What is the appeal of modern Shooters?


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
If you already hate them, then why bother asking? Not like any of us are going to change your mind.

Modern shooters are fun in two ways for me. First in the singleplayer aspect, the storyline and the gameplay make them good if you stop taking it so damn seriously like a lot of people do these days. Its a game, sit back and enjoy what you bought. Second in the multiplayer aspect, the fact that you are better than people and can display your dominance online. For some that doesn't mean anything, for others its a way to show themselves just how good they have gotten in a game they love.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I think you mean military shooters not modern shooters. And I also hate them they are boring nothing interesting. Especialy world wars.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Since when has Gears of War been serious? I thought it was just mindless fun with a story that's ridiculously simple and for some reason enjoyable, which is why I like it. It does everything that should make it lame and boring, but it isn't.

OT: Because people have different tastes than you. If you hate CoD, go ahead, I don't like it much either, but it's all in taste. Some people may prefer games with a bit of realism, but not so realistic that it can't have ridiculously over the top but moderately paced action.
I personally prefer shooter games to be at least vaguely serious storywise, but not so serious that it can't be funny or whimsical at times, unless it's story driven like Bioshock. I enjoy ragdoll physics and extremely amusing to use or badass weapons to trigger these physics. I do want it to make sense within it's universe, but other thanthat I prefer games that have little to no realism besides the characters, and even there I'm not too picky (see: Duke Nukem). I prefer the more fast paced "Run in and murder everything" strategy type (everything usually consisting of about 40 enemies at the same time) like Quake 3 or Doom instead of cover based action, unless you can murder everything from cover in hilarious ways.

Someone might have the opposite taste, and that's their oppinion. If you don't like most modern shooters, don't play them. It's that simple.

Daffy F

New member
Apr 17, 2009
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
Good grief man, could you be any of a bigger parrot? Copying Yahtzee's views doesn't make you special or cool...


New member
May 18, 2010
Sebenko said:
Because people think that SHOULDERS make up for a lack of MANLINESS.

Give me DOOM and a chainsaw, *****. Doomguy was a beserker packin' man and a half.
you think that's manly?

Strifeguy stabs people through armor and shields with a fucking punch-blade


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Daffy F said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
Good grief man, could you be any of a bigger parrot? Copying Yahtzee's views doesn't make you special or cool...
I only share his oppinion, nothing more nothing less. I don't care if you have a problem with that.

Daffy F

New member
Apr 17, 2009
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Daffy F said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
Good grief man, could you be any of a bigger parrot? Copying Yahtzee's views doesn't make you special or cool...
I only share his oppinion, nothing more nothing less. I don't care if you have a problem with that.
I'm just saying that Gears and Halo are fun if you at least give them a good chance to impress, and your opinion on the matter seems too damn similar to someone who hasn't played them for more than a couple of minutes, or watched some internet videos (*Cough* ZP *Cough*).


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Master Chief is a Twat whos fanbase is made up of people who think skulls are cool and all aliens are evil and should be shot without even knowing a damn thing about what they're supposed to be doing and why.

And the CoD games are there for people who wont accept that Modern War is actually boring because these days we just make bomb threats to one another and replace real police with fresh army recruits as an act of peace.

Gears of War is great! Eat Shit and Die.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Darth_Murmeltier said:
whycantibelinus said:
Flac00 said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
I cant say much for Halo and Call of Duty: MW2 and BLOPS, but Gears of War is a little different. I have always approached the game from the way the Epic Game always does things. Over the top, with as much gratuities violence as possible, and a sense of humor in the background. If you have every played their other games, Unreal Tournament ect. They have this same formula. Also, your not really giving the game credit in the gameplay sector. When it came out, there was nothing that did "Stop and pop" before. Maybe you are just getting phased by the clones of the game, but the gameplay is still very well done. Here is just one way to put it. Try not to take the story seriously, the fact that you can kill dinosaurs with orbital lasers (yes i am quoting yatzee) should at least indicate to you that they aren't taking it seriously either.
I agree with you. This is the same thing with why people "hate" Halo. When Halo first came out there were absolutely 0 console shooters that did FPS as fluidly and easy to learn, Halo was the first, then everyone just started biting off of it's gameplay and making sub-par games and all of a sudden Halo is just lumped in with all these crappy games. Lets put it this way: without Gears of War the combat in Mass Effect 2 would have never been as fluid and fun as it is. Without Halo there would have never been Call of Duty the way we know it (i.e. regenerating health, ability to only carry 2 weapons, the type of pacing that the game has, yes it came from Halo).

