What is your impression of the game you are playing right now?


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Leemaster777 said:
I just started playing Catherine...
Lucky b...

I took a break from collecting (and losing) souls to try to get to know people at my new school. I hope everything will be fine with Hanako. I actually care. :$

(yes, guess the games if you want)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
The Downfall.


It's actually very good adventure-horror game. There's an atmosphere, the scenario is plausible and addictive, the gameplay could be better, but it's not that bad either.

The game itself ? A cross between Silent Hill and Cthzo Mythos only without monsters trying to bite your ass. :)


New member
Aug 21, 2009
I'm playing Skyrim at the moment, and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's nice to have a good single-player game to play for a huge expanse of time instead of another multiplayer experience that doesn't have the same appeal. At the moment I'm going around doing quests in Skyrim just to get them out of my journal, though a few here and there are glitched so they won't go away (looking at Greta's miscellaneous quest in Solitude). It's just one of my favorite games on the Xbox 360, so I'm having a lot of fun with it.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Shadows of the Damned: It's ok enough. Too bad it's mainly puzzles and fights based around timed ones where you slowly lose your health. Hate them normally in games. This one is no exception.

Tales of the Abyss (3DS): Enjoying it. Not really had the chance to play many Tales Of games unfortunately (Symphonia 1 and 2 and Eternia) digging the combat system and most of the chars are interesting enough too.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I'm currently playing Cave Story+ on Steam.

I am really enjoying it. It's surprised me with the way it takes the 2D shooter-platformer and does something more interesting with it. You would be forgiven for thinking it's a run left to right Mario affair but it is so much more than that, with puzzles, engaging storyline and memorable characters . Gameplay wise It reminds me a lot of the game Tombi on the PS1 combining RPG elements with platforming.

The graphics are from the 16 bit era at best but they are charming and the art style is fitting for the tone of the game. I have always been impressed, since the day's of the NES, at how expressive characters and artistic environments can be made with so little graphical scope.

I would recommend this game to anyone but as a proviso I would recommend using a gamepad as the keyboard controls can be a little counter intuitive with such action as shooting downwards or precision jumping.

It says a lot about this game that along with super meat-boy I have ordered a new wired xbox game pad so I can fully enjoy the experience.

Oh and if you are really turned of by the idea of 2d graphics Cave Story 3D is being released on the 3DS.

Mr. In-between

New member
Apr 7, 2010
I got all cranked up on monster and spent 4 hours playing MW3 tonight. It's a bit different from Black Ops but I'm starting to come around to it.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Alpha Protocol. Every time I play this, I like it a little bit more. It is a cesspool of player action driving the story. Every playthrough has differences. There are a lot of invisible barriers with random attributes around objects that piss me off though and I hate it when I forget to take something on a mission I know I will need.

Otherwise, Skyrim. Took a break from it for the past couple weeks to see how much pull it has on me. So far, I think it is going to be a game I get to 500+ hours on. (Already closing in on 200) Having stepped back from it, I would say that I like pretty much everything it offers. The economy could use some minor tweaking for rarity's sake. It would have been interesting to see a hand-to-hand skill tree ala Monk class but I don't hold it against the game. Ditto with a hardcore mode ala FO:NV. Although, I hate that your companion constantly has to say some crappy dialogue when you want to trade with them. "Shut the hell up, Lydia and carry my burdens without talking."
The leveling system is great, combat is fun, and shouts are a great addition. Oh and finishing moves, I love the hell out of those. I feel like a champion every time one goes off, even if it is just a wolf. Part of me is in my head talking smack like a wrestler.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Deus ex HR: dissapointing to say the least .

I started my first playthrough on hard mode . Didn't put a single point in anything stealth ( except stealth hacking ) and the game is way too easy ( except for the bosses ). The pistol is overpowered , the enemy AI sucks , the character animation are clunky , the world seems void and small , the sides quests are mostly fetch/assassination , the story is meh . Seriously why was this game praised so much ? ( NOTE: i did not play any of the other deus ex games).


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I'm slowly working my way through Final Fantasy 1 at the moment. I've just come off after having reset the console around 5 times because of the Dark Wizards in the Ice Cavern. Get surprised by more than one of them and you can end up taking Fire3 three times or they'll just cast Poison and instantly murder half of your party. Then there are the Mind Flares that paralyze your whole party and prod you to death with their chance-on-hit instakill melee attacks.

Love the game but it's bits like those that just annoy me.

Then there's Skyrim. I'm about 30 hours in and have only just gotten around to walking up to High Hrothgar. I've been wandering around trying to do all of the sidequests, but whilst I'm doing one three more turn up and I've got no idea what locations on my map I've been to or not.

Again, greatly enjoying it. Probably wont finish any time soon.


New member
Nov 22, 2011
Playing Mario Kart 7. It is a solid entry to the franchise, but felt more could have been done to it if they spent more time on it (like adding in a VS race and/or mission feature)


Dec 3, 2010
Playing LOTRO atm and I love the game. It has a wonderful atmosphere, a mature community and great classes.
Been playing it actively since the beginning of 2010, but I first bought the game in 2008. Got no intentions to quit anytime soon.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Pandora's Tower

Although I usually don't really like the relation building games, as they tend to have a gazillion endings and having to play the game a gazillion times to watch all endings isn't really that appealing to me, I quite enjoy this game, above all I like the combat aspect.

Being able to wrap enemies in your chain, chain em to other enemies, to inanimate objects, throwing them around and what not, really interesting gameplay. Although it can get really repetitive, as I find myself repeating the "chain up and bash away" tactic a lot.

Interesting game, but I don't really get the ho-ha that pushed developers to port it over to the US, it is an interesting game, but really, it isn't anything special. All the dungeons up until now have been rather short and not really challenging, the main gameplay aspect of the game is "base camp where a girl walks around with whom you can interact, 12 towers to travel to through a menu", and that's it... ah well.

The Aimless One

New member
Aug 22, 2009
I just went back to Dragon Age: Origins for another playthrough.....

230+ hours spent ingame speaks for itself I guess.
Jan 23, 2010
I'm playing Skyrim at the moment. I'm loving the hell out of the game but at times it's so frustrating I just want to throw the disc out of the window as far as I can. Preferable nailing someone in the head with it. I'm playing on the 360 and on my main save three quests have glitched and gotten stuck, with all the relevant quest items now forerver cluttering my inventory.

Now that I have a PC that could actually run Skyrim I'm very tempted to purchase the game and play it on the PC just to access the console to fix issues like these. (And mods ofc) But I'm not sure I really want to replay 100 hours of game time...

Soo yeah, Great but frustrating.


Carry on Jeeves
Dec 7, 2010
Assassins Creed Revelation on the PC, the controls are better then i expected as i am playing it with mouse and keyboard, but im going to move to my 360 pad when it turns up. but a fun game but i did lots of hours not doing missions and just getting my assassins well trained, they are now a bit to good, i kind of broke the difficultly the templars can't attack my bases anymore and it is only like memory 3 or something.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Supreme Commander-
It's a good RTS but man the people from each factions are a bunch of discriminating jerks. What ever happen to equality and tolerating one another?

Chrono Trigger
While it is a good rpg but I'm not overly loving it to those who played it on the SNES. I guess I had to be there to see what people love it so much.


New member
Nov 8, 2011
I'd say the impression I get from Battlefield 3 is the same one I get from every FPS, "Shoot this and that", not a complex formula, but it works.