what is your fav and least fav FPS franchise of all time?

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
B-Cell said:
Timedraven 117 said:
METRO: I liked the first two games, I'm VERY worried about the direction they're taking Exodus, this has so many ways to fail I'm not even hyped, I'm just worried like a soon to be father.

Many people criticize Metro being too linear and scripted and not enough freedom. so thats why they are making it non linear and probably less scripted too. but classic linear gameplay is still here. they are making more like Stalker.
Really? People complained that a game called metro was too linear? Guess they live in those fancy cities where they have the free rolling metro balls that can go to any station. :p
But seriously, I liked that about metro, it told a nice compact and well put together story. Why ruin that by making it "open world" like very other franchise that proceeded to commit suicide because of it? Also story wise, I don't really like the idea of Artyom and the spartan survivors having to leave the metro for what apparently is no reason.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
Favs: F.E.A.R and Extraction point expansion, F.E.A.R 2 is alright, but the original even on console was amazing and I saw no reason why the had to "Dumb it down" for console. I never got that, and I always thought they were just fucking lying to us as an excuse to make inferior games. While the story was nothing to write home about, it works in the confines of the game and its only failure was making Alma TOO powerful, jumping the shark in 2, firmly killing the franchise even as it left on an okay note.

Fear 3: I never played the first two games but this game's quality and story was so abysmal it makes me absolutely sick. Like want to punch the lead writer with brass knuckles angry.

? It?s the first fav series you mentioned playing?
F.E.A.R is not in the same series as Fear. I'm surprised no one sued them for infringing copy right actually. I mean, the art style is totally different and very much inferior, the game play is greatly inferior and greatly different being arcade style, the story has no similarities with one another beyond "Great tortured evil is ravaging the land" and that's it, in the F.E.A.R games you fought replicas for most of the time which had real heart and soul in them despite being clones, in Fear 3 you fight endless corporate security with unlimited resources *Yawn*.

Yeah these aren't in the same series, I refuse to believe it.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Guess I'll jump on the individual games bandwagon. In no particular order...

1. System Shock 2
2. Deus Ex
3. Half-Life (1)
4. Quake 2
5. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
6. Perfect Dark 64
7. Halo: Combat Evolved
8. Aliens vs. Predator Gold Edition (2000)
9. Borderlands 2
10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Didn't Like:
1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s sequels
2. Quake IV
3. Doom III
4. Bioshock
5. Brink
6. Destiny 2
7. Team Fortress 2
8. Overwatch
9. Pretty much all of the CoD games other than MW1/MW2/MW3
10. Command & Conquer: Renegade


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Favourite: Probably a tie between Half-Life and Doom. One has the best of FPS single-player level design and storytelling done by showing instead of telling (with an admittedly large amount of exposition-dump), while the other game gives me the monsters and combat mechanics I want.

Least Favourite: Probably Call of Duty. Aside from a few memorable scenes, they have, in my memory, became this hyperactive and samey assault on the senses where one installment is virtually indistinguishable from another. I have played at least 7 of the games to completion and, aside from the WWII games, cannot tell you what was actually going on in any of them. My brain, which can tell you the subplots of every single party member from Final Fantasy IV & VI despite not playing either in a decade, simply rejects knowledge of all things COD.

Yeah, I've most certainly played a lot of FPS games that are far less competently made than COD but it is the franchise I feel least inclined to go back to. I've just seen what it has to offer and know that I don't want it.
Aug 31, 2012
Can't do all series' but...

Borderlands 1&2
Cold Winter
AvP original

Can fuck off:
Half Life
Fire Warrior


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Timedraven 117 said:
Really? People complained that a game called metro was too linear? Guess they live in those fancy cities where they have the free rolling metro balls that can go to any station. :p
But seriously, I liked that about metro, it told a nice compact and well put together story. Why ruin that by making it "open world" like very other franchise that proceeded to commit suicide because of it? Also story wise, I don't really like the idea of Artyom and the spartan survivors having to leave the metro for what apparently is no reason.
its not like they are turning it into far cry. they are not making it open world. just making levels more open. and have more freedom.

they worked on Stalker before they found 4A games. and Stalker has always been better than Metro.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Timedraven 117 said:
B-Cell said:
Timedraven 117 said:
METRO: I liked the first two games, I'm VERY worried about the direction they're taking Exodus, this has so many ways to fail I'm not even hyped, I'm just worried like a soon to be father.

