What MMO have you had the most fun in?


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Only played two MMO's that being Warcraft and Guild Wars. I don't play it anywhere near as much anymore but I love PVP in guild wars. Just feels so much more fun and I know whenever I go to play the game I can always just jump straight into the pvp.


New member
Nov 12, 2010

While the game was basically WoW in a sense, the game had something that most games don't have. AWESOME FUCKING RIFTS.

I don't know if all of you know this, but in the game there are these rifts that spew out monsters who will attack everyone. They will even go in "safe" zones.

THUS! There were plenty of people who were called Rift Hunters, and I was one of them. These guys get into packs and find Rifts that have just been opened and we destroy them, and get awesome loot, and it was just AHAHFHAHFADFH (awesome x10)

Not only that, the game had server wide events pop up from time to time that required everyone in the server to band together and defeat the monsters who attack.

The game was epic. If I had money, I would be playing it right now.


By the way, I always wanted to get into DDO, but I can't figure out anything. I am so confused on how to level up. I hear some REALLY good things about it, but I just can't figure it out.

Can anyone help me?


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Hiname said:
I had my best time in Aion..

Wondering if I might have a second look now with 2.5 out and everything. looks really shiny now..
They keep giving out free game time so shouldn't be that hard to get a look at.
2xDouble said:
*looks at avatar* I have no idea...

Yep, Guild Wars. Definitely.

Tried World of Warcraft, and it just didn't grab me.
Tried Aion, got pissed I can't fly till level 30.
Tried Last Chaos... *shudder*. Seriously, don't play that game. Free to play and still overpriced.
You can fly at level 10.

Anyway, for me its Warhammer Online.
I loved that game to death and still do, I only wish that I had a group of mates to play it with.
I loved Age of Conan though, even with the lack of endgame content, but, sadly, its free to play now so I wont be touching it.
World of Warcraft is the MMO Ive spent the most time on, almost 7 years since I started.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
ArcticSquirrel said:

While the game was basically WoW in a sense, the game had something that most games don't have. AWESOME FUCKING RIFTS.

I don't know if all of you know this, but in the game there are these rifts that spew out monsters who will attack everyone. They will even go in "safe" zones.

THUS! There were plenty of people who were called Rift Hunters, and I was one of them. These guys get into packs and find Rifts that have just been opened and we destroy them, and get awesome loot, and it was just AHAHFHAHFADFH (awesome x10)

Not only that, the game had server wide events pop up from time to time that required everyone in the server to band together and defeat the monsters who attack.

The game was epic. If I had money, I would be playing it right now.
Oh, you mean those party quest style Rifts that are in a lot of MMOs these days?


New member
Dec 30, 2010
I havn't played that many MMO's... Well, to be honest I've played 3, Runescape, MapleStory and Nine Dragons? Or something like that.

Anyway, Runescape was my favourite, or more to the point: I never felt the need to invest my time in any other MMO. It's easy for system requirements - even my netbook can play it! - and it's got a charm and depth to it which those other titles didn't have.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Though question. Haven't played much of them so I'll just list them all, I've had fun with all of them: Tibia, Runescape, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
It's a long time since I played it, but it's the only MMO I have played. Runescape. Not excactly fun, but it was free and I was young and bored and all my friends where playing it, so what the heck


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
Rappelz for me I played that for a fair while. I think it was more the fact I was playing with a couple of real world friends that made it so fun. Right now I'm soloing World of Warcraft and it's pretty fun so far. I'm only level 27 though ^^

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
4Story. Unlike WoW, the game doesn't force you to spend hours grinding constantly. Even though it kind of rips WoW off, at least it's ripped it off right.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Runescape was my first mmo. It felt so big even though I never bought a member-subscription. The community was very friendly and all my friends played it.

Maplestory is not a very good game to be honest, but I still enjoyed it.

WoW was a lot of fun. It feels kind of stagnant now, sadly.
I might return someday. I did get some friends and I kind of miss them :)

Captcha: ironclad calsouto


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
Guild Wars, no doubt about it.

