What is the wierdest reason somebody has hated you for?


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I know at least 3 people that hate me with a passion because I wear fedoras.
When I ask them why they hate me, they usually say some variant of: "Dude, that hat is sooooo gay". What the hell?


Telegram Dictator
Apr 11, 2010
After I turned down a girl for asking me out, she started hating me for not being jealous of her boyfriend once


New member
Feb 23, 2009
Atvomat_Nikonov said:
So my fellow Escapists, I've just learned that one of my former bros hates me. After doing some minor detective work (asking mutual friends), I found out that he hates me because I have a better chance than him with a girl he likes. "Wait," I hear you say, "that isn't wierd at all". Well, I don't even like this girl. I've spoke to her the odd few times, but I have no interest in her. He hates me out of pure paranoia.

Anyway, what is the strangest/wierdest reason somebody has hated you for? (Search bar approved)
That's not weird, that's like hating a rich kid with a ps3 or Xbox when you do, just cause he doesn't play with it doesn't make you any more jealous. Course I'm not saying its your fault in anyway but it is understandable that he's angry.

Well I once had someone mad at me because she was mad at one of our (formally) mutual friends and I wanted them to get over it so talked about it with her, she held a grudge for about 3 months, the ***** is she re-friended him within the month of me talking to her.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
One person I can think of is a former Wal-Mart co-worker. He hated me, or at the very least disliked me, because I didn't give a flying fuck about his precious ICP (or any of their affiliates) and because I didn't give him all the respect he was due as a member of the the Crips, Bloods and Juggalos (the three biggest gangs in America, in his words).
Though it was a mutual hatred/dislike. I hated him because he was a stupid, brain-dead pot smoking (as he claimed) moronic slacker waste of skin, water (the human body is mostly comprised of water after all) and air.


New member
May 13, 2010
For being half German. This caused my childhood to be screwed up beyond all recognition. That and just generally not being liked in said childhood (I have no idea why tbh). Consequentially, life began at 16 for me :)


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Aylaine said:
A few lesbians don't like me because I'm Bisexual and ''get the choice of either sex'' and thus I'm cheating.

Whaa...How the...How does that even make any sense...*Head explodes*

OT: I don't think people hate me, per se, but I do know that people get annoyed by the fact that I tend to correct every single scientific inaccuracy I come across. And I spout off random facts like I'm training for Jeopardy!
May 28, 2009
Wordslinger said:
I know at least 3 people that hate me with a passion because I wear fedoras.
When I ask them why they hate me, they usually say some variant of: "Dude, that hat is sooooo gay". What the hell?
I believe Humphrey Bogart would have something manly to say about that.
May 28, 2009
twistedmic said:
One person I can think of is a former Wal-Mart co-worker. He hated me, or at the very least disliked me, because I didn't give a flying fuck about his precious ICP (or any of their affiliates) and because I didn't give him all the respect he was due as a member of the the Crips, Bloods and Juggalos (the three biggest gangs in America, in his words).
Anyone who names their gang the "Crips" shouldn't really be surprised when nobody takes them seriously. Same goes with the others, but that one just takes the biscuit.

Communist partisan

New member
Jan 24, 2009
10 wierdest reasons why I'm hated 1: I'm retro in most ways both whith music and style and I keep giving thumbs up and say eyyyyyyyyyy but that last part is most for fun. 2: I'm more awesome than other peapole. 3: I do hi-5 very ofen. 4: I'm a Communist. 5: I say what I want about everything. 6: No body likes my "super theory of super every thing" exept me. 7: and most peapole hate me cos' everbody wants to kill me but I'm still very likeable so they think it would be a shame to do it. 8: everytime I see a hot lady I inform all my friends that's in talking range. 9: cos' I believe in god and they don't.(I'm ortodox btw) 10: cos' I get pissed off very easy and get increadibly hostile and agressive. 2 bonus reasons YaY! 11: cos' I hate HL2 HL ep 1 HL ep2 and wanna se ep3 burn in hell. 12: Most of my hates me cos' they see my as a threat cos' I'm popular at the ladies. and much much much much much more....


New member
Jul 3, 2009
A guy hated me because I used proper grammar in my writing, and he said it was too hard to read.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Atvomat_Nikonov said:
tellmeimaninja said:
Turns out, someone hates me because I have short hair. This confuses me to no end.
In England, I get that for having long hair. Chavs will hurl abuse at you if your hair is not essentially bald, for being a 'dirty swed'. Ahh, the uneducated are hilarious.
They will hurl abuse at you for simply being there. Around here, they've worked out that abuse is ineffective and started to add raw eggs to the mix.
Wahful said:
PolarBearClub said:
Wahful said:
Someone told me they hated me because of my hair.

I mean literally, there words where "Look at your hair, i hate you"
Ah yeah, but look at the state of it.

OH no you didnt!
Oh yes he did!

[sub]And he had a point :p[/sub]


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
This one guy said he hated me just because I burned down his house and then shot him in the leg.

I know, right?! What the hell is up with that?


New member
Feb 4, 2009
Fallen-Angel Risen-Demon said:
For not liking rap and playing this* song walking home...
Aparently it makes me a gay...
I know this is off topic and all but, wht does this song keep coming up all of a sudden? I've seen it embeded in about 3 or 4 different threads now in quick succesion!

Anywho, I have been given odd looks because I sit differently to everyone else, since i fold my legs back and outwards at the knee while sitting down, as oposed to crossing my legs like everyone else.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
One of my friends hates me because I have friends who are girls. Not girlfriends, just friends. He says that's just not right. He bothers me so.

And also, some random guy I talked to on a plane ride hates me because I read and I'm just trying to show off for the ladies by reading apparently.