Many people criticize Metro being too linear and scripted and not enough freedom. so thats why they are making it non linear and probably less scripted too. but classic linear gameplay is still here. they are making more like Stalker.
Really? People complained that a game called metro was too linear? Guess they live in those fancy cities where they have the free rolling metro balls that can go to any station. :p
But seriously, I liked that about metro, it told a nice compact and well put together story. Why ruin that by making it "open world" like very other franchise that proceeded to commit suicide because of it? Also story wise, I don't really like the idea of Artyom and the spartan survivors having to leave the metro for what apparently is no reason.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
Favs: F.E.A.R and Extraction point expansion, F.E.A.R 2 is alright, but the original even on console was amazing and I saw no reason why the had to "Dumb it down" for console. I never got that, and I always thought they were just fucking lying to us as an excuse to make inferior games. While the story was nothing to write home about, it works in the confines of the game and its only failure was making Alma TOO powerful, jumping the shark in 2, firmly killing the franchise even as it left on an okay note.

Fear 3: I never played the first two games but this game's quality and story was so abysmal it makes me absolutely sick. Like want to punch the lead writer with brass knuckles angry.

? It?s the first fav series you mentioned playing?
F.E.A.R is not in the same series as Fear. I'm surprised no one sued them for infringing copy right actually. I mean, the art style is totally different and very much inferior, the game play is greatly inferior and greatly different being arcade style, the story has no similarities with one another beyond "Great tortured evil is ravaging the land" and that's it, in the F.E.A.R games you fought replicas for most of the time which had real heart and soul in them despite being clones, in Fear 3 you fight endless corporate security with unlimited resources *Yawn*.

Yeah these aren't in the same series, I refuse to believe it.

Yeah it?s wierd because I just googled ?Fear 3? and all that showed up was stuff for ?F.E.A.R. 3?

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
B-Cell said:
Whats not to like about Stalker COP?
I have a... conflicted stance toward those games. I love the world they exist in and the atmosphere, I like a lot of the game mechanics and ideas, but for some reason I just can't seem to get into the actual gameplay whenever I try to play them these days. I played the original STALKER and liked it well enough, but I think much of it is nostalgia. I was at university at the time, and playing it with a bunch of roommates. Having the whole gang together made the experience so much fun that it was easy to ignore any faults that came up. Whenever I try to play them now, I just remember all the fun I had back then with my roommates that I'm not having while playing solo.

Weirdly, it's a case of a game series being ruined for me because of a good experience with it. It's... odd.

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
B-Cell said:
Timedraven 117 said:
METRO: I liked the first two games, I'm VERY worried about the direction they're taking Exodus, this has so many ways to fail I'm not even hyped, I'm just worried like a soon to be father.

Many people criticize Metro being too linear and scripted and not enough freedom. so thats why they are making it non linear and probably less scripted too. but classic linear gameplay is still here. they are making more like Stalker.
Really? People complained that a game called metro was too linear? Guess they live in those fancy cities where they have the free rolling metro balls that can go to any station. :p
But seriously, I liked that about metro, it told a nice compact and well put together story. Why ruin that by making it "open world" like very other franchise that proceeded to commit suicide because of it? Also story wise, I don't really like the idea of Artyom and the spartan survivors having to leave the metro for what apparently is no reason.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
Favs: F.E.A.R and Extraction point expansion, F.E.A.R 2 is alright, but the original even on console was amazing and I saw no reason why the had to "Dumb it down" for console. I never got that, and I always thought they were just fucking lying to us as an excuse to make inferior games. While the story was nothing to write home about, it works in the confines of the game and its only failure was making Alma TOO powerful, jumping the shark in 2, firmly killing the franchise even as it left on an okay note.

Fear 3: I never played the first two games but this game's quality and story was so abysmal it makes me absolutely sick. Like want to punch the lead writer with brass knuckles angry.