But I must admit that Cabal Online has the best music I've ever heard in any game, F2P or not.



New member
Apr 19, 2008
stormcrow5 said:
Personaly for me it would be Guild Wars, I still have yet to find something better for me
Jep, it's mine, too.
Though I wouldn't consider 'Guild Wars' a real MMO (I rarely play this with other people and it's still manageable), this is my personal best online experience. Yes, even though I apparently played all missions in the wrong order so the story of Prophecies is pretty much fucked up for me.

It may sound strange but the fact that the game is free of monthly payments makes it more fun to play than games I feel I have to because I paid for it.

But I admit that I was entertained by WoW for some time when I played together with friends. And I even think that FFIX was OK for a few months. Maybe because it was the first MMO for me that featured some kind of story.

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Dungeons and dragons online or as it is more commonly known as "DDO".

I HAAAAAAATE the hotkey combat of wow, the combat in ddo is allot better as you just click your mouse and the character swings his sword immediately, MUCH MORE FUN TO BASH THINGS NOW.

Also, DDO put in allot more effort to make the quests interesting than wow ever did, they really know how to break up the monotony and keep you going. Wow just felt like an attempt to get you addicted to an unhealthy habit that most humans don't consider enjoyable, DDO felt more like a GAME trying to get you hooked by letting you actually have fun, not reward you for silly daily quests that aren't even fun.

Although I still think the game has a few too many warehouse quests, they should try to make the quests more diverse.

I also prefer the leveling system in DDO, it's allot like the one in KOTOR where you can immediately choose the feats you consider useful while still having you work hard on developing your character so as to unlock the more badass feats. In wow, you first have to work at getting a bunch of useless feats and level up before you can choose something you actually like.

Not sure if I worded that quite well, but you'll get my point if you have played both games.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
NuclearPenguin said:
ArcticSquirrel said:

While the game was basically WoW in a sense, the game had something that most games don't have. AWESOME FUCKING RIFTS.

I don't know if all of you know this, but in the game there are these rifts that spew out monsters who will attack everyone. They will even go in "safe" zones.

THUS! There were plenty of people who were called Rift Hunters, and I was one of them. These guys get into packs and find Rifts that have just been opened and we destroy them, and get awesome loot, and it was just AHAHFHAHFADFH (awesome x10)

Not only that, the game had server wide events pop up from time to time that required everyone in the server to band together and defeat the monsters who attack.

The game was epic. If I had money, I would be playing it right now.
Oh, you mean those party quest style Rifts that are in a lot of MMOs these days?
Pfft, You need to play it to be able to know what I am talking about. Going Rift to Rift, kickin ass and taking names.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I've played a ton of MMOs, but WoW takes the cake for me. I've played for about 5 years, with friends the whole time. Even if I got bored of the content from time to time, doing it with my friends was always fun.

Aion gets an honorable mention for its gorgeous scenery and lore (which is coherent, unlike WoW's). Maybe I'll resub to that for a bit.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
ArcticSquirrel said:
NuclearPenguin said:
ArcticSquirrel said:

While the game was basically WoW in a sense, the game had something that most games don't have. AWESOME FUCKING RIFTS.

I don't know if all of you know this, but in the game there are these rifts that spew out monsters who will attack everyone. They will even go in "safe" zones.

THUS! There were plenty of people who were called Rift Hunters, and I was one of them. These guys get into packs and find Rifts that have just been opened and we destroy them, and get awesome loot, and it was just AHAHFHAHFADFH (awesome x10)

Not only that, the game had server wide events pop up from time to time that required everyone in the server to band together and defeat the monsters who attack.

The game was epic. If I had money, I would be playing it right now.
Oh, you mean those party quest style Rifts that are in a lot of MMOs these days?
Pfft, You need to play it to be able to know what I am talking about. Going Rift to Rift, kickin ass and taking names.
I DID play it.
50 Cleric, 50 Rogue.