What is the appeal of modern Shooters?


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.


New member
Jun 16, 2004
I would assume that people like modern shooters because their twitch isn't good enough for old school shooters. xD

I kind of have to agree with you. I wasn't sure where you were going with this reading through the first paragraph, but then you mentioned Serious Sam and Painkiller, which are the type of shooters I like -- even though Painkiller didn't have crouch...

Modern FPSs are just dull, slow paced, and require minimal skill. Which is probably why people like them, it's easier to do well, and if you lose it's your teams fault.

Heads to closet to retrieve his flame retardant blanket.

Edit: Though! I think super gory violence and oozing manliness is more descriptive of old school shooters than modern ones. In fact modern ones tend to tone that stuff down significantly in lieu of realism...

Also! Super Gory Violence: Oozing Manliness would be a great name for a game.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Puberty lol

I find your discussion on maturity to be kind of funny considering your age. But really, I dunno man, because people are entitled to their opinion? Not everything has to be artsy or whatever. I personally enjoy Halo, CoD and GoW for their multiplayer. It's fun, nothing groundbreaking, just fun.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
The appeal is that I enjoy playing them. Not really much more to it than that. Seems to me that you've already made your mind up on the topic, which kind of renders your question pointless.


This Title is Ironic
May 17, 2009
It's fun to play online with friends. I like them. I don't play Blops or BC2 for the story. That would be ridiculous. I play it for the multiplayer, which I and millions of other people like.

I don't play L4D because I find it too simplistic and shallow. Same goes for TF2. I don't play Serious Sam and Painkiller because I like playing newer games, too. I did love Half-Life 2, though.

Can you explain how Halo, CoD, and Gears of War are immature? I'm not a big Halo fan, and I thought Gears of War was average, but immature? That just doesn't make sense. Also, I don't think Gears of War takes itself too seriously when they have those gore explosions with the chainsaw. The whole game was just having fun with gore.

I think you should just play other games, and stop crying over things you don't like. Just don't play them. Easy.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Sturmdolch said:
It's fun to play online with friends. I like them. I don't play Blops or BC2 for the story. That would be ridiculous. I play it for the multiplayer, which I and millions of other people like.

I don't play L4D because I find it too simplistic and shallow. Same goes for TF2. I don't play Serious Sam and Painkiller because I like playing newer games, too. I did love Half-Life 2, though.

Can you explain how Halo, CoD, and Gears of War are immature? I'm not a big Halo fan, and I thought Gears of War was average, but immature? That just doesn't make sense. Also, I don't think Gears of War takes itself too seriously when they have those gore explosions with the chainsaw. The whole game was just having fun with gore.

I think you should just play other games, and stop crying over things you don't like. Just don't play them. Easy.
Exactly and Halo how is that immature?

GOW2 isn't taking itself to seriously (except at a few parts) Besides immatures fun or we wouldnt get this: Surely that wasnt meant to be serious.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Modern shooters are "safer" to develop & publish. Less risk of losing that investment.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Sturmdolch said:
It's fun to play online with friends. I like them. I don't play Blops or BC2 for the story. That would be ridiculous. I play it for the multiplayer, which I and millions of other people like.

I don't play L4D because I find it too simplistic and shallow. Same goes for TF2. I don't play Serious Sam and Painkiller because I like playing newer games, too. I did love Half-Life 2, though.

Can you explain how Halo, CoD, and Gears of War are immature? I'm not a big Halo fan, and I thought Gears of War was average, but immature? That just doesn't make sense. Also, I don't think Gears of War takes itself too seriously when they have those gore explosions with the chainsaw. The whole game was just having fun with gore.

I think you should just play other games, and stop crying over things you don't like. Just don't play them. Easy.
Exactly this. I can't imagine there's anyone out there playing Call of Duty because of it's deep storyline or completely realistic simulation of war. They play it cause shooting your friends in the head is fun. Lots of fun. But if you don't enjoy that, then sure, just don't play them, end of story.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Like most people, I play Modern FPS games for the Online Multiplayer. I tend to really suck at it, but it's fun regardless... for a while. Since everything is Online-focused now, it tends to get too serious though. There's a severe lack of real social interaction because you can't actually see anyone. I guess I still have that old "Arcade" mentality when you actually had to *gasp* LEAVE the house and go talk to people!

I come from the Wolfenstein 3D/Doom school of shooters. Those really weren't about twitch reactions as much as "How high can I make the sensitivity on my mouse before I can't control it well anymore?"