? It?s the first fav series you mentioned playing?
F.E.A.R is not in the same series as Fear. I'm surprised no one sued them for infringing copy right actually. I mean, the art style is totally different and very much inferior, the game play is greatly inferior and greatly different being arcade style, the story has no similarities with one another beyond "Great tortured evil is ravaging the land" and that's it, in the F.E.A.R games you fought replicas for most of the time which had real heart and soul in them despite being clones, in Fear 3 you fight endless corporate security with unlimited resources *Yawn*.

Yeah these aren't in the same series, I refuse to believe it.

Yeah it?s wierd because I just googled ?Fear 3? and all that showed up was stuff for ?F.E.A.R. 3?
Then its a lie by people who have no idea what the word "Quality" is. If you continue to fail to understand, I'm currently repressing the fact that Fear 3 is even remotely related ot teh classic that is F.E.A.R. because it was that bad.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Favourite is either Bioshock because I loved the setting and world Perfect Dark because I think it has one of the best multiplayers of any shooter ever Halo 2 because of the times I had playing it with my friends or Portal because I absolutely loved the concept.

Least favourite I really dont know tbh I dont like FPS much nowadays I am still pretty burnt out on them from Halo 2 days so its rare I pick them up in comparison to other games. I mean I didnt like HL2 much but its more that it had bits I liked and bits I hated and just ended up feeling a chore to play. To this day I have never finished episode 2 and probably never will. Ive also got spec ops and wolfenstein new order on the go technically but dont think ill ever bother going back. Its hard to pick a least favourite as there is loads I dont like much but not many I hate.

Lets go with Destiny though because not even playing with friends could make that game fun and its very rare we ever get the same game and play together so for us to say yeah lets not play this garbage means we really werent enjoying it. Usually the game just fizzles out for us instead of us killing it.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Timedraven 117 said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
B-Cell said:
Timedraven 117 said:
METRO: I liked the first two games, I'm VERY worried about the direction they're taking Exodus, this has so many ways to fail I'm not even hyped, I'm just worried like a soon to be father.

Many people criticize Metro being too linear and scripted and not enough freedom. so thats why they are making it non linear and probably less scripted too. but classic linear gameplay is still here. they are making more like Stalker.
Really? People complained that a game called metro was too linear? Guess they live in those fancy cities where they have the free rolling metro balls that can go to any station. :p
But seriously, I liked that about metro, it told a nice compact and well put together story. Why ruin that by making it "open world" like very other franchise that proceeded to commit suicide because of it? Also story wise, I don't really like the idea of Artyom and the spartan survivors having to leave the metro for what apparently is no reason.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
Favs: F.E.A.R and Extraction point expansion, F.E.A.R 2 is alright, but the original even on console was amazing and I saw no reason why the had to "Dumb it down" for console. I never got that, and I always thought they were just fucking lying to us as an excuse to make inferior games. While the story was nothing to write home about, it works in the confines of the game and its only failure was making Alma TOO powerful, jumping the shark in 2, firmly killing the franchise even as it left on an okay note.

Fear 3: I never played the first two games but this game's quality and story was so abysmal it makes me absolutely sick. Like want to punch the lead writer with brass knuckles angry.

? It?s the first fav series you mentioned playing?
F.E.A.R is not in the same series as Fear. I'm surprised no one sued them for infringing copy right actually. I mean, the art style is totally different and very much inferior, the game play is greatly inferior and greatly different being arcade style, the story has no similarities with one another beyond "Great tortured evil is ravaging the land" and that's it, in the F.E.A.R games you fought replicas for most of the time which had real heart and soul in them despite being clones, in Fear 3 you fight endless corporate security with unlimited resources *Yawn*.

Yeah these aren't in the same series, I refuse to believe it.

Yeah it?s wierd because I just googled ?Fear 3? and all that showed up was stuff for ?F.E.A.R. 3?

Then its a lie by people who have no idea what the word "Quality" is. If you continue to fail to understand, I'm currently repressing the fact that Fear 3 is even remotely related ot teh classic that is F.E.A.R. because it was that bad.
Ahh, removal by disassociation. I really should reinstall the original and make a whole hearted effort to finish it. Third time could be a charm. I might even get F2 since I remember not minding the demo.

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
B-Cell said:
Timedraven 117 said:
METRO: I liked the first two games, I'm VERY worried about the direction they're taking Exodus, this has so many ways to fail I'm not even hyped, I'm just worried like a soon to be father.

