What kind of let's plays do you like to watch?


New member
Oct 19, 2013
I can't really tolerate personality based LP's, even if the personality is good. I love Jim Sterling for example, but I really can't stick with some of the stuff he puts on youtube..

For me, it has to be informative, it has to be a guy knowing what he's doing. Someone playing through something for the first time just doesn't do anything for me - unless I'm just looking for random gameplay footage to get an idea of the game.
That's why I like watching EthosLab and Sethbling from Minecraft, because they really know their stuff and usually manage to do something interesting. At some point I wanted to watch a couple of other guys from that community because I liked their personalities, but I just couldn't sit through them running around doing random stuff staring at pigs all day.


New member
Aug 31, 2013
Honestly, I just want a guy who can take the game seriously enough to at least try and explain a few things. Not everyone should want to be a comedian.