What is a game you were surprised you hated?


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Time Travelling Toaster said:
Half life 2, I just didn't get into it or like it for some reason =/
i forced myself to play it to the end, it gets better, but MAN does it take a long time getting there. tbh its still average, and the only reason to play it is for then playing the episodes (also it makes a lot more sense once uv read all the backstory and the stuff which has happened between HL1 and HL2 which valve never tell u, because they're so obsessed with not breaking character at all ever ...so u only know what gordon would know ...which isnt much as hes been in stasis)


New member
May 28, 2009
Path Of Neo. It was supposed to be the ultimate Matrix game, but they basically took Enter The Matrix and somehow made everything worse. One of the laziest games of all time.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
If I had known that GTA4 was going to be disappointing (not saying I hate it... I played it some today actually) I wouldn't have bought a current gen console at all. (Saints Row 2 was good but not enough to buy a console for)

I was surprised to find Midnight Club LA kinda boring... I think I'd rather drive around the MC2 LA than this one

My biggest most painful disappointments were Burnout 2 and 3, games I eagerly anticipated and paid full price for. I haven't bothered with the series since


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Cortheya said:
tkioz said:
Warcraft 3.

I felt it was a huge let down after the fun that was starcraft and Warcraft 2. Bloody Heros. Ruined the RTS part of it.
ummmm warcraft 2 better than 3? 3 is one of the best RTSes ever
Get big bad hero, kill random mobs scattered around map, win game... yeah that's an RTS... If I wanted to focus on a hero I'd play an RPG, I want unit based combat where 20 guys with axes will kill the one guy with the freaking magic sword.

I want to deal with having a balanced army, not a twat fest of whoever can get the biggest nastiest group of heros... that's what WoW is for.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Kukul said:
tkioz said:
Warcraft 3.

I felt it was a huge let down after the fun that was starcraft and Warcraft 2. Bloody Heros. Ruined the RTS part of it.
You lack flexibility, a very important trait for a tactician.
How do the heroes add flexibility? Starcraft had heros... but in single player they were for plot movement, not fighting, you still did all the fighting with normal units... heroes are like C&C superweapons, fun suckers.


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2008
I bought Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, and liked it, even if the maps were a tad linear. The second one sucked, and quite royally so. Forrest Gump would be of greater help in a gunfight than the four friendly (and deaf, and blind) AI characters you command.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Bioshock. I was very surprised I didn't like that.
Halo 3 completely shcoked me when it turned out I wanted to snap the game in half after the first level.
Also I started out not liking fallout 3, and then I realised it really was oblivion with guns.
May 15, 2009
game i'm suprised i hated = halo 3. i'm suprised because it seems like a really good game, but for some unexplicable reason i don't enjoy playing it (and i love sci-fi + FPS games).

i don't understand why so many people were disappointed with gta4.

it lacked the replayability of the average 'sandbox' game, but if you forget about san andreas, it's still a terrific game in it's own right.

imo the number of gta haters are largely players who didn't play the gta games in order. probably starting with vice city/san andreas first. GTA3 is a groundbreaking game, which set the stage for the 'add-ons' to follow. imo GTA4 has set an incredible stage for future true add-ons (lost and the damned was clearly just microsoft's daft idea).

i believe the GTA4 graphics, animation, sound, story, characters, driving physics, player physics, combat mechanics etc are around the highest standard we've seen from any game of current generation. i've completed the story about 5 times, and if i had more time i'd be playing it again.


New member
May 23, 2009
Vrex360 said:
Also honorary mention goes to Half Life 2, again I didn't hate it but it was less then the prodical son of games that everyone made it out to be.

I dunno, games I was surprised I hated?

KOTOR2, Fallout 2 after playing Fallout 3 a bit, Halo 2/3, W40k Fire Warrior... I've got a couple more but I can't dig that deep into my brain.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
CheeseSandwichCake said:
Vrex360 said:
Also honorary mention goes to Half Life 2, again I didn't hate it but it was less then the prodical son of games that everyone made it out to be.
I respect your opinion that Half Life 2 is better than Halo, okay I do really. But do you really have to be so.... obnoxious about it?


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Oblivion. So as a result i hated Fallout 3. I did like some parts of Oblivion, though.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Although I didn't hate it, in recent memory, I was most disappointed with Little Big Planet. The game itself is just too damn short and I really hate having to sift through all the shit online levels to find a decent one. And even if you manage to find a decent online level, they're way too short.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Phantom Hourglass. The horrible Ocean King Temple ruined the game for me, and the fact you had to return there after every dungeon sapped out all the reward that the Zelda series does so well.

Also (although I certainly don't hate it) Banjo-Tooie went way down in my estimations after I played it again recently. The lazy nature of simply dumping loads of lame moves on you rather than offer any challenge pissed me off massively, whereas when I played it on release I thought it was awesome. The whole game was nowhere near as good as I remember it being, so I suppose it was surprising to me in that regard.


Bored at Work
Jan 30, 2009
I've never played a game that I hated the FACT that I hated more than Fallout 3. I really wanted to like the game, but the boring quest structure and NUMEROUS bugs that got me stuck in world geometry and had guys shooting at me unprovoked (and I'm not just talking about regular enemies/hooligans wandering around) just pushed me away and made me want to not play.

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within really rubbed me the wrong way. I only played the game recently after delving back into the trilogy, and I was shocked at how BAD it looked (on GC,) and the change in tone turned me off a lot more than I thought it would. It also didn't help that the copy I got from Gamefly was quite worn and I had to wipe off the disc numerous times during gameplay. Maybe I'll still try Two Thrones..

Halo 3 multiplayer really turned me off. For me, the maps are unimaginative and repetitive, and not nearly as fun as the ones in Halo 2 were, which I feel gave the BEST overall multiplayer experience of the trilogy. Yes, the weapons were somewhat unbalanced and a noteworthy number of the maps were remakes of Halo 1 maps, but the remakes were well done and were good maps to begin with. Maybe if some good DLC comes out I'll delve back into it, but for now it's collecting dust on my shelf.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
The new Prince of Persia... amazing how eventually you actually want to die. No failure = no satisfaction with succes... it's the sour that makes you value the sweet.