Many people criticize Metro being too linear and scripted and not enough freedom. so thats why they are making it non linear and probably less scripted too. but classic linear gameplay is still here. they are making more like Stalker.
Really? People complained that a game called metro was too linear? Guess they live in those fancy cities where they have the free rolling metro balls that can go to any station. :p
But seriously, I liked that about metro, it told a nice compact and well put together story. Why ruin that by making it "open world" like very other franchise that proceeded to commit suicide because of it? Also story wise, I don't really like the idea of Artyom and the spartan survivors having to leave the metro for what apparently is no reason.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
Favs: F.E.A.R and Extraction point expansion, F.E.A.R 2 is alright, but the original even on console was amazing and I saw no reason why the had to "Dumb it down" for console. I never got that, and I always thought they were just fucking lying to us as an excuse to make inferior games. While the story was nothing to write home about, it works in the confines of the game and its only failure was making Alma TOO powerful, jumping the shark in 2, firmly killing the franchise even as it left on an okay note.

Fear 3: I never played the first two games but this game's quality and story was so abysmal it makes me absolutely sick. Like want to punch the lead writer with brass knuckles angry.

? It?s the first fav series you mentioned playing?
F.E.A.R is not in the same series as Fear. I'm surprised no one sued them for infringing copy right actually. I mean, the art style is totally different and very much inferior, the game play is greatly inferior and greatly different being arcade style, the story has no similarities with one another beyond "Great tortured evil is ravaging the land" and that's it, in the F.E.A.R games you fought replicas for most of the time which had real heart and soul in them despite being clones, in Fear 3 you fight endless corporate security with unlimited resources *Yawn*.

Yeah these aren't in the same series, I refuse to believe it.

Yeah it?s wierd because I just googled ?Fear 3? and all that showed up was stuff for ?F.E.A.R. 3?

Then its a lie by people who have no idea what the word "Quality" is. If you continue to fail to understand, I'm currently repressing the fact that Fear 3 is even remotely related ot teh classic that is F.E.A.R. because it was that bad.
Ahh, removal by disassociation. I really should reinstall the original and make a whole hearted effort to finish it. Third time could be a charm. I might even get F2 since I remember not minding the demo.

My suggestion for enjoyment is focus on the combat and AI, play on hard. Its really fun and the guns all feel great, even if the shotgun is overpowered. Treat ti like an action movie, that's what they were going for when they made it.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Timedraven 117 said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
B-Cell said:
Timedraven 117 said:
METRO: I liked the first two games, I'm VERY worried about the direction they're taking Exodus, this has so many ways to fail I'm not even hyped, I'm just worried like a soon to be father.

Many people criticize Metro being too linear and scripted and not enough freedom. so thats why they are making it non linear and probably less scripted too. but classic linear gameplay is still here. they are making more like Stalker.
Really? People complained that a game called metro was too linear? Guess they live in those fancy cities where they have the free rolling metro balls that can go to any station. :p
But seriously, I liked that about metro, it told a nice compact and well put together story. Why ruin that by making it "open world" like very other franchise that proceeded to commit suicide because of it? Also story wise, I don't really like the idea of Artyom and the spartan survivors having to leave the metro for what apparently is no reason.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Timedraven 117 said:
Favs: F.E.A.R and Extraction point expansion, F.E.A.R 2 is alright, but the original even on console was amazing and I saw no reason why the had to "Dumb it down" for console. I never got that, and I always thought they were just fucking lying to us as an excuse to make inferior games. While the story was nothing to write home about, it works in the confines of the game and its only failure was making Alma TOO powerful, jumping the shark in 2, firmly killing the franchise even as it left on an okay note.

Fear 3: I never played the first two games but this game's quality and story was so abysmal it makes me absolutely sick. Like want to punch the lead writer with brass knuckles angry.

? It?s the first fav series you mentioned playing?
F.E.A.R is not in the same series as Fear. I'm surprised no one sued them for infringing copy right actually. I mean, the art style is totally different and very much inferior, the game play is greatly inferior and greatly different being arcade style, the story has no similarities with one another beyond "Great tortured evil is ravaging the land" and that's it, in the F.E.A.R games you fought replicas for most of the time which had real heart and soul in them despite being clones, in Fear 3 you fight endless corporate security with unlimited resources *Yawn*.

