What phrases or topics immediately shut down your interest in a conversation?


New member
Mar 2, 2010
Sports related things. Especially the stupid basketball rivalries that flare up every year around spring. People take up misguided sense of pride whenever their favorite sports team doesn't suck ass. It's not like them getting drunk and shouting at the t.v. has anything to do with their performance, so why should you feel proud when they do well?

Worse than that is when they get into arguments with fans of other teams. Once again, they have nothing to do with the sport and they gain nothing from arguing. The only way to be entertained by sports is if you have money riding on it. Gambling and sports coming together is like ham and cheese.

Edit: Also swag or anything else gangster related you annoying white children. I know what your economic situation is, and ghetto is the polar opposite.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
tmande2nd said:
Witcher fans getting all insulting and preachy when I say I dont like their game.
"You obviously dont even KNOW what makes a good RPG idiot"

Yes I do.
I just dont waste time talking to fanboys.
I'm a Witcher fan, and I can see why others would not like it. It is a good RPG, just not what you consider good.

When people state opinions/preferences on things (mostly games/movies/TV shows) as fact, for example:

"____ is shit." when really it should be at least phrased as "I think ____ is shit." because then at least said opinion is given context, the context being that they don't enjoy it and see it as worthless, but it doesn't mean it is worthless.

I'd just prefer if people said "I don't like _____." It doesn't bother me online all that much, but when I'm talking to people, it does.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
"Being gay is a choice". Just nope.jpg the fuck right out of there. Seriously, when I hear "Oh we're only seeing an influx of 'the gays' because it's the trendy thing to do now" I have to physically restrain myself from tearing this person a new one. We're seeing a bigger influx because we're seeing less and less tards with the stupid ass mindset that sexual orientation is a choice.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Anything about sports, really complex levels of science that I've never even heard of, math (all of it), or Halo. I just avoid these topics as best as I can.

And why Halo? I have no genuine hate for it, I just found my experience with the franchise incredibly boring. And I'm annoyed by all the fans clamoring to say it's the greatest game ever made and insisting I buy an Xbox just for that. Sorry guys, made it clear that I'm not interested in this really boring FPS title for a console I have no interest in at all. Can we move on to something less annoying?

Mr. Eff_v1legacy

New member
Aug 20, 2009
- Pot legalization. I've heard it dozens of times.
- Allegations of racism/sexism/(insert)-phobia, etc. Most of the time I find the argument absolutely ridiculous.

Dead Seerius

New member
Feb 4, 2012
"God hates/forbids/will punish/is hurt by the ________ for being/doing/having ________."

Nonononononono. No. Who are you to tell other people what will become of them? Butt out of other people's issues and lifestyles.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
darkfox85 said:
So I don?t think there?s any topic that gets me to shut down. And I?m a little saddened that there seems to be a ?shut up and move on? attitude and a major reluctance to challenge and engage rather than a ?let?s discuss it? attitude around here. People want to express their views. People may have views different to you. Sometimes those views are loathsome. Deal with it ? don?t retreat in cowardice.
Maybe its because i dont seem to express my opinions all that well or just lack eloquence, but doing so for me usually just results in exchanging tldr replies and whatever i try to communicate gets twisted because other poster sees discussing as a "competition" or sees me as someone to be "proven wrong", end result being no real discussion made.

It ends up being rather drainning so for the most part i avoid emitting unpopular opinions or replying to people who have a radically different viewpoint to mine since in my experience, there is little point talking, "shup up and move along" just saves a lot of hassle. More power to the people willing to wade into long discussions though, its those kind of people that tend to make a thread interesting :p Not to mention those brave souls who take up unpopular stances and end up having to stand their ground against a ton of other posters.

OT: As explained its fairly easy to shut down my interest in a conversation. Be snide or passive agressive and i should leave soon enough, ive never been really good at arguing and been comprensively out argued even when i was right on a topic xP


New member
Sep 4, 2009
"fanboy" as an insult, "1 vs 1 me", etc.

The moment I hear this, I consider that person a waste of my communicative time, with immediate effect.

Also, if a topic is about MLP, I lose irreparable interest. I could not care less about that subject. I don't hate it, just my interest factor is absolute 0.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
"As a Hypocrite" - which is basically every line starting with a noun replacing that word. I can't stand to listen to it. More often than not you can use your own experience in a conversation, but this is a cop-out move.


New member
May 6, 2011
Frankster said:
Maybe its because i dont seem to express my opinions all that well or just lack eloquence, but doing so for me usually just results in exchanging tldr replies and whatever i try to communicate gets twisted because other poster sees discussing as a "competition" or sees me as someone to be "proven wrong", end result being no real discussion made.

It ends up being rather drainning so for the most part i avoid emitting unpopular opinions or replying to people who have a radically different viewpoint to mine since in my experience, there is little point talking, "shup up and move along" just saves a lot of hassle. More power to the people willing to wade into long discussions though, its those kind of people that tend to make a thread interesting :p Not to mention those brave souls who take up unpopular stances and end up having to stand their ground against a ton of other posters.

