What is the ultimate geek question?


New member
Nov 20, 2009
XHolySmokesX said:
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

Nothing original, but still sciency and it has never been answered.
Unfortunately it has. These to entities could not exist in the same universe, for one to exist, the other would not be possible, therefore the question is moot. Good try tho...
May 29, 2011
Mad Stalin said:
Use_Imagination_here said:
Mad Stalin said:
Why didn't Frodo just fly to Mordor on the eagles? :|
Because that would ruin the plot. Not everything has to make sense.
It's a pretty big plot hole if you ask me
It's a huge plot hole but that's not the point.

And considering the popularity of the movies that's not really a nerd question.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
What's the only science fiction series set entirely in the past?

"What would happen if a spell used in Harry Potter hit a lighsaber from Star Wars? Would the lightsaber deflect it? Would the lightsaber shatter? Would the spell explode but leave the lightsaber intact?" - Spells are targetted mental energy, you can't used lightsabres on the Force itself, so it wouldn't work against spells either.
Yeah. I just saw the first Harry Potter movie last night. With that said, my geek question would be, "If Harry cast 'levitate' on Luke's lightsaber, and Luke tried to resist it with the force, would Harry manage to disarm him?"


New member
Jun 1, 2011
what is the name of the nights who previously said nieh (not sure if that's how you spell it but close enough) and what is the word they are not allow to here?


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Cookie to @Ranorak and @Zelurien (Sorry Da Orky Man, BG references modern political events without time-travel - so has to be in the future)
No it doesn't, it just satirically comments on them. And the ending's pretty clear as to the temporal leanings of the thing (note: referring to the 2005 reboot here). Hell, the very end is in the modern day, and it's stated that it's been millions of years since the events of the series.

TrilbyWill said:
OT: if the Earth's YELLOW sun gives Superman his powers, then how come Green Lantern (with his weakness to yellow) still has powers on Earth?
Green Lantern couldn't directly affect yellow objects. He still had powers whilst they were around though. Just couldn't move the sun around with the ring, that's all. However, now Parallax has been excised from the green lantern central power battery, the rings can affect objects of any colour the bearer wishes. So the green lantern corps are a potential threat to global security, because they can destroy the sun.
...Too geeky?

I guess something as simple as 'Ever seen Firefly?' works as a geek test question, though it's far from ultimate.
Kirk or Picard? is a good fallback.
Compare and contrast the futuristic political dystopia in Equilibrium and 1984. Would you say it is a fair review of the film to describe it as '1984 with guns'?

Stephen Wo

New member
Mar 16, 2011
OP: Depends on the spell.

"Dude, I think the AI director is pissed at us."
"*****, he's always pissed."
"Yeah, think he-or she, think she has PMS?"
"Yeah, maybe the AI Director is a chick and has PMS."
"Would you tap that?"
"Mmm... digital vagina."


New member
Apr 15, 2010
wooty said:
The only one that springs to mind is this old gem:-

Kirk or Picard?
Picard blatantly he's a french englishman who drinks earl grey tea! He's practically God!


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Zaul2010 said:
13/14 + 93^7 * 400000 / 12.7185 - 118.118 = Cheesecake

Solve for X.
Sir, there is no "X" in your equation so I can't solve it for "X".

Hmm ultimate geek question...I will return with a question if I can think about one.

Mad Stalin said:
Why didn't Frodo just fly to Mordor on the eagles? :|
I think they mention something in the books that explains why he couldn't just take a ride with the birdies[footnote]Never read them so could be completely wrong[/footnote]