what makes YOU cry manly tears?


New member
Dec 22, 2009
harvz said:
i am a manly man...its basically the ending of my favorite animes *cough cough* i mean, what? oh, uh, football...and sex, those are manly things....
So, you're saying sex makes you cry?

OT: Clannad, Toy Story 3 (almost).


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Gladiator, Lord of the Rings and Half-Life 2 Episode 2 tend to make me a bit teary when I finish them. Also, this song:
It's so good, but it makes me cry like a baby. UHAUUHH

And, of course, TVTropes' Manly Tears [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManlyTears] page.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Elfen lied. I managed to hold it in with the anime but I shed a single manly tear for the manga. All those years he waited and finally he gave up, ohhhhhh...


New member
Oct 14, 2007
Nothing does. Seriously. Maybe I'm either just too happy-go-lucky or insensitive.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Pretty much anything.
I think tears and laughter are the true way to applaud a story.

But Doctor Who has probably won the most tears from me... Two words: Season Finales (Yeah, PLURAL)
Everything Joss Whedon touches is a close runner up to that crown, Dollhouse, Firefly, Buffy, Angel, The ground he walks on.

I'm also a real sucker for anime, good visual novels, certain games.

The Radiohead song "How to Disappear Completely (And Never Be Found Again)" is a really reliable way to bring tears to my eyes.


I can't name everything but those are pretty solid examples how anything else would go about getting me to cry.

One thing that doesn't work?
That dumb little
"-Oh no he's dying I'll need to do CPR because he's a main character and it's 3 episodes in, oh no it's not working.
-Give up he's gone.
-No he can't be, tries again before giving up and crying.
-Suddenly wakes up choking to everyone's joy"

You know why it doesn't work? Because everyone bitches out, it's a statistical certainty that it won't happen.
That doesn't mean it's impossible it means the condition of it happening assumes a positive outcome until proven otherwise.
That character actually dies to dramatic effect there?
I'm impressed, crying, and impressed.

There is still ways to fake out to heavy impact, but the cpr thing is so overdone even I give up on it.

Mr. Fancy Pants

New member
May 7, 2011
"Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades."

The only time I've cried is during moments of mind-bending rage, but those are tears of rage and hatred, so I don't think that counts.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I cried last night. That's because I spent the night with my friend who was on the phone all night talking someone out of killing themselves. Sort of put a dampener on the evening.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Nerdstar said:
the second thing is a bit simpler but no less poignant its simply a Calvin and Hobbes motivational poster that i saw some time ago and now when ever i see i well up into tears for some reason
Dammit, you're right, that is a sad poster. I'm never throwing away my stuffed animals now.

Wall-E was ridiculously sad, but that may be because the character Wall-E was essentially me. So his (almost) death was super depressing.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Monkfish Acc. said:
I don't. What if I get teleported to a desert.
I'd just feel like a jackass, wasting precious body fluids.
Good thinking.

Also: I laughed out loud.

OT: No specific things, just...stuff.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
When I get really insanely depressed for no reason...
Also, the story behind yuukimaru in naruto shippuden comes to mind. And the story behind Pain.
But I never really cry at all. I'm kinda the strong, silent type.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Fucking Dumbo man!

my mate brought it round last week as i've never seen it, it gets to the bit when Dumbo goes to see his mum (who is effectivley in jail) holy fuck i was sobbing manley tears of sorrow then


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Johnny Cash - Hurt
Not because it's a sad song on it's on merits with a video showing a very old Cash going through things. I always associated this song with my dad for some reason and he died three years ago so it brings back happy/sad thoughts at the same time.

Lots of movies
I hold back the tears, but I would bawl if I was on my own.

In fairness, my daughter makes me cry man tears sometimes. She's amazing and seeing her grow up is awesome cool. Hearing her say things like 'Thank you' and 'Sorry' for the first times brought tears to my eyes.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
Melon Hunter said:
Sandjube said:
Second episode of MLP:FiM a few times at the end. Annnnd during a few of the stories of how the mane cast got their cutie marks.

....what? Don't judge me.

Oh and some fanfiction of MLP called circle of friends.
Have you got a link for that fanfic? Google search is not being very helpful =/

OT: First 10 minutes of Up and that scene from Toy Story 3 get me every time. Also, I can't remember which book it was, but there's a part in the Wheel of Time where Perrin is defending a town from Trollocs and expects to be killed in the fighting, so he leaves a letter to Faile which I find rather upsetting to read.
Yeah, here it is! join the hugging and crying afterwards.

Azrael the Cat

New member
Dec 13, 2008
The ending of the film 'Brazil' - written by Tom Stoppard (famous modern literary playwright, you'll find Rosencrantz and Guildernstern are Dead, Arcadia and plenty of his other works in university literature courses), directed by Terry Gilliam - can't get a better pairing than that. Brilliant bittersweet 'sad but awesome' middle-finger to corporatism at the end. Strongly recommend it to anyone who likes arty-scifi (i.e. don't expect an action movie, though there is plenty of humour before things turn dark), or Stoppard-style existentialism.

For those who have watched it, I'm talking about (SPOILERS)
How the last 10 minutes of the film has a big action rescue sequence, where Robert De Niro's 'anarchist plumber' character and his comrades rescue the main character just as he's about to be tortured and have his mind read (so the Ministry of Information can find out their details) in a big action shootout, then finds out his girlfriend is still alive and leads a rebellion...until the action and events start getting increasingly absurd, over the top and finally...dreamlike.

The camera then pans out to reveal that the last 10 minutes has just been following the main character's dream (isn't out the blue - the film constantly crosses between the 'real' world, and the guy's 'dream world'), and he's really still strapped in the chair about to be tortured and interrogated. The interrogator readies his sharp tools, leans over and...

...realises that he can't actually wake the guy from his dream. The main character is catatonic, permantly stuck in his dream world where he 'won' and saved the day, with the Ministry unable to get at him inside his head. Film ends with them wheeling him off, commenting in frustration about him being useless to them now, while he's whistling away happily inside his dream-state.

Awesome ending, even by Stoppard's standards.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
End of Babel, with this incredible music comes pretty close, although it also gives me those that-was-incredible shivers
Also that bit in Crash (if youve seen it you know which bit I mean)

End of Mass effect 2 also came pretty close.

But easily the worst (or best depending on how you look at it) is Don Hertzfeldts short films (Everything will be ok and I am so Proud of you)


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
Well, you know, the last 20 minutes of Toy Story 3.
