What is so great about the keyboard as a gaming tool?


New member
Jul 18, 2008
geK0 said:
Baneat said:
People emphasise the mouse.

And for some games, you can't do without, WoW and all RTS games would fail without a keyboard.

Also: My favourite bonus is that learning to game on a keyboard especially at the games mentioned above vastly enhances your typography, especially accuracy since you can hit the key you are thinking of much more easily. I actually type now with my left hand defaulting to WASD (It used to default to asdf as it should) since I can hit what my keybinds would be for WoW so accurately that way. That's just a cool plus.

I have a fightpad for platformers and a 360 controller for things that need twinsticks though, such as a racing game or a third person slasher. But all FPS games need that mouse and the additional left hand binds.

Also: Modify that claim, since it's the fact that you may always choose freely which method of control you want which makes PC control superior. There are no controllers I can think of which exclusively function on a console only, other than build in pads on handheld devices. And they're generally space-constrained versions of a better controller. (And a few of them are even usable on a PC with some mods XD)
I played WOW with a controller and did it pretty damn well! as an enhance shaman I had enough button combinations for all my abilities and cool-downs, as well as target selecting macros, and my ventrillo chat button.The controller I used was similar to a playstation controller but with two extra buttons. I actually improved my performance by using a USB controller. Sometimes I'd even heal using a wii remote, which is always pretty fun.
Although, mousing over anything with the control stick was a tad awkward, I'd usually switch to the mouse for any kind of inventory management.
You can find a link to my UI and its binds in this thread. I can't believe you efficiently bound all those. Bear in mind I need to add about eight more in for focus macros. I know it's not an enhancement but my ret has a similar number, and feral also.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Keyboard? Fuck the keyboard. The mouse is the integral advantage maker for shooters and strategy games. RPGs function well too, since I have more commands available because of how many buttons I have.

Keyboards offer more buttons which is preferable to being hamstrung by stupid ass radial menus. Beyond that, they are uncomfortable and noisy. Of course, you can buy ones that aren't.

Also if you said it was hard to remember keys on a computer I must ask, "What the hell is wrong with you?" We all use computers enough to have every key's location memorized out of habit. Beyond that, you're only remembering whatever is assigned to the keys.


New member
May 22, 2010
DesertHawk said:
Personally, I don't believe that the keyboard and mouse combo are superior to console controller pads, nor is it the other way around. For me, the issue is more of which tool is suited better to a particular job.

Keyboard/mouse certainly allows for more complexity of control through the large number of assignable functions/keys. The accuracy and speed of a mouse are also, in my opinion, unmatched by a console controller. These features are an absolute must for some game genres.

Console controllers, however, add a certain sophistication to video game control. Their design is more ergonomic, and their button layouts are more intuitive for the casual user. Some consoles offer pressure sensitive controls which provide a level of control that a keyboard/mouse just isn't capable of. A controller can have a variable range on the same input, whereas a keyboard/mouse would need a multi-key toggle/combination to achieve the same result.

Quick example: Basic Player Movement.
Console controller: anywhere from a slow creep to a quick jog, all tied to a single analog stick.
Keyboard/mouse: based on which pace you want to set, you'll need some combination of multiple key presses, or toggle functions to get that same range.

Unfortunately, a controller's inputs are limited by design, and can not easily match mouse-like accuracy in situations/games that would require/benefit from it.

Each is a tool best suited to a particular job. I don't think one is better than the other. It's up to the developer to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of their chosen control method; and to build the experience with those factors in mind.

TL,DR: Brain diarrhea
This would be a better argument if there were more games that actually used that analogue range. Off the top of my head, the only game I can think of that fully used it was Mario 64. These days, even purely console based games tend to be limited to two speeds -- basically run or walk. Some of the more adventurous ones have a third speed, sprinting -- but then that's activated by a button press, just like it is on the PC. There's also the fact that, on the PC, people tend to just toggle the speed they need to use -- on FPS's, run is pretty much always toggled on, while on RPGs with a stamina meter, they toggle it off and on as needed.