Yeah these aren't in the same series, I refuse to believe it.

Yeah it?s wierd because I just googled ?Fear 3? and all that showed up was stuff for ?F.E.A.R. 3?

Then its a lie by people who have no idea what the word "Quality" is. If you continue to fail to understand, I'm currently repressing the fact that Fear 3 is even remotely related ot teh classic that is F.E.A.R. because it was that bad.
Ahh, removal by disassociation. I really should reinstall the original and make a whole hearted effort to finish it. Third time could be a charm. I might even get F2 since I remember not minding the demo.

My suggestion for enjoyment is focus on the combat and AI, play on hard. Its really fun and the guns all feel great, even if the shotgun is overpowered. Treat ti like an action movie, that's what they were going for when they made it.
I did start it again at my old save point. My biggest gameplay gripe would be the pointlessness of the zoom function, and that it seems to only be a toggled vs hold function, unless there?s a way to change it in ini. Still though it?s pretty trivial.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
I?m probably going to put F.E.A.R. in my favorite column after playing it some more last night. I find myself instinctively using the zoom function on distant enemies, and aside from looking odd (how am I seeing closer? Am I moving my face ahead a few feet like Inspector Gadget? Am I wearing binoculars? Are my surroundings being magically pulled towards me within an alternate, parallel dimension, etc.?) I?ve found it does serve some purpose. Still would prefer to perform the action via hold vs toggle though.

I think the sequel used ADS instead from what I remember of the demo. I also remember it looking just as cool blasting baddies in bullet time and not being detrimental to the game pace. F.E.A.R. isn?t even a fast paced game anyways. Your character *clip-clops* around similar to Far Cry speeds and the way zoom is implemented it isn?t any quicker than modern ADS mechanics.


You Are Interested. Certainly.
Feb 25, 2015

Half Life 2 + ep.
CoD I + UO
Halo CE
Doom 1, 2, ...
Serious Sam 1st, 2nd
F.E.A.R. 1
Unrreal Tournament 2004 and 1999
Unreal 1
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC
Prey 2006
Quake 4 (it's way better than everyone lets everyone else believe. It's a pretty good shooter)
ET: QW (it was so much fun to me and my clique back then...)

Maybe you could count in Sniper Elite

Guilty Pleasures:

Unreal 2, Doom 3

Can't get the hang of it but will give it another try later:

FarCry 3
Crysis 1 (I somehow need several hours 'per map', WH, 2)
Half Life 1 (I don't know, it's just not gripping me. I know this game in-and-out through several LPs and speedruns, but I just can not beat it before losing my interest in it)

BioShock 1

Quake 1. I don't own Quake 2. I don't care as much about Quake 3, but I did play it.


Least favourite franchises, most of these games either sucked or I didn't play other entries due to these games sucking really hard. Or there is just one entry I really liked. Like a black hole. And being overrated (literally) as hard as humanly possible. Or they just suck and everyone agrees. Whatever:

BioShock (Infinite. Fuck you, it sucks ass)
Halo (get some proper PC releases and I might give it another try. The story of Halo 2 sucked so hard that I was set back a few notches and, back then as a teenager, really had to realize that this game indeed, seriously just ended. Fuck. You.)
FarCry (2 was such a motherfucking disappointment, holy shit)

I may have forgotten a huge amount. I played a lot and most of them simply aren't worth mentioning like Codename: Outbreak.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Naldan said:

Half Life 2 + ep.
CoD I + UO
Halo CE
Doom 1, 2, ...
Serious Sam 1st, 2nd
F.E.A.R. 1
Unrreal Tournament 2004 and 1999
Unreal 1
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC
Prey 2006
Quake 4 (it's way better than everyone lets everyone else believe. It's a pretty good shooter)
ET: QW (it was so much fun to me and my clique back then...)

Maybe you could count in Sniper Elite

Guilty Pleasures:

Unreal 2, Doom 3

Can't get the hang of it but will give it another try later:

FarCry 3
Crysis 1 (I somehow need several hours 'per map', WH, 2)
Half Life 1 (I don't know, it's just not gripping me. I know this game in-and-out through several LPs and speedruns, but I just can not beat it before losing my interest in it)

BioShock 1

Quake 1. I don't own Quake 2. I don't care as much about Quake 3, but I did play it.