Personally I feel that people are jumping on these games now, after the fact when they've been copied and copied over and over again and saying that they fucking suck. You have to take it into context. As for the stories and writing, they aren't terrible at all, Gears is about the connection and devotion of a squad of guys who don't necessarily agree with what they've been told to do and are really just fighting for themselves to stay alive and get out of the shit they are in; the dialogue between Delta team and the way they interact with each other through conversation is an incredibly well written piece of video game story.

I just thought of something, you know what immaturity I'm tired of? The immature 14 year olds who decide for themselves that they are mature, bashing on games that they lack the maturity to even approach maturely. You know why you think it's just a gore fest and they do that because they are trying to be macho? Because you're immature. You know why you don't recognize that they are actually the first types of games that innovated that type of gameplay? Because you're immature. If I'm not mistaken there are ratings on all the games you listed that say they shouldn't be played by people younger than 17/18. Want to know why? Because people younger than that wouldn't be a mentally able, no matter how mature they think they are or not, to approach the game with the maturity needed in order to fully understand the game.

Get off your soapbox and actually analyze these games instead of just bashing because you saw them played once and jumped to a conclusion because you're so high minded.
Dude, calm down. I played all of these games! If you want me to analyze them deeply, fine! Give some time and I'll do that. As far as I played Gears of War it didn't seemed to be mature at all (I played to point where you fight the giant fish on the tiny boat). The dialouge is a joke it makes me want to punch myself in the face. I played Halo 1 and it was good because it was new I played CoD 4 and it was good because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene. And now stop flaming you little insecure fanboy.
I'm not flaming. I'm just pointing out things, and the reasons why, you missed and saying why it irks me about children spouting off things that they don't understand. I'm not going to argue with you since you clearly came here to try and get people to bolster your point of view. I will bid you adieu and hope that you can approach things with more of an open mind in your apparently very mature future.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
People like to pretend they are hyper masculine badasses, I like to pretend I'm a badass gunslinger, so I went out and bought RDR, see how that works? You may hate CoD but you have to admit, you occasionally feel badass playing it.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Wondermint13 said:
Master Chief is a Twat whos fanbase is made up of people who think skulls are cool and all aliens are evil and should be shot without even knowing a damn thing about what they're supposed to be doing and why.
Awe man! Everyone thought it was a good plot device in Bioshock that Jack just killed and didn't ask questions, why does it suck in Halo when Master Chief was genetically engineered to do the exact same thing just like jack was?


New member
Jan 5, 2011
whycantibelinus said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
whycantibelinus said:
Flac00 said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
I cant say much for Halo and Call of Duty: MW2 and BLOPS, but Gears of War is a little different. I have always approached the game from the way the Epic Game always does things. Over the top, with as much gratuities violence as possible, and a sense of humor in the background. If you have every played their other games, Unreal Tournament ect. They have this same formula. Also, your not really giving the game credit in the gameplay sector. When it came out, there was nothing that did "Stop and pop" before. Maybe you are just getting phased by the clones of the game, but the gameplay is still very well done. Here is just one way to put it. Try not to take the story seriously, the fact that you can kill dinosaurs with orbital lasers (yes i am quoting yatzee) should at least indicate to you that they aren't taking it seriously either.
I agree with you. This is the same thing with why people "hate" Halo. When Halo first came out there were absolutely 0 console shooters that did FPS as fluidly and easy to learn, Halo was the first, then everyone just started biting off of it's gameplay and making sub-par games and all of a sudden Halo is just lumped in with all these crappy games. Lets put it this way: without Gears of War the combat in Mass Effect 2 would have never been as fluid and fun as it is. Without Halo there would have never been Call of Duty the way we know it (i.e. regenerating health, ability to only carry 2 weapons, the type of pacing that the game has, yes it came from Halo).

Personally I feel that people are jumping on these games now, after the fact when they've been copied and copied over and over again and saying that they fucking suck. You have to take it into context. As for the stories and writing, they aren't terrible at all, Gears is about the connection and devotion of a squad of guys who don't necessarily agree with what they've been told to do and are really just fighting for themselves to stay alive and get out of the shit they are in; the dialogue between Delta team and the way they interact with each other through conversation is an incredibly well written piece of video game story.