OT: Others have already said it. The keyboard has more buttons than any controller, which gives more options in a lot of genres. The mouse is just an all around better pointing device than a thumbstick. Nobody has ever made the claim that fighting games are better with a keyboard, although they do quickly point out that there's a USB peripheral for everything -- gamepads, flight sticks, arcade sticks, driving wheels, you name it.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Baneat said:
geK0 said:
Baneat said:
People emphasise the mouse.

And for some games, you can't do without, WoW and all RTS games would fail without a keyboard.

Also: My favourite bonus is that learning to game on a keyboard especially at the games mentioned above vastly enhances your typography, especially accuracy since you can hit the key you are thinking of much more easily. I actually type now with my left hand defaulting to WASD (It used to default to asdf as it should) since I can hit what my keybinds would be for WoW so accurately that way. That's just a cool plus.

I have a fightpad for platformers and a 360 controller for things that need twinsticks though, such as a racing game or a third person slasher. But all FPS games need that mouse and the additional left hand binds.

Also: Modify that claim, since it's the fact that you may always choose freely which method of control you want which makes PC control superior. There are no controllers I can think of which exclusively function on a console only, other than build in pads on handheld devices. And they're generally space-constrained versions of a better controller. (And a few of them are even usable on a PC with some mods XD)
I played WOW with a controller and did it pretty damn well! as an enhance shaman I had enough button combinations for all my abilities and cool-downs, as well as target selecting macros, and my ventrillo chat button.The controller I used was similar to a playstation controller but with two extra buttons. I actually improved my performance by using a USB controller. Sometimes I'd even heal using a wii remote, which is always pretty fun.
Although, mousing over anything with the control stick was a tad awkward, I'd usually switch to the mouse for any kind of inventory management.
You can find a link to my UI and its binds in this thread. I can't believe you efficiently bound all those. Bear in mind I need to add about eight more in for focus macros. I know it's not an enhancement but my ret has a similar number, and feral also.
had a button for shift, a button for ctrl, and pressing them simultaneously allowed me to use even more moves, plus the D pad adds four more buttons.

the controller had 16 buttons (20 if you wanted to use diagonals on the d pad)if 2 are being used for ctrl and shift, that leaves me with 14 other buttons which can have 3 binds each.... so 42 key bindings in total.

If I wanted even more bindings, the program that comes with the controller allows you to mke 'multi pressing' have different functions. ie. button 1 can = storm strike, button 2 = earth shock, button 1+2 = lightning bolt... but that gets a tad complicated.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I agree the keyboard is a bit annoying to use sometimes, which is why I often prefer to play with a gamepad, apart from RTS games.

And the 'mouse is better' argument only comes into play when you are a 'must win everything' kind of gamer, my advice is don't take things too seriously, games are for having fun remember?

Hammeroj said:
*sigh* Nobody wants the fucking fighting games to be on the PC, alright?
Looks like someone is having a bad day here.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
XIM3 with an awesome Kb/Mouse on 360 with black ops.... INSTANT RAPE FEST. I'm 100% serious. KB/mouse are more precise. If you want precision play with KB/mouse


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Nothing in particular, it just has lots of buttons in a simple layout.

It's the mouse that we all love.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
The Keyboard is fantastic, I wouldn't dream of playing my typing games without it!

Ok, so many people have said this I feel like a Parrot; but it's the Mouse everyone loves about PC games. The Keyboard is an addition to the mouse.

I, for one, cannot play FPSs on a console. Only one was Metroid Prime on the Gamecube, thank the designers for that auto-lock. Other games?Halo, CoD, anything where one stick is aim and the other is move I suck horribly at. Then again, everything has a learning curve... and that's where we find the reason everyone loves the Mouse/Keyboard; a lot of what we do on it is 2nd nature because we use the things every day for pretty much everything. Sniping a dude in TF2 or Placing a Portal in Portal 2 is no different from clicking the link to get to this topic, it all required aim.

And for SIMS and RPS games? Those pretty much are clicking links and dragging and dropping.

The fact that we use our mice and keyboards more then the controllers we love means a well designed control scheme has less of a learning curve then one find on a controller. Simple as that.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
1 word. Communication.

