What kind of nerd are you?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Gun nerd or gun enthusiast depending on what you want to put it as. Also a computer nerd (heheheheheheh maaaaaaaacs *starts shaking for no reason*)


New member
Oct 23, 2009
gamer, either video game or pen and paper, with some movie and science and literature thrown in, basically if it's interesting (even if its not on my list) then im a nerd of it, although i lack most of the "nerd qualities". i guess im an imagination nerd: anything that can spark that imagination, as well as magick, of course.

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not really a nerd. I might be. I don't know.
I just do stuff for fun. Video games, reading, comics, music, sports, TV shows, art and programming are things I enjoy. I enjoy them all in moderation though.
I mostly enjoy going out on the lash with my mates and been known to seduce women.
I've never been described as a nerd. I got called a geek because I'm a programmer. The way I see it is everyone needs a trade so why not make video games? Well paid.

justhereforthemoney said:
Hahaha only thing better is a sex nerd.
Contradiction in terms.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Science Nerd
Video game nerd
And I always had a thing for movies.., as well as a lot of old TV series, but yeah, I'm just a normal introvert really. I take an interest in what ever seems interesting and pursue it.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
I'm an academic, video games, webcomic, and web video nerd. I have little friends. Also I don't drink or do drugs, and never have and never will have a girlfriend/boyfriend.

Supreme Unleaded

New member
Aug 3, 2009
I'm mostly a Gaming Nerd, i know everything about everything when it comes to them. Or atlest whats important.

But im not your typical fat/anerexic nerd, it would take awile to describe myself.


New member
May 12, 2009
I'm a maths nerd.
That's the only thing I'm both passionate about and good at.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
oppp7 said:
I'm an academic, video games, webcomic, and web video nerd. I have little friends. Also I don't drink or do drugs, and never have and never will have a girlfriend/boyfriend.
I'm just curious but why did you put girlfriend/boyfriend?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
History is my strongest subject and I really hate people who say stuff like "who gives a shit about stuff that happend a while ago" or "If I could abolish one suject it'd be history because its pointless and boring" Thats my favorite subject so I'm definatly a History Nerd,

I'm also kind of a Video Games Nerd in the casual sense because to be honest I fucking hate almost anyone on X-box Live with a mike if their not my friend.

I'm a nerd in the sense that a lot of things send me into a rant and I'm over-specific due to my memory leading to a lot of TL;DR posts on forums from me like this one, at least I was courteous enough to split the text so its not the usual massive block of letters I post.

I'm definatly a Star Wars nerd not to the point of memorizing or caring about anything in the Expanded Universe but I definatly know more about the Star Wars universe than a casual fan I'm not esspecially proud of this though.

For some reason as soon as I read anything that has to do with Sci-Fi I instantly remember it which means that basically I could skim the wiki of any Sci-Fi franchise and become knowledgeable enough to pass myself off as a fan to other real fans maybe not to the point of being an expert but still, yet a few Math Formulas for a test the next day, nope I can't ever get them to stick.