What is the Concept of this Decade?


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Drathnoxis said:
There are 7 BILLION people on the planet. 200 years ago there was only 1 billion. This is not sustainable growth! STOP HAVING SO MANY KIDS PEOPLE!
That is exclusively the third and Arab world. When circumstances are destitute and there is no future for anyone why not have more kids? In the western world birth rates are actually below replenishment levels. That there are much more people also has to do with the fact that people live much, much longer than 200 years ago. Low birth rates, aging populations, third world population booms. You can see where this is going. xD Immigration being both a necessity b/c of labor shortages and a great source for tension b/c things will never go back to the way they 'were'. Atleast in the most constructive scenario, there is also a real risk of countries unable to absorb uncontrolled immigration like we have seen in the 2015 refugee crisis. It is estimated that the population boom in Africa will have even more severe ramifications in 2050.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
stroopwafel said:
Drathnoxis said:
There are 7 BILLION people on the planet. 200 years ago there was only 1 billion. This is not sustainable growth! STOP HAVING SO MANY KIDS PEOPLE!
That is exclusively the third and Arab world. When circumstances are destitute and there is no future for anyone why not have more kids? In the western world birth rates are actually below replenishment levels. That there are much more people also has to do with the fact that people live much, much longer than 200 years ago. Low birth rates, aging populations, third world population booms. You can see where this is going. xD Immigration being both a necessity b/c of labor shortages and a great source for tension b/c things will never go back to the way they 'were'. Atleast in the most constructive scenario, there is also a real risk of countries unable to absorb uncontrolled immigration like we have seen in the 2015 refugee crisis. It is estimated that the population boom in Africa will have even more severe ramifications in 2050.
Consumption levels are much an issue as population levels. There's more people in India than Australia for instance, but the carbon footprint per capita is much higher in the latter than the former.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Dirty Hipsters said:
Saelune said:
What was the US Civl War but a bunch of babies crying about losing slavery?
An entire economic upheaval of half the US and a huge expansion of federal power is a bit more significant than you're making it out to be.
Whenever you complain about Saelune treating you bad, I'm going to point this post out. Becuase God damn.

This is what you said, paraphrased.
'My wallet is not full enough. I HAVE to make people of a certain colour property.
I'm going to expand Federal laws to make sure they stay property...
Wait, you can't do that back to me. That would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNFAIR.'

In other words, they are like the big business climate change deniers. No plans to change, they force their laws onto us and then complain to high hevean when the laws don't go their way. They pretend the constitution only protects them and not everyone else.

And then you wonder why Saelune goes on rants.

Yes, it did cause social and economic upheaval. Also, they should have been all locked up for breaking Human Rights. They got off lightly


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hawki said:
Consumption levels are much an issue as population levels. There's more people in India than Australia for instance, but the carbon footprint per capita is much higher in the latter than the former.
True, but people whose carbon footprint is low in India(ie the mass majority of lower classes) doesn't really live in envious circumstances. Living in the slums with little or no electricity pissing, shitting, washing and drinking all from the same river giving rise to all kind of peculiar genetic defects. Not exactly an aim to strive for. Despite having more kids their carbon footprint might be lower but it's just a life spend in heat, shit and disease ie misery.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
stroopwafel said:
True, but people whose carbon footprint is low in India(ie the mass majority of lower classes) doesn't really live in envious circumstances. Living in the slums with little or no electricity pissing, shitting, washing and drinking all from the same river giving rise to all kind of peculiar genetic defects. Not exactly an aim to strive for. Despite having more kids their carbon footprint might be lower but it's just a life spend in heat, shit and disease ie misery.
I never said that wasn't the case.

Best term solution for humanity and the planet is to have as few people on the world as possible, having as good a lifestyle as possible. It's been estimated that if everyone on Earth were to have the same level of consumption as the average US citizen, the world could support, at most, between 1.5 to 2 billion human beings. Unfortunately, we're at a point where consumption and population is both rising. Sooner or later, the population will have to peak and decline, but it remains to be seen whether it's a population crash or something that doesn't bring civilization crashing down with it.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
In great uncertain times, people will usually fall into conservatism and fanaticism.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
ObsidianJones said:
So, the 80's were the 'Me' Decade. 90's saw the Birth of PC. the 2000's were... guh. I don't know. Trash? The best I can say is that it was the Vapid Culture.
That's easy: it was the post-9/11 decade. Do you remember how charmingly, naively nihilistic the late 90s were? American Psycho, The Matrix, Fight Club. The conceited idea that the real enemy was ourselves, or our own culture, or whatever, and that we could either fight it or chug another Starbucks and wave the white flag. And then two very tall towers got loved tenderly with copious amounts of thermite jet fuel and we had the taste slapped out of our collective mouths. The Noughties were ALL about either reexamining ourselves in the light of 9/11 or a concerted effort to stick our heads in the sand.

