What is the pettiest reason you wouldn't go out with someone or cause you to break up with someone?

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
So we all have our hangups on big things for reasons we wouldn't go out with someone or for why we would break up for them. IE: Bad habits, lack of respect, criminal record etc.

But what is the pettiest thing that would make you say no? The tiny little insignificant thing that would make you ignore or break up with someone?

For me? I'm not actually sure, since I haven't actually been put in a position where it matters.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
That's not fair. You can't create a topic and then not even try to give an answer. Dishonor! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, dishonor on your cow!

Although, to be fair, I guess I'm kind of in the same boat. But I will take a stab at it based on what I think other people would probably consider petty or shallow:

I don't find you attractive. Maybe your nose bothers me. Maybe you have a bit too much weight. Maybe too little weight. Maybe your breasts are too big or too small. I don't know. It could be any number of things. You could have a perfect personality that gels with mine on an unbelievable level, but if I don't find you physically attractive, that's it. Yes, looks do matter to me. I'm not expecting a Victoria's Secret super model, but I have to be attracted to you physically if the relationship is going to have any chance.
On the flip side, you could have a perfect body, but if the personality isn't there, it's the same thing. I'm in it for more than just sex.


New member
Apr 6, 2016
You talk to me too much. I don't like being texted 'hey'.

I actually had a really good first date, but never had a second because the day after the date she tried to start three different convos about absolutely nothing.

Michel Henzel

Just call me God
May 13, 2014
Well I've only broken up once, excluding the times I got cheated on, which isn't something petty. So yeah I broke it off with a girl because she was very impulsive, though some would say she was just spontaneous. Deciding to go somewhere or go out at a moments notice without much thought. Yeah it's not something I can live with, it just stresses me the hell out. I just like to have things a bit more planned out, like how and when I'm getting where and especially how and when I'm getting home or where we are staying etc. It's not like I plan every little details, just enough to give me some peace of mind.

In any case, the relationship atleast taught me that part of myself, so it was atleast good for that.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
How they laugh. Or possibly how often. I'd rather date someone who never laughs than laughs too often or is a really loud laugher. Guy or girl, too much laughing is bad.

Maybe I'm jealous how people can be that happy... but frankly I find normal amounts of laughter from normal boys and girls to be okay. But too much is too much. Nothing is that funny, and the world is not so pleasant, that it provides anybody that amount of humourous amusement.

It's not.

Stop it.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Well, guess I shouldn't look to this topic for dates. I laugh a lot, I love Squirtle, and I like ya know, talking to people I like. I got dainty hands though, so I guess I got that going for me.

I haven't done pretty much -any- in person dating. Once I actually do, I'm sure I will have tons of things, but that's because I am just a very...."particular" sort of person. That is to say, I like things to be certain ways. I try to respect others particularities though because of it though. I don't like people touching my food for example.. No, you cant have a sip of my drink unless I am done with it. Maybe Id be more ok with someone I'm willing to kiss and stuff...but honestly probably not.

I have some other little things that if they don't abide by, might bother me, but I try to atleast be aware of them so we can talk about it and figure out what to do.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Silentpony said:
God fucking help them if they picked Squirtle as their stater...
And you didn't? What a sick, degenerate bastard you are.

Anyway... I can't think of much 'petty' stuff to break up with someone. I suppose if I don't find them sexually attractive anymore, I'd break up with them, but despite the popular opinion these days, I'm not convinced that's petty or shallow.

Bonerless relationships are rarely enjoyable. Unless it's a lesbian relationship, of course, but you get my meaning.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
A while ago I was talking to a girl who seemed pretty into me and she asked me about my astrological sign like the second conversation. Nope'd out of that instantly. I don't think I would outright BREAK UP with someone over it but it's enough to make me not want to get to know somebody in the first place.

