simply mimicking the classes introduced in the international zodiac edition of the game. If those are the kind of character builds the developers envisioned people using in the first place, surely they'll work well?


New member
Jun 28, 2014
Back to school, doing some preparations for a trip to the US...

Nothing that interesting, really.


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008

Running around chasing cats because the neighborhood ones keep breaking in through the cat flap. It's more fun than it sounds. I like to follow them back down the street like a creeper.


Browsing the forums and tumblr, which I do a lot throughout the day 'cause I get bored very easily and end up clicking through all my bookmarks.


I like Minecraft...


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Next to no gaming. My week has been weirdly similar to your's, OP. I've been wall climbing with a girl I like every two days, playing guitar a couple hours a day (just wait until you start playing Kreator or Obituary, that's when it gets hard!) and realising that I'm going to have to juggle 5 different programming languages this semester between 3 classes.

PHP and MySQL for Database Management
C for Systems Programming and OS Fundamentals
R for Data Visualisation
C# for Unity to prep for next year's big "thesis" project

Software engineering is so hard!


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Lesse... this time last week I spent all night typing up and editing work related documents, then I spent the next day driving between states (Western states, which translates to "trying desperately to keep my eyes open while driving a long expanse of barren highway consisting of absolutely nothing for 90+ miles")... I went on a job interview which I got the equivalency of a thin letter for the next morning, slept all day at a comfort Inn on Friday (mostly catching up on lost sleep), drove BACK the same way I came on Saturday, and for the last couple days I've been applying for other jobs while casually playing some Dragon Quest VIII on the side.

The American job market sucks.
Being unemployed sucks.