In many more words:
You can't communicate for crap via a mouse, or controller where as a keyboard would be much faster.

A keyboard can arguably be better than mics since game noise can blot out people speaking, and shoddy mics, or, dare I even bring it up, their voice (I'm self conscious about my voice :/) can be misinterpreted, or choppy, or something where as text would be clearly readable. Further keyboards are generally very reliable.

Honestly, I think every console player should have at least a cheap plug and play usb keyboard with them that's compatible with their consoles. Instant messaging/mail/what ever you wanna call the text based communications is on both PS3, and 360. Playstation has "Home" which is sort of an MMO where text communication is prevailent.

The last thing I want to see is someone half-assing trying to talk to me in text. I.E. "ho want to party" (Considering since I'm a female it can sound like the dude was caling me a "ho.") as opposed to "Who wants to party?"

Frankly I think all multiplayer games should have a text chat system built in that can be seen easily on a standard definition tv of at least 30 inches, regardless of it being pc or consoles, too, but that's not on topic.

So, yeah, get a keyboard to communicate with. :p As a gaming tool it's indespencible!

A keyboard as a controller, however, meh! lol

I'll end off on saying this is the PoV of someone who doesn't want to play on PC. I could elaborate more, but I don't want to go off topic, and I've rambled enough.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
theheroofaction said:
I think it really has mote to do with what genres you play.

For one, it would be hard to make an arguement for controlers on an rts, but at the same time, a keyboard proves a pain for fighters.
Exactly. Some games work well with a lot of buttons and some you just need a few. Then there's the mix. Xwing &/vs Tie was a great game to play with a flightstick (for control of movement) and the keyboard (for control of the ship's systems and wingmates).

I see most people already pointed out that it's the mouse that makes the big difference, they keyboard just has lots of buttons.

Also, I don't get the feeling that PC gamers (many of whom use pads for some games) think that anyone who uses a pad is a pleb.
People who don't invert on the other hand...

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
I can't really use a kb/m for gaming because I have wrist problems. Even just browsing this forum for more than 15 minutes makes my wrist and hands ache so that I have to stop. This is why I'll probably always use a controller.

I once explained this to a hardcore PC gamer and he just could not comprehend it and refused to accept it as a valid excuse. It was like I had just explained to him how I could break the laws of physics or something.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
For me there are to many buttons that do nothing or bring up a menu i have no idea what to do with and i'm always worried that i'll set my computer to self destruct in a moment of "quick press everything" panic.

And as a side note (it's a gripe about the keyboard so it's relevant dammit!) playing Spy in TF2 would be a lot less annoying if i had some sort of weapon wheel, rather than having to go through the Pre-Battle Checklist

1. Bring up Disguise menu (4)
2. Select Spy (9)
3. Select Knife (3)
4. Select Gun (1)
5. Check if quick select is working (Q)
6. Backstabs and profit

This happens every time i spawn, if a weapon wheel is to much Valve can you at least stop the Disguise menu from canceling my Q'd weapons?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
So I take it that I AM, in fact, the only human that prefers Super Meat Boy and Street Fighter IV on keyboard.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Hammeroj said:
The FPS genre in particular is easily the biggest genre in all of gaming, probably bigger than most of them combined. You're being disingenuous by implying that the majority of gamers don't care for them (especially when the side you're trying to argue for is slanting the market towards the shit end of the spectrum thanks to the control scheme).
I know they make way, way too many first person shooters and it annoys me. But please, please say that this isn't true in the slightest.

The horror of this revelation would surely drive me mad...

Oh, apparently I have learned that the mouse is particularly nice for certain games and that the gamepad still doesn't have as many buttons as the keyboard. Give it time...

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Lots of buttons, very ergonomic, assuming you get a decent one.

Added to this, they come in many flavours, there are mini-keyboards purely aimed at the gaming market, full-sized boards, various different key flows and patterns to aid with use, and even ones that are projected by lasers.

In terms of the "They're too many keys I can't remember them"

Something like this might suit your needs more.

And that's best thing about the PC. Utility.

The ability to use whatever control scheme you want.

Prefer an Xbox controller? Use one! The PC will allow you to do so.