What is your EPIC-DEATH scene?


New member
Oct 17, 2010
I would like to remake Death Wish 4: The Crackdown and take the role of Tony Romero, a cuban drug dealer/henchman. I would shout the immortal line 'It's a setup!' after Italian mobsters kill my brother, shoot an Uzi for a bit, then take a rifle round in the back from Charles Bronson.

One day, I will make this happen.


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Hero in a half shell said:
I already posted this, but it was ages ago, and I put that much effort into it I thought I'd post it again.

It is a very early, warm, and bright summer Morn in the City of London, England. The silence is almost absolute, apart from a soft melody emitting from the Royal Festival Hall, as the London Philharmonic orchestra are practicing Bach's Air on a G-string for a concert, while the rest of the city sleeps. Suddenly the heavens are rent asunder as two Russian Migs descend from the stratosphere, disturbing the otherwise tranquil scene, they scream up the River Thames, carrying their deadly nuclear payloads to the intended target: The Houses of Parliament. However something is amiss, as flames and fire erupt from one of the Migs, its wing is sheared off and it plummmets abruptly and fatally into the murky Thames.
Screeching out of a side street appears the cause of the Migs sudden demise. An open-topped double decker London Tourbus, emblazened with Union Jacks and filled with semtex. At the wheels of this whimsical war machine is none other than Sir Sean Connery, in his suavest suit looking impecable. I am also wearing a suave suit, standing strapped to the top of bus, M-32 grenade launchers akimbo, and it was a grenade I shot that struck the first nefarious jet.
Connery contacts me on the walkie talkie strapped to my bandolier of spare grenades, and tells me in his distinct scottish accent that the one remaining Mig, which had already dissapeared around the next riverbend, is flying too fast for us to catch it by tracking alongside the Thames, but he knows a shortcut. We cut across many blank sidestreets and alleyways, whose very existence right now hang in the balance, to try and catch up with the Mig, who in following the path of the river, must take a far longer route.
Connery screams "Get ready! we will only have one shot at this" as he turns the final corner into a dark, narrow dead end alley that terminates at the Thames, just opposite the Houses of Parliament.
However there was a problem. Since Connery had last been down this alley a huge billboard had been placed at the end of the road, on the banks of the Thames, completely obscuring our view of the River, and far bank. Realising that we would never see the Mig when it passed, never mind get a shot at it, and that all was lost, Connery's voice, in a saddened exhausted tone, crackled on the walkie talkie, "Well, its been a pleasure working with you, it really has, but it looks like this is the end of the road."
I am standing sideways on the bus, my head bowed in defeat, when his words give me an idea. I lift and turn my head sideways while raising one of the guns at the billboard and say, "Where were going, we don't need roads." Two grenades erupt from the gun in quick succession, and find their mark at the base of the billboard, shattering the wooden supports so the billboard falls towards us, its top laying on the dusty road, while the bottom of the billboard is sitting on the wall of the Thames River, creating a ramp. Connery instantly knows what to do, he slams the accelerator, tears up the alleyway at a speed that seemed impossible in such a large vehicle, we hit the ramp perfectly and rocket out into the Thames, just as the Mig rounds the corner. The pilot, seeing the bus appear in his path, curses in Russian and begins to pull up. As he is about to pass over the bus I release the harness holding me down to the bus and grab a medieval greataxe embedded in the chair beside me. A running jump of the side of the double decker is all it takes to bridge the gap between me and the fighter jet. With all my weight behjind it the greataxe smashes through the cockpit glass, cleaving the pilot in twain and he jolts forward, sending the Mig into the bus. The semtex explodes from the collision in a collossal fireball, and the twisted metal husk falls into the Thames, sinking to the bottom of its murky depths. Except for a side panel of the bus which depicts the union jack, burnt around the edges and as it sinks below the waves a small orphan child standing on Westminster bridge, the sole witness of the whole affair, gives a salute and says "God save the queen".

that was... AMAZING


New member
Jun 5, 2010
Standing onn top of a large pile of dead zombies armed with the largest chain gun i can carry and shooting into a massive horde as they scale my gory mountain and try to tear me to pieces, all the while listening to a playlist consisting of:
Electric Six
Village People
Right Said Fred
MC Hammer


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I imagine something like a Highlander quickening, except at the end I absorb so much energy that I myself burst and achieve a higher form of existence.


New member
Apr 14, 2008
i would run into a terrorist (or other generally hated dangerous enemy like say the mob) facility go rambo on all of them then when the carnage is over the picture of one of the peoples family photos will slowly fall to my feet as i look at the picture i would suddenly realize that the enemies i just killed had lives of their own that effected many good people positively then after shedding one single tear i would say "god... forgive me" then fire the last bullet into my own head

Mr S

New member
Jul 13, 2010
MDAWG909 said:
Hero in a half shell said:
I already posted this, but it was ages ago, and I put that much effort into it I thought I'd post it again.