I just thought of something, you know what immaturity I'm tired of? The immature 14 year olds who decide for themselves that they are mature, bashing on games that they lack the maturity to even approach maturely. You know why you think it's just a gore fest and they do that because they are trying to be macho? Because you're immature. You know why you don't recognize that they are actually the first types of games that innovated that type of gameplay? Because you're immature. If I'm not mistaken there are ratings on all the games you listed that say they shouldn't be played by people younger than 17/18. Want to know why? Because people younger than that wouldn't be a mentally able, no matter how mature they think they are or not, to approach the game with the maturity needed in order to fully understand the game.

Get off your soapbox and actually analyze these games instead of just bashing because you saw them played once and jumped to a conclusion because you're so high minded.
Dude, calm down. I played all of these games! If you want me to analyze them deeply, fine! Give some time and I'll do that. As far as I played Gears of War it didn't seemed to be mature at all (I played to point where you fight the giant fish on the tiny boat). The dialouge is a joke it makes me want to punch myself in the face. I played Halo 1 and it was good because it was new I played CoD 4 and it was good because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene. And now stop flaming you little insecure fanboy.
I'm not flaming. I'm just pointing out things, and the reasons why, you missed and saying why it irks me about children spouting off things that they don't understand. I'm not going to argue with you since you clearly came here to try and get people to bolster your point of view. I will bid you adieu and hope that you can approach things with more of an open mind in your apparently very mature future.
*facepalm* I think it's not hard to understand shooters these days. I just wanted to know why people like the shooters I don't really like. What is so inmature about that? What a pitty that you don't want to argue with me anymore.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
As a fan of the aforementioned shooters. I can simply say that they are fun. Especially MW2 for me. Its fun to have the ability to use some of the tactics and skills that I learned when I was in the military in a videogame. For example, Pieing a corner instead of running around it. working with a teammate to bound to an objective. Granted all the noobtubers sometimes fuck that up royally but I deal with it. Its all part of the fun.

Teddy Roosevelt

New member
Nov 11, 2009
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Flac00 said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
I cant say much for Halo and Call of Duty: MW2 and BLOPS, but Gears of War is a little different. I have always approached the game from the way the Epic Game always does things. Over the top, with as much gratuities violence as possible, and a sense of humor in the background. If you have every played their other games, Unreal Tournament ect. They have this same formula. Also, your not really giving the game credit in the gameplay sector. When it came out, there was nothing that did "Stop and pop" before. Maybe you are just getting phased by the clones of the game, but the gameplay is still very well done. Here is just one way to put it. Try not to take the story seriously, the fact that you can kill dinosaurs with orbital lasers (yes i am quoting yatzee) should at least indicate to you that they aren't taking it seriously either.
Yeah on the gameplay part it is very solid and the mission inside the worm was interesting. Well yeah it is over the top (I played it believe me!) and that it is what bothers me. This gory chainsaw stuff and gritty look are just...meh. Ironically if it would have been more over the top ( I mean extreme) and if it would parody in this extreme way then it would've been good to me. Usually I like over the top stuff, but there's a line between inmature and genious (in that over-the-top way) and GoW was too serious and at the same time over the top, so not good to me.

MrJKapowey said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
I like HALO because of It's epic campaign. Don't tell me 'it's not, it's crap!'. You ain't ever going to change my mind. 'Unlikeable chars'? I sympathised with MC at some points (I agree with you on the Marcus PhoFenix front. No back story at all.

What's so immature about them? (a serious question, not being argumantative)

I find the chainsaw fest of GoW immature, and sometimes Nazi/Pentagon zombies (But that doesn't take itself seriously at all). But what's so immature about HALO? No excess F-bombs. No stupid amounts of gore. No Excessive 'HURH! MANLYNESS! ME HENCH!' like Woods in BlOps.

If I want to blow off some steam, I actually go for AoE3. Seriously, me and a friend play that and we kick seventeen shades of sh*t outta people (Yes I know they have only discovered 7 so far). I've tried Serious Sam. Didn't enjoy it. This doesn't mean I am a 'philistine' like my dislike of DrWho sometimes seems to equal.

