What Makes Minecraft Special?


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I'm sure we've all heard of Minecraft; it's become the indie giant of our generation. While watching some Minecraft Machinima earlier, I found myself asking, what makes Minecraft special to me?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized I couldn't tie down what it was. Finally, it hit me: Minecraft is special to me because it doesn't have a limit. For me, having played so many games with preordained limitations, it's something I can't find anywhere else. Plus, when I play Minecraft, I feel like when I played Journey for the first time: on a quest for a peak far in the distance.

So, escapists, I'm curious what makes Minecraft special for you. And if you don't find it special, that's good too. :)


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I just found it fun to be able to play with friends and create whatever we wanted.
Also I was pretty good with redstone so making traps and awesome automated houses was pretty sweet.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
For me, it's the freedom to do so much in it, whether it be solo or with others. When I'm on my friend's server, we like to divide up tasks before we start diving heavily into the mining and battling. Someone will handle the alchemy, someone else handles the basic resources like wood, coal, and iron, and I'm usually in charge of the food since I love the gardening in the game. It's that kind of teamwork that I love and we've been able to do a lot of crazy fun things together.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
I love building myself a giant kingdom, especially with friends. A couple of years ago a bunch of friends and i went fanatic on our private server about building a huge functional kingdom and it was amazing. The entire thing used a minecart transit system (that killed me working on due to how buggy it can be)

So i guess its just the freedom to make anything you want. If you've got a vision it can probably be done.

WoW Killer

New member
Mar 3, 2012
It's like Lego, only it doesn't hurt when you step on it. That's special right there; Lego is painful.


Aug 5, 2009
For me, it's a lot of things. Starting a new world in Minecraft is like starting new game every time. The mechanics are the same, you get your materials and tools and explore the world. But what you do in that world is up to you.
Most recently I've been having huge amounts of fun (albeit painful fun) playing in Hardcore Survival. I found myself appreciating my materials more as dungeon dives became more and more risky, my hollowed out mountain super-lit to ward off anything that might surprise me.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I like the freedom in the creativity but that it has you work for it (if you chose) and is kinda like an engine in itself to build more game modes and different games from it. A server can be a really cool RPG maker style thing.

though i dont really enjoy hunger when im in solo play.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
The freedom to do whatever you want in creative mode.

The intense survival horror gameplay in survival mode.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I've never played it
I can't seem to grasp the thought of playing a game and just creating something, the thought of just making "something" scares me, it's too wide, what will I create? I wouldn't be able to play due to the size of it, hell making maps in WarcraftIII World Editor was difficult.
Then again I enjoy watching youtube clips that are about creating Middle Eart, Kalimdor, Hyrule in Minecraft, I just know I would never be able to reach that.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Yeah, it's just like Legos. Only...on my console. And with more choices. You know, I'm not limited to wanting to build a blue car when I only have 5 blue blocks and 50 red and yellow blocks.

Anyway, for me, it's just peaceful and it's mostly about using your imagination. It's such a simple concept and yet it's so addicting. Just today, I revisited my world after a months of not playing it. I thought I was over Minecraft but I was curious anyway. I realized I had an unfinished castle so I started working on it but just barely. Before I knew it, 3 hours had gone by and I kept saying to myself "I'll just finish this area and I'm gone". And here I am.

It doesn't hurt its a great and original game to play on Multiplayer or even as a pseudo RPG (MMORPG?). And again, with such an original concept, you can even play in two different modes: survival or creative. Similar yet different from one another.

I dunno, it's just addicting.
Guffe said:
I've never played it
I can't seem to grasp the thought of playing a game and just creating something, the thought of just making "something" scares me, it's too wide, what will I create? I wouldn't be able to play due to the size of it, hell making maps in WarcraftIII World Editor was difficult.
Then again I enjoy watching youtube clips that are about creating Middle Eart, Kalimdor, Hyrule in Minecraft, I just know I would never be able to reach that.
I don't blame you; that kinda scares me too. That's the one reason why I don't play Skyrim. (It's been rpvoen humans don't like having way too many options).
Honestly, I would have never played Minecraft if it wasn't because it was released on the 360. The console version has a size limit as opposed to the PC version that never ends. And I've also come to terms with the idea that I'll never be able to duplicate Hyrule or Mario 64's castle and sure, my creations are not the best but hey, they're my creations. Like I said, right now I'm building a big castle. it may not be the best castle ever but when I stand back and look at it, I feel happy and proud.

But looking back at it, I probably didn't expect it to be that big. But like they said, one block at a time.


New member
Dec 31, 2012
Even when you get to the end, it's not over.
You are placed in a world with no reason. You wander about the world for no reason.
The goal isn't there. You make the goal. See that dilapidated shack made out of wood planks and the somehow functional redstone drawbridge? You said you would make it, and you made it.

That's what makes MineCraft special.
And surprisingly pointless.


New member
Aug 23, 2011
Just the sheer amount of freedom it offers you. Just love that moment when you are exploring a cave system and realise you aren't too sure how to get out. Looking at your supplies thinking, I'll find some more diamond then head out. The choice of eating zombie flash just to stop you going hungry even if you risk poisoning. Love creating huge 'safe zones' of various constructions. Started to create new homes for villagers and protect them with walls and Iron Golems.

So many reasons why I love this game and I haven't even touched on Multiplayer.


New member
Sep 18, 2008

the core thing in minecraft imo :) what it makes it so special for me.. i can build anything i want


New member
Dec 19, 2012
A dumb as fuck community (geez some servers are just run by idiots) who don't question me when i burn their things


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Creativity! You can build anything you want, through your effort, while you survive. When you accomplish it is an amazing feeling. That said, it can be the most boring game in the world if you don't set an objective for yourself.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
It allowed people to be creative within a virtual world. Build things and share them with others.

Something MMOs just don't do anymore.