What is the most difficult, but enjoyable game you've ever played?


New member
Oct 20, 2011
What is the most difficult, but enjoyable game you've ever played?

I am looking for a game that is difficult, on purpose, but still really enjoyable.

I've heard of dark souls, but I'm looking for a PC game, as I don't have a console, and I suck, SUCK, at console gaming, which is one of the reasons I'm a PC gamer. Just list as many as you can.

Mainly why I am looking for a hard, fun game, is because I kill everything in Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Daggerfall, Fallout 3 & NV, all at level one, and I can survive in Dungeon Hack without a problem.

Please help me. I am so bored, and running out of internet videos to watch.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Final Fantasy Tactics stands out...

And there's always QWOP.



New member
Oct 20, 2011
mikey7339 said:
Final Fantasy Tactics stands out...

And there's always QWOP.

Ok, I do have 2 consoles: a PS2, and a DS. I have been playing CV: Dawn of Sorrow. My parents live about 4 blocks away, and they got a Wii. I have Final Fantasy Tactics, got crystalized too many times, I go back and play it once in a while. they dumbed down the difficulty for the GBA and DS games for FFTA & FFTA2 Grimore of the rift, and I beat both of those, by making all my humans high mage/dual-wielding/paladins who nuke an area, then double strike everything in the radius of the spell blast. IMHO, Qwop isn't really fun, I did play it, but it has no immersion, I don't really fell involved in it. I'm really picky, and an old-school gamer for someone only 20 years old, but I was raised on Ultima 8 and Daggerfall. Ah, I still play daggerfall, more than skyrim actually.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Does Super Meat Boy count? It's quite difficult (though I feel it's overstated at times), but immensely satisfying. Except for level 6-5. "Omega". That level can go fuck itself. I tried it about 200 times and gave up on the game. And I hate giving up on games. Despite being on PC, you do probably need a gamepad of some sort to play it properly though.

The STALKER games aren't that hard on the normal difficulty, but they'll make you approach situations in a more thought-out fashion (cover, try not to fight too many enemies at a time, etc). The AI is generally very good, and you have to do things like bandage yourself up to stop bleeding from bullet wounds. Firefights are much more realistic than in most shooters. So on one of the harder difficulties you ought to really have your work cut out for you.

Also, I personally find the Total War games to be really tough on the normal difficulty setting. But maybe I just suck at them.


New member
Oct 20, 2011
LookingGlass said:
Does Super Meat Boy count? It's quite difficult (though I feel it's overstated at times), but immensely satisfying. Except for level 6-5. "Omega". That level can go fuck itself. I tried it about 200 times and gave up on the game. And I hate giving up on games. Despite being on PC, you do probably need a gamepad of some sort to play it properly though.
Now I just remembered Battletoads for the NES. Oh, the pain. "Alas, poor yorrick, he played battletoads, and was reduced to but a skull." is what a parody of hamlet (made my gamers) should include.

The STALKER games aren't that hard on the normal difficulty, but they'll make you approach situations in a more thought-out fashion (cover, try not to fight too many enemies at a time, etc). The AI is generally very good, and you have to do things like bandage yourself up to stop bleeding from bullet wounds. Firefights are much more realistic than in most shooters. So on one of the harder difficulties you ought to really have your work cut out for you.

Also, I personally find the Total War games to be really tough on the normal difficulty setting. But maybe I just suck at them.
Eh, not really fond of military shooters, or games based in reality.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
What about Cat Mario?



New member
Oct 20, 2011
duckymcfly99 said:
Ocarina of Time. It makes me feel like a stupid person when I play it. I never want to try the Master Quest edition.
I can beat the original in 8 hours, and I think majora's mask is harder. I never had a gamecube, so I haven't had the chance to play master quest.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Smt: nocturne , even on normal mode it isn't that easy. A lot harder than the persona games . If you willing to play a ds game , i also sugest smt: strange journey and devil survivor . Yeah i like SMT games


New member
Sep 30, 2011
Would probably be a Super Mario type game. I can probably beat the old NES ones with my eyes closed by now, so we'll go with New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which is brutal.


New member
Dec 28, 2011
Difficult but enjoyable? Dark/Demons Souls I would say. That has been one of the best experiences I have had in gaming and it was very challenging.

Sure I could list a plethora of platformers that I have played that are difficult, but they are all so very shit.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Super Mario Bros the lost levels damn that game is hard (and Im playing the easy one that saves at the start of the level rather than the world) but it was immensely satisfying when I finally conquered that ridiculously tough last level.