Katherine Kerensky

Why, or Why Not?
Mar 27, 2009
Hmmm... honestly, I've never had a petty reason to turn someone down.
Like, the closest I've had to a petty reason would be when one guy thought insulting me for being generous was a good idea as part of a strategy to get me to say yes to going out with him.
It didn't work. I tend to go with my gut feelings on the matter anyway. Though, I often feel sick.
Edit: Never really had a petty reason for breaking up, either. Typically, if I still feel something, I'll keep trying to push the relationship along. And I rather want my current one to last.
Mar 26, 2008
While not a break-uppable offence I did stop having sex with a girlfriend from behind because she had broad shoulders. There was just something unsettling from that point of view. I had to see her front on, side on or not at all.

And before you ask, no I did not tell her that.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Sniper Team 4 said:
That's not fair. You can't create a topic and then not even try to give an answer. Dishonor! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, dishonor on your cow!

Although, to be fair, I guess I'm kind of in the same boat. But I will take a stab at it based on what I think other people would probably consider petty or shallow:

I don't find you attractive. Maybe your nose bothers me. Maybe you have a bit too much weight. Maybe too little weight. Maybe your breasts are too big or too small. I don't know. It could be any number of things. You could have a perfect personality that gels with mine on an unbelievable level, but if I don't find you physically attractive, that's it. Yes, looks do matter to me. I'm not expecting a Victoria's Secret super model, but I have to be attracted to you physically if the relationship is going to have any chance.
On the flip side, you could have a perfect body, but if the personality isn't there, it's the same thing. I'm in it for more than just sex.
That's about the long short of it for me unfortunately as well. Though, there's also a good bit of personality involved as well. But I haven't had a lot of trouble finding people with decent personalities and qualities. Or attractiveness for that matter. In fact, I haven't had a lot of luck finding anybody in their of these cases...

[sub]Dammit I'm lonely[/sub]


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
I don't really know where the pettiness line is, really.

I once refused to go out with a guy because I wasn't physically attracted to him at all, and I was told that I was being too shallow.

But let me think...

Well, I'm not open to "cold approaches" as they're known. If I don't know you and you automatically want a date, no. I don't date people I don't know.
And also if you have lady-issues or believe in the friendzone, that kind of shit, no way.

I don't think my standards are unreasonable, or I probably would have had trouble getting boyfriends.

EDIT: Oh yeah, if you consistently call women "females". That's always skeeved me the fuck out for some reason.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
Programmed_For_Damage said:
While not a break-uppable offence I did stop having sex with a girlfriend from behind because she had broad shoulders. There was just something unsettling from that point of view. I had to see her front on, side on or not at all.

And before you ask, no I did not tell her that.
Smart move. I told my girlfriend that her massive overbite really killed the mood for me. I have seldom been slapped so hard.

As for an actual break-up/rejection, I once broke up with a girl because she couldn't find Canada on an unlabeled globe. And yes, she was Canadian.

Stewie Plisken

New member
Jan 3, 2009
Terminalchaos said:
I once had a nice mellow date. We went out to the park enjoyed some refreshments and went stargazing. I looked out into the sky and said "man on a clear night you can see so many stars, it makes you think of where we are in this universe, the inconceivable scale and beauty of it, what do you think its all about? What do you think about when you look at the sky?"

"I don't really like stargazing or thinking about that deep stuff. I really just like to smoke and watch tv." Was her reply.

The worst part was I didn't have a car at the time and lived 15 miles away so I ended up having to stay the night with her anyway. Never went on a first date without a ride home again.
Does that really count as 'petty' though? It points to a deviation in interests and views on romance, which are generally fairly important in dating and/or having a relationship.

Good point about the car, though. Always have an exit strategy.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Too short.

The reason being that I once dated a girl who was only 5'2" and petite, compared to my own fairly well-built 6'6". It created some physical problems, both in and out of the bedroom (other things were equally proportionate to our size than just height and build). It wasn't the reason we broke up though, that was for entirely different reasons that aren't relevant to this thread. Other than that it was a good relationship though.

It might sound petty, but I after simply preferred women somewhat closer to my own size.