what is a hipster?


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Hipster is really just an attitude. A shitty attitude by saying, "I'm better than you even though I'm worse than you."


New member
Dec 14, 2010
Hipsters are people that obsessively study what is popular in order to completely avoid it. They also wear certain clothes "ironically"(which I think is meaning sarcastically).


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Basically, you know what an 'indie' person is, right? Personally I consider myself one, I have friends who are 'indie', and I tend to like the whole 'indie' sort of style. Famous indie gods include Zooey Deschanel, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Ellen Page.

Now, imagine one of those people, but then assume they don't like any music that has gained any sort of recognition beyond themselves and people they know, even if that band was their favourite ever five minutes ago. Assume they refuse to wear clothes that are attached to any brand, and will openly shun anyone who is seen following any aspect at all of 'mainstream' culture. They shun anyone and anything that has any sort of following whatsoever. And they assume anything popular is evil.

That is a hipster. Key differences between indie people (like myself) and hipsters (like the people you see in record stores loudly denouncing the likes of Metric and The Smiths for 'selling out') include a tendency for hipsters to be arrogant, pretentious, ignorant assholes, while indie people will generally do what they want and like what they want to like regardless of it's popularity, thus resulting in a lovely unique and individual mix of styles and tastes per person.

In short, hipsters are a subset of indie people who are arrogant egotistical pricks who ironically follow their own scene while apparently trying to shun any actual type of 'scene', and refuse to realise the irony of such an approach.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Uh, I dunno really. I know say I fall in with the hipster crowd because I listen to a lot of indie, folk, and 80s punk and have an Apple computer. I'm also a fan of Pitchfork and (now defunct - at least in print) Paste Magazine as sources to find new music. So there's that.

But I don't think I'm better than anyone because of my interests, and I don't turn on bands when they make it big (going major was a big deal in the 80s and beginning of the 90s, but not so much since '1992 or so really). So I'm not a hipster in attitude. And I dress just like some regular dude.

I don't really know. I'm not gonna pull a definition off of a site. Hipsters are trend-chasers in one way or another. So they look different depending on what year it is.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Trivun said:
Basically, you know what an 'indie' person is, right? Personally I consider myself one, I have friends who are 'indie', and I tend to like the whole 'indie' sort of style. Famous indie gods include Zooey Deschanel, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Ellen Page.

Now, imagine one of those people, but then assume they don't like any music that has gained any sort of recognition beyond themselves and people they know, even if that band was their favourite ever five minutes ago. Assume they refuse to wear clothes that are attached to any brand, and will openly shun anyone who is seen following any aspect at all of 'mainstream' culture. They shun anyone and anything that has any sort of following whatsoever. And they assume anything popular is evil.

That is a hipster. Key differences between indie people (like myself) and hipsters (like the people you see in record stores loudly denouncing the likes of Metric and The Smiths for 'selling out') include a tendency for hipsters to be arrogant, pretentious, ignorant assholes, while indie people will generally do what they want and like what they want to like regardless of it's popularity, thus resulting in a lovely unique and individual mix of styles and tastes per person.

In short, hipsters are a subset of indie people who are arrogant egotistical pricks who ironically follow their own scene while apparently trying to shun any actual type of 'scene', and refuse to realise the irony of such an approach.
This guy is has the right answer. They make indie people like me self-conscious because we don't want to be douchebags but still like what we like.

And Zooey Deschanel is my dream girl. Too bad she married that turtle-looking dude from Dashboard.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Aren't they just like the typical student? They wear sunglasses and sock hats, stage sit-ins and talk about art and Coldplay? I'm a student and I hate students... sigh


New member
Oct 22, 2008
People who refuse to like anything mainstream. In doing this they see themselves as cool and feel impossible to attack them for being uncool because everything they like is so obscure. As soon as one of their 'cool things' becomes popular they will hate it like it never existed.


New member
Oct 4, 2009
zHellas said:
sravankb said:
Old Trailmix said:

God I can't stand them.
Dear God, which one of them is a girl? The thing with boobs has a guy's face.
It(the one in green) looks like Michael Cera with boobs.
I thought so too, I was thinking "Why does he have fun bags?"

Anyway, that kinda hurts, you shouldn't put us all into the same pot. We all aren't complete idiots, some of us just take it to far.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Some one has been reading Manly Guys doing Manly Things:


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Warning: sweeping generalizations to follow

I once spent an evening with people I suspect to be hipsters. God was it boring. We sat around a table for a good hour or two as they all smoked and talked about obscure this or that. They smoked weed in a bathroom. It smelled awful. We went back to the smoking patio, where they proceeded to resume speaking about obscure this or that while smoking cheap cigarettes and looking unwashed. Any attempts I made to enliven the conversation were met with bored looks or were otherwise ignored. Did I mention it was boring?

In short: hipsters are boring. Really boring.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
DustyDrB said:
Trivun said:
Basically, you know what an 'indie' person is, right? Personally I consider myself one, I have friends who are 'indie', and I tend to like the whole 'indie' sort of style. Famous indie gods include Zooey Deschanel, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Ellen Page.

Now, imagine one of those people, but then assume they don't like any music that has gained any sort of recognition beyond themselves and people they know, even if that band was their favourite ever five minutes ago. Assume they refuse to wear clothes that are attached to any brand, and will openly shun anyone who is seen following any aspect at all of 'mainstream' culture. They shun anyone and anything that has any sort of following whatsoever. And they assume anything popular is evil.

That is a hipster. Key differences between indie people (like myself) and hipsters (like the people you see in record stores loudly denouncing the likes of Metric and The Smiths for 'selling out') include a tendency for hipsters to be arrogant, pretentious, ignorant assholes, while indie people will generally do what they want and like what they want to like regardless of it's popularity, thus resulting in a lovely unique and individual mix of styles and tastes per person.

In short, hipsters are a subset of indie people who are arrogant egotistical pricks who ironically follow their own scene while apparently trying to shun any actual type of 'scene', and refuse to realise the irony of such an approach.
This guy is has the right answer. They make indie people like me self-conscious because we don't want to be douchebags but still like what we like.

And Zooey Deschanel is my dream girl. Too bad she married that turtle-looking dude from Dashboard.
Don't you mean Ben Gibbard? The lead singer from Deathcab For Cutie?

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Hipsters = Bunch of people that HIPSTERS on The Escapist Forums will mention in extremely derogatory fashion, despite 98 percent of them beoing obvious hipsters themselves. :p

Also: Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld apparently = "Hipster Doofus"