But just like when we were blessed with the original GoldenEye on Nintendo 64, it was really all about the multiplayer. You and 3 buddies huddled around the TV with those technically 3-handed N64 controllers; sliding your characters around on their knees and chopping each other in the butt. Good times... until someone found the Golden Gun. X_x


New member
Oct 31, 2010
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
I like HALO because of It's epic campaign. Don't tell me 'it's not, it's crap!'. You ain't ever going to change my mind. 'Unlikeable chars'? I sympathised with MC at some points (I agree with you on the Marcus PhoFenix front. No back story at all.

What's so immature about them? (a serious question, not being argumantative)

I find the chainsaw fest of GoW immature, and sometimes Nazi/Pentagon zombies (But that doesn't take itself seriously at all). But what's so immature about HALO? No excess F-bombs. No stupid amounts of gore. No Excessive 'HURH! MANLYNESS! ME HENCH!' like Woods in BlOps.

If I want to blow off some steam, I actually go for AoE3. Seriously, me and a friend play that and we kick seventeen shades of sh*t outta people (Yes I know they have only discovered 7 so far). I've tried Serious Sam. Didn't enjoy it. This doesn't mean I am a 'philistine' like my dislike of DrWho sometimes seems to equal.

BTW: I'm 14 too.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Because people think that SHOULDERS make up for a lack of MANLINESS.

Give me DOOM and a chainsaw, *****. Doomguy was a beserker packin' man and a half.


New member
May 19, 2010
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
I cant say much for Halo and Call of Duty: MW2 and BLOPS, but Gears of War is a little different. I have always approached the game from the way the Epic Game always does things. Over the top, with as much gratuities violence as possible, and a sense of humor in the background. If you have every played their other games, Unreal Tournament ect. They have this same formula. Also, your not really giving the game credit in the gameplay sector. When it came out, there was nothing that did "Stop and pop" before. Maybe you are just getting phased by the clones of the game, but the gameplay is still very well done. Here is just one way to put it. Try not to take the story seriously, the fact that you can kill dinosaurs with orbital lasers (yes i am quoting yatzee) should at least indicate to you that they aren't taking it seriously either.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Treefingers said:
Puberty lol

I find your discussion on maturity to be kind of funny considering your age. But really, I dunno man, because people are entitled to their opinion? Not everything has to be artsy or whatever. I personally enjoy Halo, CoD and GoW for their multiplayer. It's fun, nothing groundbreaking, just fun.
Yeah, kind of ironic I know XD. I'm not saying that everything has to be artsy, but they should try something new.

scnj said:
The appeal is that I enjoy playing them. Not really much more to it than that. Seems to me that you've already made your mind up on the topic, which kind of renders your question pointless.
Yes I've already got a opinion on that, but I just trying to understand. Could you go more into detail why you enjoy them? I mean, if you just want mindless fun, then you can play Serious Sam, because -as I said- they know what they are and they ar not taking themselves so serious like CoD. And man, some people are really getting a bonder when they a screenshot of that game... at least it fells like that.

Sturmdolch said:
It's fun to play online with friends. I like them. I don't play Blops or BC2 for the story. That would be ridiculous. I play it for the multiplayer, which I and millions of other people like.

I don't play L4D because I find it too simplistic and shallow. Same goes for TF2. I don't play Serious Sam and Painkiller because I like playing newer games, too. I did love Half-Life 2, though.

Can you explain how Halo, CoD, and Gears of War are immature? I'm not a big Halo fan, and I thought Gears of War was average, but immature? That just doesn't make sense. Also, I don't think Gears of War takes itself too seriously when they have those gore explosions with the chainsaw. The whole game was just having fun with gore.

I think you should just play other games, and stop crying over things you don't like. Just don't play them. Easy.
Yes, why are they immature, you asked? Well, as I played half-way through Gears of War 2 (and I didn't played further) it just feeled like, that the game was an action movie and the macho characters are just dick-heads, shitty plot etc. So the game just feels like, that it has been made for 12-year-olds. It just has nothing deeper, it could be just a mindless fun games if it wouldn't take itself so serious (with the gritty look etc.). Maybe you're right I should stop crying over things I don't like, but I try to understand why other people like them.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Halo's fun. Gameplay wise it's a lot closer to the old-school than most people give it credit for. Yes, it's the game that popularised the limited arsenal and regenerating health, but for the most part it plays like a one man army, run and gun FPS.

