What is/was your least favorite subject in school?

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
I hate math. I don't understand a word of it. My favorite is a tie between drama and english. So hard to choose.

Martin Toy

New member
Aug 24, 2010
I got kicked from R.E. However, my least favourite had to have been Electronics, because my teacher was a moron...


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Well, my most hated high school subject was maths because i had this welsh(no offence to anyone) teacher who disliked me because i'm irish...he ALWAYS made me answer questions in class and commented on sports where the irish lost to the welsh...which i have no interest in, also told me i suck at math...well he can't eat his words cause i passed...

My most hated 6th form subject was media studies simply because the teacher had my mobile number and if i wasn't in then she'd call me...

College: Reserch Techniques for the Games Industry...


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Easily math, not to say that I despise it with a passion or anything but I greatly prefer my other subjects.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Spanish, easily. Passing your 3rd year of Spanish is required for graduation and my school teaches SAT II level Spanish instead of Regents Spanish (Regents is a joke) for the regular class (we also have AP and then an extra year of Spanish after that that obviously isn't mandatory). I grew up in a Russian family in a Russian speaking neighborhood and I barely know how to speak Russian as a 2nd language; learning a 3rd is just impossible for me. Can't grasp Spanish at all, especially with only 3 years to work on it. It feels like a useless class to me because I can't learn anything.

The only class which comes close is physics. I actually understood classical mechanics and quantum mechanics quite well, but electricity and magnetism was a huge ***** that killed my grade. Its only use to me ATM is helping other people with their physics HW. It felt like a useless required class.

I like a lot of my subjects in school, though. I'm quite biased against the sciences and foreign languages.


New member
Aug 19, 2008

...just take the bloody language off life-support and let it die with dignity, no-one* cares.

(For the uninformed, the Welsh language is being forced in Wales despite 99.9%* of people being raised with English as their first language and only a tiny* minority actually wanting anything to do with it. It even has practical disadvantages like all our roadsigns being twice the size (and hence, price) than they should be, because they "need" to be bi-lingual).

(For the really uninformed, Wales is that big growth on the side of England and, as such, is part of Great Britain. Whilst still answering to English rule, is has recently recieved some devolved partial autonomy, but not as much as Scotland.)

*I fully accept I'm plucking these figures out my arse, but they're somewhat close to the mark.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Math... I'm just not intelligent enough to understand it...

The best I can do is probably 8th grade divison...

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
I had a love-hate relationship with math. It's piss easy once you know how to do it, but for four years in a row, every math course I had during high school was a zero hour period. I couldn't recall a damn thing because I was half asleep all the time. It doesn't help that I realize how horrible my teachers were at preparing me now that my professors speak as if the background material is taught in all high school courses(one of my classes didn't even have a teacher, it was a computer course that I finished in a month.) I was thrown into a college level calculus without ever having took even trigonometry. It was hell. For this reason, I often found myself looking like a fool when I was working because I had to teach myself an entire course or two while being expected to keep up. Thankfully, I'm good at deduction and could break my professor's problems.

Still, it's always a little thrilling to complete a difficult problem with the elegant tricks men figured out hundreds of years ago.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
I'm amazed I am the first person to say P.E. (physical education) never liked sports probably never will. In my experience the only subject to mix boredom and ritualised humiliation.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
My medical class (this year). It's basically just a recap of freshmen year.

It's such a joke

tobi the good boy

New member
Dec 16, 2007
studies of Religion, and not because im an athiest, i usually find religion to be quite intresting to study, its the teacher that was a complete fuckwit at teaching (i am well aware that this excuse has been used throughout the ages for people who are just morons but here me out) He litterally right before one of most important exams gave us the information that was imperative to the extended responce, the day before. we needed that information weeks ago to study instead he choose to talk about his life outside of the school and try to start casual conversations GAH


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Judging by high school, I would either say english or history. My teachers for each are shit. History is boring stuff I'll never remember and has no real world value unless I plan on kicking ass on jeopardy, english is usually bullshit that we don't need to know at all. I already know my grammar, writing an essay on a book will not help me in the real world unless a serial killer teacher emerges, forces me to write an essay, I fail, I die.

It may just be me, but I don't think that last one will happen.

At least until I feel like it.


In elementary school, art. I sucked at art, which is why when I got the option, I didn't even consider it. Plus, I go to school because I'm supposed to learn valuable things. Yet again, like english, I don't think art will help me, unless I plan on becoming an artist, which most people don't.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Probably English, mainly because my instructors were utter morons. With American History as a very close second. I like history, just not US history.