Other than that Ninja Gaiden (xbox) and Demon Souls stayed on the right side of difficult but rewarding usually if its to difficult I just get incredibly pissed off and feel nothing but bitterness and a small sense of relief when I beat it (or if its way to hard it goes back in its box never to darken my life again).

But if OP is looking for a difficult but rewarding PC game you could try an old school RPG i.e Baldurs gate springs to mind (1st one) I personally couldnt hack it last time I found the difficulty way off kilter (no doubht not helped by my ignorance of the game mechanics and rubbish starting stats) but lots of people have found it to be a very rewarding game. I will try it again someday as well.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Monster Hunter Tri.

The game itself itself was like- Here is your armour and weapon, go over there and slay that fire breathen monster that is the size of a house!

There is no fancy trick to kill the monster easily as it take alot of planning, dodging/ blocking and timing to bring the monster down.

The game does reward you for your effects as you gather materials from the slayed monster meaning your new gears are from gutted monster you had slayed like how cavemen were fur pelt from the animal they had hunted many years ago.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Very little Dark Souls love here, surprising.
Dustforce was also good. Sort of lost interest in it though.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Bear in mind that one person's fun is another person's torture, but you might have a look at:

1) King's Field: The Ancient City [King's Field IV in Japan] (developed by From Software of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls fame, similar sort of game but totally different combat controls, feels oddly like someone tried to map a keyboard to a Dualshock)
2) Eternal Ring (also From Software, similar to KF but different lore)
3) Drakengard (one man and his dragon vs many many armies on the ground and in the air)
4) Shadow of the Colossus (yes, there's an HD re-release, but it was a PS2 game first)

1) The Witcher 1 and 2 (on max. difficulty)
2) Death to Spies (it's like Hitman in WWII, a Russian-developed game, very good but very unforgiving)
3) Risen (great rpg from the developers of Gothic 1-3, really makes you think about stats in a way that TES games do not)

1) See if any of the Megami Tensei games or Radiant Historia from Atlus interest you. They're supposed to be hard.
2) The World Ends With You -- not so hard to finish, but harder to master and it rewards you for winning as a low-level character. Also, two-handed combat means the player uses both hands to control two different characters at once.


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011
I love challenging games. The satisfaction I get from overcoming a real difficult game, and all it's challenges

Off the top of my head, STALKER: SoC fits the bill, most definitely. I dunno about Clear Sky, just couldn't seem to get into that one like I did with SoC. (Although lately I've been attempting to play Call of Pripyat, so I may just be in a STALKER state of mind.)

The game was no cinch for me to go through. I'm sure there's a ton of things I left unexplored and undiscovered, lots of artifacts I may have skipped, and definitely lots guns I missed. All of which served to chop my own legs off during the final brutal hour of the game.

CulixCupric said:
Eh, not really fond of military shooters, or games based in reality.
Realism is a big part of STALKER gameplay. What with all the bleeding and various types of damage sources, from bulletwounds to cutting, to crushing. And the types of quality for weapons and ammunition.

But I think The Zone, with all it's reality bending/gravity warping very fatal anomalies and host of horrible mutants is worth the experience. Atmospheric, frightening, and bleak as hell.

There was also Catherine. I managed to get by fairly well, early on, but each night skyrockets the difficulty from the night before. There was a lot of levels (specifically the 'boss' levels) that were pretty goddamned grueling. Watching all the lives go down the drain as I die repeatedly and lose my patience... I haven't felt rage like that since the days of platformers.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Difficulty is not enjoyable for me, I'm afraid. Dying is not fun, and I've lost hours of gameplay on Oblivion because of it.

I play on all the eZmodes because it's just more fun.


New member
Jul 7, 2011

You will die. You will die from eating too much. You will die from starving. You will die from falling down the stairs. You will die from stubbing your toe while kicking a rock. You will die from reading the wrong books. You will die from reading perfectly safe books that are too high level, by going blind then getting eaten by the next thing that walks by. And you will most assuredly die if you are brazen enough to take on anything so fearsome as a kitten in one on one combat, despite your character being a fully armored samurai.

And every time you die you will have to start over from the very beginning.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
Download "I Wanna Be The Guy"


It has something of a reputation for being hard. But it is kinda fun. It plays a lot of bullshit tricks on you, but they're funny.