BTW: I'm 14 too.
Well, the reason why Halo is inmature to me is that the maincharacter is a damm walking tank(It's like a boy's fantasy (sry)). I can't identify myself with that "thing" (sry) and the story? Please, I played Halo 1 and 2 fully (and played the other ones at a friend's house a bit) the story is just simple and not deep in any way(and a deep story is for me an epic story).
Actually, I can say that Halo's story is an amazing bit of scifi. The collective story is epic, and, let's be frank, the Flood was one hell of a twist to throw in Halo CE, which is my favorite so far, not having played Reach yet but having played all the others. Seriously, go on Halopedia and just read the articles that put together the story, and even those about the individual games, mainly the first one. The story is very deep, if you actually pay attention to it and not go through the game like any other FPS and shoot anything that moves until you win. Plus, Halo CE has a tactical side to it, unlike Halo 2 and Halo 3 (though 3 did somewhat of a better job than 2, it was still pretty run and gun).


New member
Jan 10, 2011
Modern Shooter styled games have been built around the concept of being the biggest noob possible in an easy mode gameplay. MW2/Blackops/Halo/Etc. were never created for the kind of people that actually ENJOY the FPS genre, but for the people who feel the need to compensate for a lack of skill by using the most pathetic excuses available. The days of a FPS that makes the player pause and think (lookin at you Deus Ex) are over. Now all anyone wants is an FPS game where they can jump in with dual whatever, bunnyhop around the map, and spray like a retarded window washer. Of course, these games were also built for the hacking scene. Modern Warfare 2 has absolutely no anti-hacking support and Punkbuster is a joke. Then there's the free to play modern shooter scene which is even worse. I'll say it again: As long as we have kill cannon in front line snipers, campers, hackers, glitchers, exploiters, bunnyhoppers, raging kids, and a total lack of developer attention, the FPS scene will continue to be the generic cesspool of scumbags that the media and politicians LOVE to see coming.

Secondly: These FPS games were never complicated to begin with, a game that is really complicated CANNOT be whittled down into "go here, use cheap exploit, ?????, profit" that the CoD franchise is blatantly guilty of. The sheer level of boiled and watered down mind numbing bile that gets thrown into a shell of a game is why I'm not pre-ordering, or buying, and FPS games on the market anymore. I THINK I might buy Deus Ex 3 when it finally comes out, but it's going to take a miracle.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
whycantibelinus said:
Wondermint13 said:
Master Chief is a Twat whos fanbase is made up of people who think skulls are cool and all aliens are evil and should be shot without even knowing a damn thing about what they're supposed to be doing and why.
Awe man! Everyone thought it was a good plot device in Bioshock that Jack just killed and didn't ask questions, why does it suck in Halo when Master Chief was genetically engineered to do the exact same thing just like jack was?
You make it sound like Master Chief was some kind of badass...
Jack was a victim! And it was a good plot to start with! =)


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Wondermint13 said:
whycantibelinus said:
Wondermint13 said:
Master Chief is a Twat whos fanbase is made up of people who think skulls are cool and all aliens are evil and should be shot without even knowing a damn thing about what they're supposed to be doing and why.
Awe man! Everyone thought it was a good plot device in Bioshock that Jack just killed and didn't ask questions, why does it suck in Halo when Master Chief was genetically engineered to do the exact same thing just like jack was?
You make it sound like Master Chief was some kind of badass...
Jack was a victim! And it was a good plot to start with! =)
Technically speaking Master chief was a victim too, he was kidnapped as a child and forced into a life of servitude to the UNSC. The plot of Halo is ok, it's not great but it's not god awful terrible. =-) Jack would win in a fight though.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Darth_Murmeltier said:
whycantibelinus said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
whycantibelinus said:
Flac00 said:
Darth_Murmeltier said:
Hello people,
I've got some problems with the modern Shooters nowadays. With their unlikeable hyper-masculin-superheroes (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix etc.), mostly repetitive and uninnovative gameplay, dumb storys, cheap dialogues etc. I don't hate all of them them, I enjoyed some of them, for example "CoD4" (mainly because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene), or "L4D" (because it's a hell lot of fun to play it with friends)and "Half-Life 2" (Just a great game and has a super awesome modding scene).
But things like "Halo" or "CoD" (MW2, Blops)and Gears of War (and all their clones!), meh, I tried to enjoy them, but no, just impossible. They're just so immature and they are the reasons why no one in the public takes games seriously.

So my question is: What is the appeal of modern Shooters? Or why so many people do like them?
(I especially would like to hear the answer from fans of CoD Blobs, MW2, Gears of War and Halo)

I can understand, if you want to blow off some steam, but you've got games like Serious Sam and Painkiller for that. They atleast know what they are, they don't take themselves so serious, that's cool.