It is a very early, warm, and bright summer Morn in the City of London, England. The silence is almost absolute, apart from a soft melody emitting from the Royal Festival Hall, as the London Philharmonic orchestra are practicing Bach's Air on a G-string for a concert, while the rest of the city sleeps. Suddenly the heavens are rent asunder as two Russian Migs descend from the stratosphere, disturbing the otherwise tranquil scene, they scream up the River Thames, carrying their deadly nuclear payloads to the intended target: The Houses of Parliament. However something is amiss, as flames and fire erupt from one of the Migs, its wing is sheared off and it plummmets abruptly and fatally into the murky Thames.
Screeching out of a side street appears the cause of the Migs sudden demise. An open-topped double decker London Tourbus, emblazened with Union Jacks and filled with semtex. At the wheels of this whimsical war machine is none other than Sir Sean Connery, in his suavest suit looking impecable. I am also wearing a suave suit, standing strapped to the top of bus, M-32 grenade launchers akimbo, and it was a grenade I shot that struck the first nefarious jet.
Connery contacts me on the walkie talkie strapped to my bandolier of spare grenades, and tells me in his distinct scottish accent that the one remaining Mig, which had already dissapeared around the next riverbend, is flying too fast for us to catch it by tracking alongside the Thames, but he knows a shortcut. We cut across many blank sidestreets and alleyways, whose very existence right now hang in the balance, to try and catch up with the Mig, who in following the path of the river, must take a far longer route.
Connery screams "Get ready! we will only have one shot at this" as he turns the final corner into a dark, narrow dead end alley that terminates at the Thames, just opposite the Houses of Parliament.
However there was a problem. Since Connery had last been down this alley a huge billboard had been placed at the end of the road, on the banks of the Thames, completely obscuring our view of the River, and far bank. Realising that we would never see the Mig when it passed, never mind get a shot at it, and that all was lost, Connery's voice, in a saddened exhausted tone, crackled on the walkie talkie, "Well, its been a pleasure working with you, it really has, but it looks like this is the end of the road."
I am standing sideways on the bus, my head bowed in defeat, when his words give me an idea. I lift and turn my head sideways while raising one of the guns at the billboard and say, "Where were going, we don't need roads." Two grenades erupt from the gun in quick succession, and find their mark at the base of the billboard, shattering the wooden supports so the billboard falls towards us, its top laying on the dusty road, while the bottom of the billboard is sitting on the wall of the Thames River, creating a ramp. Connery instantly knows what to do, he slams the accelerator, tears up the alleyway at a speed that seemed impossible in such a large vehicle, we hit the ramp perfectly and rocket out into the Thames, just as the Mig rounds the corner. The pilot, seeing the bus appear in his path, curses in Russian and begins to pull up. As he is about to pass over the bus I release the harness holding me down to the bus and grab a medieval greataxe embedded in the chair beside me. A running jump of the side of the double decker is all it takes to bridge the gap between me and the fighter jet. With all my weight behjind it the greataxe smashes through the cockpit glass, cleaving the pilot in twain and he jolts forward, sending the Mig into the bus. The semtex explodes from the collision in a collossal fireball, and the twisted metal husk falls into the Thames, sinking to the bottom of its murky depths. Except for a side panel of the bus which depicts the union jack, burnt around the edges and as it sinks below the waves a small orphan child standing on Westminster bridge, the sole witness of the whole affair, gives a salute and says "God save the queen".

that was... AMAZING
Not bad :p
Not bad at all.

Hawk of Battle

New member
Feb 28, 2009
Swordfight with the Ultimate Evil at the End of the Universe. Literally, the universe would be exploding around us and we'd be duking it out in epic style.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
jck4332 said:
Walk over to ground zero and shout that 9/11 was an act of justice and see how long it would take before somebody shoots me.

I wonder if they'd shoot you if you told them about this.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
I'd crash a spaceship into an alien vessel at a speed so high that I actually start to dissolve, like my skin would start cracking and flaking off painfully and slowly until I impact the alien vessel.

And that's how I would save the Earth.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
My housemate was just playing Final Fantasy IX, which made me think of a pretty suitable death.

An epic large crosshair/laser sight from an orbiting satellite painting the ground around me - last defiant act is to give it the finger.
May 5, 2010
Random berk said:
jck4332 said:
Walk over to ground zero and shout that 9/11 was an act of justice and see how long it would take before somebody shoots me.

I wonder if they'd shoot you if you told them about this.
Yeah, the 290 casualties doesn't really stack up against 9/11's 3000, as horrible as that sounds.

Don't get me wrong, both were terrible events, but...well, 9/11 was worse.

OT: I don't know, but it probably involve a slow motion, western-style gunfight with this song playing:


Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
Random berk said:
jck4332 said:
Walk over to ground zero and shout that 9/11 was an act of justice and see how long it would take before somebody shoots me.

I wonder if they'd shoot you if you told them about this.
Yeah, the 290 casualties doesn't really stack up against 9/11's 3000, as horrible as that sounds.

Don't get me wrong, both were terrible events, but...well, 9/11 was worse.

No, you're right, it doesn't. However, whenever some proud American gets his blood up about 9/11, maybe he should also spare a thought for the fact that targeting civilians is by no means a pastime exclusive to the muslims.

Nice taste in music, by the way.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
This would totally be my death!

(This is the article It's from: http://www.cracked.com/blog/seanbabys-brockways-choose-your-drug-fueled-adventure/)