Deep? No, but not everything has to be. I'm not a huge fan of Halo, but ocassionally I'll put it on for an hour or so, because it's straightforward and, for the most part, very well made, and god knows it's a lot more relaxing than the nerve wracking (though brilliant) gun battles in the likes of STALKER: SoC.

Sometimes I like a challenge, and then I'll put on STALKER. Sometimes I just want to kick some ass and I'll put on Halo.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Ah, one simple word to keep in mind "marketing", the big names you were talking about were advertised absolutely everywhere non-stop and so they get a big buzz/hype, just like every new cardboard cutout pop-star.
And the average consumer just wants new, for them it's best simply because it's new, and a week later another best will come along, and that is where the real appeal lies.

So looking at ti more closely Halo/CoD do feel quite alright just like a pop-song does, but after a while you realize there is no flavor to it and you heard all of this before, you are just chewing the same damn tasteless game over and over again.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Flac00 said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
I cant say much for Halo and Call of Duty: MW2 and BLOPS, but Gears of War is a little different. I have always approached the game from the way the Epic Game always does things. Over the top, with as much gratuities violence as possible, and a sense of humor in the background. If you have every played their other games, Unreal Tournament ect. They have this same formula. Also, your not really giving the game credit in the gameplay sector. When it came out, there was nothing that did "Stop and pop" before. Maybe you are just getting phased by the clones of the game, but the gameplay is still very well done. Here is just one way to put it. Try not to take the story seriously, the fact that you can kill dinosaurs with orbital lasers (yes i am quoting yatzee) should at least indicate to you that they aren't taking it seriously either.
Yeah on the gameplay part it is very solid and the mission inside the worm was interesting. Well yeah it is over the top (I played it believe me!) and that it is what bothers me. This gory chainsaw stuff and gritty look are just...meh. Ironically if it would have been more over the top ( I mean extreme) and if it would parody in this extreme way then it would've been good to me. Usually I like over the top stuff, but there's a line between inmature and genious (in that over-the-top way) and GoW was too serious and at the same time over the top, so not good to me.

MrJKapowey said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
I like HALO because of It's epic campaign. Don't tell me 'it's not, it's crap!'. You ain't ever going to change my mind. 'Unlikeable chars'? I sympathised with MC at some points (I agree with you on the Marcus PhoFenix front. No back story at all.

What's so immature about them? (a serious question, not being argumantative)

I find the chainsaw fest of GoW immature, and sometimes Nazi/Pentagon zombies (But that doesn't take itself seriously at all). But what's so immature about HALO? No excess F-bombs. No stupid amounts of gore. No Excessive 'HURH! MANLYNESS! ME HENCH!' like Woods in BlOps.

If I want to blow off some steam, I actually go for AoE3. Seriously, me and a friend play that and we kick seventeen shades of sh*t outta people (Yes I know they have only discovered 7 so far). I've tried Serious Sam. Didn't enjoy it. This doesn't mean I am a 'philistine' like my dislike of DrWho sometimes seems to equal.

BTW: I'm 14 too.
Well, the reason why Halo is inmature to me is that the maincharacter is a damm walking tank(It's like a boy's fantasy (sry)). I can't identify myself with that "thing" (sry) and the story? Please, I played Halo 1 and 2 fully (and played the other ones at a friend's house a bit) the story is just simple and not deep in any way(and a deep story is for me an epic story).


New member
Jul 4, 2010
i guess i will be the tool that said he liked halo and gears. while i agree that they dont have epic stories, what they do have is immediate immersion and adrenaline packed fights. i know some people dont like how if you get shot twice, you die but it think that makes players on the edge of their seats and thats what keeps me playing the game. they didnt concern themselves with long cutscenes portraying character development and motivations they just put shot cutscenes explaining how you got from a forest to a snowy mountain. RPG's concentrate on story, RTS's concentrate on balance, platformers concentrate on puzzles, so why is it such a horrendous offense for shooters to concentrate on adrenaline packed action?

each type of game has its particular audience they cater to so it baffles me as to why shooters are being mocked so much for being created to serve their audience, then again they are the biggest genre so it doesnt come to much surprise. i assure you that if the gamers suddenly wanted more story in their shooters rather than action they would buy those style of games and more would be developed, stop crying about it. if you want more proof just look at zombies in games; gamers liked L4D, gamers liked zombies, so zombies started to show up in more and more games. if you want more story based shooters then say it with the only thing publishers care about and listen to, your wallet