People who've just hit puberty (or are in puberty, or never came out of it) often like those kind of games, you know this super gory violence kind of games, so they can feel manly or whatever. But I myself are in puberty (I'm 14)and I'm tired of this rubbish! Isn't that a clear sign? Is there anyone who feels the same?

BTW: My hope for the shooter genre lies in a game called: "Spec Ops: The Line" It seems to have potential to become the first anti-war game. So I'll keep looking foreward to that one.
I cant say much for Halo and Call of Duty: MW2 and BLOPS, but Gears of War is a little different. I have always approached the game from the way the Epic Game always does things. Over the top, with as much gratuities violence as possible, and a sense of humor in the background. If you have every played their other games, Unreal Tournament ect. They have this same formula. Also, your not really giving the game credit in the gameplay sector. When it came out, there was nothing that did "Stop and pop" before. Maybe you are just getting phased by the clones of the game, but the gameplay is still very well done. Here is just one way to put it. Try not to take the story seriously, the fact that you can kill dinosaurs with orbital lasers (yes i am quoting yatzee) should at least indicate to you that they aren't taking it seriously either.
I agree with you. This is the same thing with why people "hate" Halo. When Halo first came out there were absolutely 0 console shooters that did FPS as fluidly and easy to learn, Halo was the first, then everyone just started biting off of it's gameplay and making sub-par games and all of a sudden Halo is just lumped in with all these crappy games. Lets put it this way: without Gears of War the combat in Mass Effect 2 would have never been as fluid and fun as it is. Without Halo there would have never been Call of Duty the way we know it (i.e. regenerating health, ability to only carry 2 weapons, the type of pacing that the game has, yes it came from Halo).

Personally I feel that people are jumping on these games now, after the fact when they've been copied and copied over and over again and saying that they fucking suck. You have to take it into context. As for the stories and writing, they aren't terrible at all, Gears is about the connection and devotion of a squad of guys who don't necessarily agree with what they've been told to do and are really just fighting for themselves to stay alive and get out of the shit they are in; the dialogue between Delta team and the way they interact with each other through conversation is an incredibly well written piece of video game story.

I just thought of something, you know what immaturity I'm tired of? The immature 14 year olds who decide for themselves that they are mature, bashing on games that they lack the maturity to even approach maturely. You know why you think it's just a gore fest and they do that because they are trying to be macho? Because you're immature. You know why you don't recognize that they are actually the first types of games that innovated that type of gameplay? Because you're immature. If I'm not mistaken there are ratings on all the games you listed that say they shouldn't be played by people younger than 17/18. Want to know why? Because people younger than that wouldn't be a mentally able, no matter how mature they think they are or not, to approach the game with the maturity needed in order to fully understand the game.

Get off your soapbox and actually analyze these games instead of just bashing because you saw them played once and jumped to a conclusion because you're so high minded.
Dude, calm down. I played all of these games! If you want me to analyze them deeply, fine! Give some time and I'll do that. As far as I played Gears of War it didn't seemed to be mature at all (I played to point where you fight the giant fish on the tiny boat). The dialouge is a joke it makes me want to punch myself in the face. I played Halo 1 and it was good because it was new I played CoD 4 and it was good because of the chernobyl mission and the nuke scene. And now stop flaming you little insecure fanboy.
I'm not flaming. I'm just pointing out things, and the reasons why, you missed and saying why it irks me about children spouting off things that they don't understand. I'm not going to argue with you since you clearly came here to try and get people to bolster your point of view. I will bid you adieu and hope that you can approach things with more of an open mind in your apparently very mature future.
*facepalm* I think it's not hard to understand shooters these days. I just wanted to know why people like the shooters I don't really like. What is so inmature about that? What a pitty that you don't want to argue with me anymore.
Alright, I like Gears and Halo because I do enjoy the story of them and I think the gameplay is fluid and fun enough for me to return to the games over and over. I think COD fucking sucks personally, I am not a fan at all of any games in that franchise.

The story of Halo is not shallow, it's actually very well written and rather deep, it takes a lot of reading and sort of paying attention to the cutscenes to get it but it is worth it in my opinion. By reading I mean outside literature such as novels. The reason Master Chief seems unlikeable to some people and not very well written is because Bungie intended him to be a silent protagonist but when M$ bought Bungie they kind of forced them to give him lines, Kind of like wedging in multiplayer to a game that wasn't intended to have it.