Least favourite franchises, most of these games either sucked or I didn't play other entries due to these games sucking really hard. Or there is just one entry I really liked. Like a black hole. And being overrated (literally) as hard as humanly possible. Or they just suck and everyone agrees. Whatever:

BioShock (Infinite. Fuck you, it sucks ass)
Halo (get some proper PC releases and I might give it another try. The story of Halo 2 sucked so hard that I was set back a few notches and, back then as a teenager, really had to realize that this game indeed, seriously just ended. Fuck. You.)

FarCry (2 was such a motherfucking disappointment, holy shit)

I take it you watched


New member
Jun 25, 2016
I was exactly the right age for Half Life 2 to melt my mind. Remember calling in my then girlfriend to show her the chimney falling over. She was totally unmoved. Also remember being utterly pissed off with this waste of time Steam thing. Had to go home and use my Dad's work ISDN line.

The new Doom is excellent.

The first FEAR was brilliant (spike gun!), I bought a graphics card to play it, the others were so weak - bloody consoles (lol).

Forget the name bullet something maybe with the energy lasso was great, pissed off they didn't make the second.

Rage was good but induced, well Rage, with that dumb 30 second ending. I liked the graphics engine, worked well on my PC at the time. Mega textures. The baddies were pleasingly kinetic. Carmack is a clever chap.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Naldan said:

Half Life 2 + ep.
CoD I + UO
Halo CE
Doom 1, 2, ...
Serious Sam 1st, 2nd
F.E.A.R. 1
Unrreal Tournament 2004 and 1999
Unreal 1
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC
Prey 2006
Quake 4 (it's way better than everyone lets everyone else believe. It's a pretty good shooter)
ET: QW (it was so much fun to me and my clique back then...)

Maybe you could count in Sniper Elite

Guilty Pleasures:

Unreal 2, Doom 3

Can't get the hang of it but will give it another try later:

FarCry 3
Crysis 1 (I somehow need several hours 'per map', WH, 2)
Half Life 1 (I don't know, it's just not gripping me. I know this game in-and-out through several LPs and speedruns, but I just can not beat it before losing my interest in it)

BioShock 1

Quake 1. I don't own Quake 2. I don't care as much about Quake 3, but I did play it.


Least favourite franchises, most of these games either sucked or I didn't play other entries due to these games sucking really hard. Or there is just one entry I really liked. Like a black hole. And being overrated (literally) as hard as humanly possible. Or they just suck and everyone agrees. Whatever:

BioShock (Infinite. Fuck you, it sucks ass)
Halo (get some proper PC releases and I might give it another try. The story of Halo 2 sucked so hard that I was set back a few notches and, back then as a teenager, really had to realize that this game indeed, seriously just ended. Fuck. You.)

FarCry (2 was such a motherfucking disappointment, holy shit)

I take it you watched
It was pre-sexism tedium and animals were still cool so you couldn't shoot the animals in Far Cry 2, which was hugely dumb. And the fucking respawn.

I too really liked Unreal 2. A game so monumentally average it was magnificent.


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I like you you always start your threads by calling us 'friends'. Makes me feel loved.

Unfortunately I'm not really that into FPSs or franchises. I like the first Bioshock, but not really the others.


Grand Admiral
May 17, 2010
My favorite franchise is Turok. Even with Evolution being a giant pile of garbage and Turok (2007) being super generic space marine stuff (but still very competently done). It's just too fun overall. Here's hoping for a Turok 3 re-master!

As for my least favorite, Bioshock. I still love the first game, but 2 and onwards the series just didn't click with me at all.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Naldan said:
FarCry (2 was such a motherfucking disappointment, holy shit)

Actually, before I start my defense of this, I will agree that if you look at Far Cry 2 in comparison to the first one, they're pretty different in many ways from each other. I totally get that. But it doesn't take away the fact that FC2 is still a damn good game.

But anyway. Please read this [http://majorslack.com/games-tips-tricks/having-fun-playing-far-cry-2/]. It will explain everything.