What, if anything, would make you pay?


New member
Nov 2, 2013
@Mike yes I also believe that the subscription price has a lot to do with it. Between 15 and 20 dollars or 10 and 15 euros is not bad. Anymore and it better be folding my laundry or cleaning something!
and the scheduling is a good point - something that people usually dont think about until they are in the situation!
@lysergic what prepaid cards do you use?


New member
Jun 13, 2013
Not sure, but i suddenly realize I'm not having fn, that's generally a bad sign. i played WoW for about half a year. near the end, the only thing that kept me coming back was the friends i'd made.


New member
Nov 12, 2013
@scapefly : I have used several specific ones like WoW, NX, itunes but i tend to use paysafecard the most cause that one is general accepted. I only pay prepaid, no Paypal or whatever.


New member
Nov 2, 2013
@Black Jimmy I have heard that from a lot of people actually - the people that play and that you get in contact with are actually the ones that "make the game". Did you ever play anything else?
@lysergic makes sense.


New member
May 28, 2011
Wow...didn't expect this to actually last this long or go to 3 pages.

Mike, I definitely understand how you feel. I prefer to take in things at my own pace (aside from the usual kill X, collect Y quests. Those I just kinda wanna burn through if they haven't caught me in the story.), but as the only PC gamer in my circle of friends (trying to fix this but progress is slow), I find myself playing alone most times, so Solo Queue into dungeons and things is kind of unavoidable if I want to experience them. Invariably that leads me to encountering the "I'm so efficient" crowd and I get sneered at for wanting to stop and just look around, or for making comments in chat even.

I remember running....maybe it was Halls of Lightning? On WoW. The first boss was some giant electrified stone warrior jerk who, when you pull him, he screams: "I AM THE GREATEST OF MY FATHER'S SONS!" and proceeds to try and beat your tank's face in.

Now, at the time the content was pretty old so we'd all done it about a bazillion times before. So you had to figure most people were on auto-pilot a bit. I certainly was since it wasn't all that big of a deal. There was no way we were gonna wipe on this guy short of our healer or tank going afk and even then it'd be debatable.

So as he yells his tagline I type in chat: "Why can't we ever fight the WORST of his father's sons? Probably way easier than having him yell at us and try to bash us."

Do I get a laugh out of anyone? No. Do I even get a "dude, that was an AWFUL joke."? No. I get a bunch of people yelling at me to shut up and fight the boss. People insulting me, calling me a noob, and saying that clearly this is why I don't do better in raids because I'm a scrub, blah blah blah.

....I mean sure, it was a pretty bad joke but heaven forbid I should say ANYTHING to lighten the mood or ANYTHING unrelated to the business at hand.

The min-max, "eat everything up in a week and scream for more" crowd that most MMO companies cater to drives me insane. It also makes me want to ask those people if they're actually having fun anymore when they play that way.


Side-note, and to keep the conversation going, I've heard from multiple places that Wildstar is going to be having a dual system for subscriptions: Both real money if you can afford it and essentially using in-game currency to buy your sub for the month. Effectively if you're good enough at making gold, you'll never have to pay a cent and that on top of everything else they seem to be doing seems to be what a lot of people may be looking for. Any thoughts?

Catchpa: "Brand Lift" Silly Catchpa, Brand doesn't lift. He burns you with fire and then laughs.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Tsukuyomi said:
You've paid your money, theoretically you own the game. It does seem an insult to have to pay MORE money just to play.
you do realize that WOW is the only game that gets away with buy the client AND pay a sbuscription right? all other games it is Either/or. i dont think MMO clients shoudl ever be under a pay wall, its not like you can do anything with it. you need to subscribe to their service one way or another, unless its actual free to play game with only cosmetic MT, which is few and far between.

What makes me subscribe to the only subscription based game that i play is, well, community. I just love Eve community and thus i keep playing it.

edit: whooops looks like an old thread.


New member
May 28, 2011
Strazdas said:
Tsukuyomi said:
You've paid your money, theoretically you own the game. It does seem an insult to have to pay MORE money just to play.
you do realize that WOW is the only game that gets away with buy the client AND pay a sbuscription right? all other games it is Either/or. i dont think MMO clients shoudl ever be under a pay wall, its not like you can do anything with it. you need to subscribe to their service one way or another, unless its actual free to play game with only cosmetic MT, which is few and far between.

What makes me subscribe to the only subscription based game that i play is, well, community. I just love Eve community and thus i keep playing it.

edit: whooops looks like an old thread.
Yeah, it was kinda weird when I looked in here and found this thread necro'd by someone. But I figured "eh, long as it's constructive conversation who cares?"