What pisses you off?

I_Sinanju _I

New member
May 3, 2011
Seriously. There has got to be something that pisses anyone of you off or at least just mildly irritates you.
For me? Don't ask, I'll get annoyed just thinking about it.

Time to "Fire the lasers of understanding" or what?

I never meant for people to hate on this or be a view sponge.
Ah well, I get pissed at people who try to be things their not and try too hard. It's a shameful sight.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
honestly topics like these.

your not relay trying to start a conversation. just merely asking people to state opinions that no one is going to read, and few are going to try to convince others that they are right or wrong (ignoring the fact that arguing on the internet is largely pointless.

to me these kinds of threads are just attempts to farm posts and views for badges and what not...i usually don't post in them (had a perfect opportunity to post in this one so i did)which is why i have a low post count in comparison to some people on the forum.

Edge Hypermatter

New member
Mar 19, 2009
Moon landing deniers. No quicker way to get my fist in their face. Actually, people who don't think space travel is a worthwhile pursuit in general. Those people piss me off too.


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
I_Sinanju _I said:
Seriously. There has got to be something that pisses anyone of you off or at least just mildly irritates you.
For me? Don't ask, I'll get annoyed just thinking about it.
We get lots of threads like this. Please try to add more discussion value then simply "Come rant in this thread." Maybe share something that's recently 'pissed you off', or extend the question and ask why it pisses them off as well?


New member
Aug 27, 2011
People who don't like something and just go way overboard insulting it. Not liking something is fine and so is voicing your opinion, but when your opinion devolves into a swear-filled rant, just chill out already.
Jim Sterling is guilty of this occasionally; if you ever listen to PodToid you know what I'm talking about. I love the guy, but he needs to calm down.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Woah, what's with all the people spewing hate on this thread? And worse, directly insulting the OP in one case. If you think threads like these are pointless, then don't post in them, no-one is forcing you. Honestly, I think it's more pointless (pathetic?) to actually reply to this thread with the sole intention of insulting it.

OT: Hm, there really isn't much that pisses me off. I guess I get annoyed when people complain about science "taking the wonder and beauty out of the world". Mainly because it is always said by people who know nothing about how wonderful and complex science has revealed the world to be. I think that what we now know about the universe we exist in has turned out far more interestingly than any of the stories we used to have.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
the amount of flame wars the retards are in...just to name a few...
CoD vs BF
Starcraft vs 40k
terraria vs minecraft
360 vs PS3
PC vs console


New member
Jul 17, 2010
its here, so ill reitereate a post from earlier. when idiot kids are given guns who clearly dont have the maturity to handle, nor fire a weapon of any caliber, from a .45ACP to a water pistol and ultimately nearly kill you when they fire down the range line and nearly hit you with said bullet.

that kid shouldnt ever be allowed to BREATH near a gun let alone handle one. ever.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Intolerance. There was a time when humanity was too stupid to know that black people were not demons, or that gay people do not consort with Cthulhu, these days we know better, so there's no excuse. If you're intolerant, then modern society has no room for your hatred, go live in the forest like the primitive creature you are.

People who attack the innocent from a safe distance. If you're man emough to steal, lie, and attack innocent people, you're man enough to come out here, face to face with the people you screwed over, and take whatever punishment they feel you deserve.

Oh, and traitors. Occasionally, betrayal has good reasons, but most of the time, betrayal is the most heinous crime I can think of.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
SOME Escapist. Some of them are massive hypocrites or just totally rude about subject matters. Having no respect for the other person or anyone of faith for that matter. Yet I am right up there with them. I can be a big ***** on these forums.

Also no I don't read people who quote me because if I reply I will get banned.

legend of duty

New member
Apr 30, 2011
people who wear fedoras with a t shirt come on you just look like a dumbass
and people who have a huge problem with gay people.


New member
Aug 26, 2011
1. Cheapskates. You know who you are. These are the type of people who never contribute their full share in a big dinner party, who stiff the waiters and pizza guys on tips, and who end up taking lousy vacations because they're too cheap to actually pay for a decent time.

2. People who casually throw around racial and homophobic slurs like its "funny". 'Nuff said.

3. Jerks with tasteless senses of humor. I'm pretty sure that everyone has met someone like this by the time they're an adult. These are the type of guys who pull nasty pranks and make offensive, tasteless jokes, then nervously say, "Just kidding! Chill out!" or the like when nobody's laughing.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Mine is haters. Especially tons of haters, saying something that's been said millions of times before.

Call of Duty, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, My Little Pony, humanity in general, FPSs, theism, Minecraft...

Really guys, I don't care if you hate it, but don't complain about it again and again and again.