In just 5 months, we'll hit January 2020. So, what concept do you think will best define this culture?
I think history will record the 2010s as the decade of social media, and all the trash that bought us. "Influencers". Outrage culture. Boobstreamers. #MeToo. Hashtags in general, and the fact that 99 times out of 100 they're used incorrectly. Social Justice. Fake News. Internet 2.0 blossoming into a magnificent dripping Rafflesia: nobody is just a consumer any more, everybody is also simultaneously a creator, a participant. Feelings are more important that facts. Facts can be picked and chosen from. Evidence can be dismissed at will. Doxxing. Kickstarters. "1 Like = 1 Pray". Slacktivism. #ThotAudit. Memes. Bloggers getting PTSD from mean comments. Hugboxes. Tumblrinas. Therapy dogs for students. A retreat to infancy, the ego reigning supreme. "I identify as..." replacing "that offends me". Microtransactions. Twitch. Grown adults crying because video game characters are too sexy or not sexy enough. The expectation - nay, the demand that the consumer can not only call the tune if he pays the piper, but he can grab the flute and have a go himself. Call-out culture. Listicles masquerading as journalism.

Come back, '90s, all is forgiven.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
trunkage said:
Probably. Why Bezos, Gates, Trump and Zuckerberg aren't called Robber Baron just astounds me. It also explains why Communism is making such a comeback
They are, and handily, provided you look to the proper spaces (and generally, away from mainstream discussion).

Saelune said:
What was the US Civl War but a bunch of babies crying about losing slavery?
An industrialized military slapfight between two groups of bourgeoisie, waged by the lowest economic classes, over whose conception of slavery will reign dominant in the modern era? The American colonies had a strong and growing abolitionist movement throughout the 18th Century, put to rest by the invention of the cotton gin and lasting until the later developments of the Industrial Revolution made chattel slavery economically prohibitive anywhere but the agrarian South.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Historians will see the last 2 decades as one of the most interesting toxic moments of the modern age.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
McElroy said:
trunkage said:
McElroy said:
trunkage said:
Also, they should have been all locked up for breaking Human Rights. They got off lightly
Those weren't invented yet.
whelp, that certainly makes it okay
It does, yes. I'm glad we agree.
Yeah. Definitely didn't have a Constitution either explain how all men were free.

I was being sarcastic. They had laws. Slaver made their own laws federally and forced it upon everyone else. Where were the state rights there?
Apr 17, 2009
You know that saying about putting a frog in cold water then slowly turning up the heat so it boils without realising? Well that saying is bullshit, a frog will absolutely jump out of water starting to boil around it, and thats kind of how the past decade has felt. Things started off cool but now they're starting to simmer and people are jumping to draw attention to it before everything boils over


New member
Nov 26, 2014
CM156 said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Neo fascism.
Everything is getting a reboot. Super heroes, movies, and failed 20th century ideologies.

ObsidianJones said:
In short, I'm calling it now. If the world ends due to this decade's inaction, we can place it straight at the feet of people like Mark Zuckerburg.
I 'unno, I think the Zuccmeister and his platform are more a symptom than the underlying disease.
If the recession hits before the new year we can wrap this whole decade up in a neat package titled the 'Personally, I think the 1930s are underrated'-decade


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
trunkage said:
Definitely didn't have a Constitution either explain how all men were free.

I was being sarcastic. They had laws. Slaver made their own laws federally and forced it upon everyone else. Where were the state rights there?
Wasn't much of a human rights document since it permitted slavery, now was it?

Like, if Animal Rights violations start getting people jail time in 2050, I won't let my hypothetical grandkids (who would've never seen a world without those rights) shit on past generations for not respecting them.