OT: As explained its fairly easy to shut down my interest in a conversation. Be snide or passive agressive and i should leave soon enough, ive never been really good at arguing and been comprensively out argued even when i was right on a topic xP
Aw I hear you fella. Don?t think I don?t.

If we?re talking about real life, things always seem to go more amiably than over the net. We take our pick why that is, but that doesn?t matter for now.

I know that horrid futile feeling of typing some verbose reply that?s nearly never read correctly and then with a heavy heart you just post that shit and hope for the best. It?s a rotten sensation and as you said, very draining. I often get a sick feeling in my stomach and then when that gold ?you got mail? icon comes up I always dread the worse.

But that ?hassle? is a good thing! Sometimes perversely fun (if you?re a bit of prick like me.) But sometimes it?s even a necessary and virtuous thing ? rarely, especially online, but it does happen. Of course, we should all pick our battles, but I say fight most of them. IDK maybe I feel it?s all about the journey not the destination. If I?m defeated by someone who?s smarter than me or has a stronger position, I deserve to be defeated.

Also, I agree against those weaselly snide types that can?t argue straight. Passive aggressive wankers. Maybe I come across as a little boorish in real life, but at least I try to be honest and direct.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Generally I get sick of talking to anyone who uses big words to try and make themselves look smarter to others. I walked past a guy at my college campus the other week who was trying to get people to join his "skeptics" club, and he was just throwing out big words and making people feel dumb while at the same time he had no idea what he was talking about. I can't remember what it was, but I think it had something to do with genetic fallacy... False intellectualism makes me cringe.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
"Things were so much better in the 90's"
"If you didn't grow up in the 90's, that's too bad"

All the crap about the 90's. I was born in 89, and so was basically a 90's kid but christ this is not the Age of Legends we're talking about here. You did not grow up in some sort of mystical utopia that just vanished into thin air when we hit the year 2000. It was fine, but it wasn't SO amazing that the time children are growing up in now is automatically shit compared to it. I'm sick of people criticizing the faults of today's culture and atmosphere then turning around and painting their own experience as oho sooo much better, when in reality they were likely the same, or perhaps worse. Get over yourselves.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
The words "Halo" and "Meh" in the same sentence.

To me, that means that they are not worth talking to. In all honesty, don't even bother posting in a thread like that.

Also, "God doesn't exist" in an form of context within a topic.

Also, "I'm European" and "Guns" in the same sentence


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Ieyke said:
Dude..."I'm not racist, but" HAS legitimate applications.
I'm not racist, for instance, but sometimes you just have to comment on stuff like black people and their mysterious love of fried chicken.

I had a roommate named Denzel for a couple years. Most stereotypical black guy you can possible imagine, with the exception of his odd flamboyant personality. I KID YOU NOT, he kept our fridge stocked with orange soda, "purple drink" (which I did not know was a thing until then), and watermelon.... and the kitchen counter almost ALWAYS had an empty KFC bucket sitting on it. Dude woke up in the morning blaring gospel music, listened to rap during the day, and switched to R&B at night.
Some days I wonder if Denzel was just messing with us (his 2 white and 1 middle-eastern roommates), but there's no way someone would keep that up for 2 years, right?

In my Game Design class we were talking about having a party the last week of school. The professor was all "we could get some pizza!" the class-clown dude was like "HELL YEA, and we'll get some hookers and blow and PAAAAARTAY!"(completely joking, obviously), and then a black dude in the back of the class goes "Oh shit, man! Can we get some fried chicken up in here too?!"(he was dead serious) The whole class just missed a beat and then burst out laughing. Poor dude look confused for a minute til he realized what he'd said.

How do you explain that?

So, "I'm not racist, but dude...black people seem to love them some fried chicken."

Sometimes it's a legit phrase.
Dude, you just applied a stereotype to an entire group of people, based on your experience with two individuals of that group. Furthermore even grouping people solely based on their skin color is racist.


Aug 3, 2008
"Yeah well, I've got kids!"
Do you now? What does that have to do with my current problem if it's not even about kids?

When guys come out with the "I always get friendzoned, girls are bitches who only date dickheads who put them in the hospital" sort of line. If I had any interest in a guy it would be straight out the window when they say that. I shut off when I hear that or try tell them talking like that is what is turning girls off. :/

Also when people say "Well the The Sun/Daily Star/Daily Mail said...!" I know they're going to go into some complete bullshit and it's not even worth arguing with them.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
EeveeElectro said:
"I always get friendzoned, girls are bitches who only date dickheads who put them in the hospital" sort of line. If I had any interest in a guy it would be straight out the window when they say that. I shut off when I hear that or try tell them talking like that is what is turning girls off. :/
Preach it, sister!
Gods forbid anyone try and keep girls out of the hospital!