What Ruined the Star Wars Prequels? (If you didn't like them?)


New member
Jul 26, 2011
its not that they were that bad of movies, it was how much inferior to the original trilogy they were. Turning Darth Vader into a whiny little *****, the phantom menace having no main protagonist, and of course Jar Jar Binks all kept episode 1,2,and 3 from being as good as episode 4,5,and 6.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Michael Hirst said:
Anakins change to the Dark side makes NO sense.
To me this just seems like you weren't paying attention or something. While Christensens's acting was subpar at best, the motives for Anakin to do what he did are quite clearly lined out over the trilogy. You're practically smacked over the head with it.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
For me, the movie just takes itself too seriously. Go watch the first three again. Look how many times the actor look like they are on the brink of laughter. Look at the times they high five, laugh, congratulate each other. The prequels were so grim and serious it just became an annoyance. Revenge of the Sith was the best one though. And while Phantom Menace was bad, the reason people hate some of the other ones is just nitpicking. I have heard countless complaints about how Padme's midriff was exposed after the lion attack in Attack of the Clones. So, a midriff is disgusting and should be kept off screen, but slave Leia is okay?

(Note: Thank God for spellcheck!)

2012 Wont Happen

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Aug 12, 2009
They were legitimately written and directed by George Lucas instead of being handled by the more competent people who actually handled the first three.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
TheBelgianGuy said:
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
The whiny fanboys who simply can't shut up about how much the prequels raped their childhood.

Look, we get it. You didn't like the prequels. Fair enough. Not everyone is going to have the same tastes after all.

But for the love of God, can you please stop going on and on about it? It's not funny anymore. It's kind of pathetic. The movies are nearly ten years old now, and people still haven't gotten over it. It's like talking to that guy you know who likes to spend every conversation telling you he still doesn't give a shit about that ex-girlfriend who broke his heart back in high school.

You're making the rest of us in the science-fiction community look bad. For the first time in history, science-fiction has moved away from being a stigmatised, heavily lampooned niche genre, and somehow managed to get honest-to-god mainstream appeal. I no longer have to hide my collection of SF books as if they're some sort of banned filth, and can actually share my favourites with even the most ardent non-geeks among my friends. Critics, journalists and commentators are starting to give real praise to works of science fiction for their prescience about the way the world around us has evolved. Pretty much every mainstream blockbuster film is either a work of science fiction, or a fantasy/comic book movie. Us sci-fi nerds have finally arrived, and we've taken over the entire entertainment industry.

And you guys are shitting all over that! You're making the entire science fiction community seem like a bunch of whiny, spoiled, entitled five year old brats. You had one bad run with a series of films a decade ago, and you're determined to shout and scream about it until your lungs give out.

Newsflash: some of us actually like the prequel films. Some of us managed to look past their flaws and enjoy them for the no-nonsense entertainment they provided. Some of us have accepted that Star Wars, old or new, was never in the same league of science fiction as the works of Dick, Clarke or Asimov. The original Star Wars films were simplistic morality tales with dodgy acting and craterous plot-holes, but they provided good popcorn entertainment. Why is it so impossible to treat the prequels as such?

All the incessant bitching achieves is giving others the impression that the science-fiction community would rather spend time berating and moaning about one perceived failure, rather than celebrating and enjoying the incredible stuff the genre has to offer, both classic and new. This is the millionth 'SW preuquels r teh crap!1' thread I've seen. I can't remember the last time I saw a thread about 'Moon', or '2001: A Space Odyssey', or 'Blade Runner', or 'Primer'. There is so much on offer within the genre, and if people spent more time celebrating that than bitching about the prequels, science-fiction as a whole would be better for it.
Welcome to the Escapist, the home of band-wagon kids who say they hate something to act cool to the other kids on the playground/forum.

Yeah I liked the prequels. I also liked Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. I also think George Lucas owns his property, unlike all these "fanboys" (they call themselves fans, they're also the biggest haters in the franchise) who somehow think they were handed the rights of the IP when they bought a movieticket (or downloaded it online, more likely).
So we're not allowed to dislike it because other people dislike it? Even if you like them you can't deny that they're full of plot-holes, shitty acting from decent actors and a serious overuse of CGI which I would partly blame on the bad acting.

Having said that, I still enjoy The Phantom Menace. The other two can fuck off and that that crappy, forced "love" story with it.


Awful, awful acting.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
My favorite characters were the clone soldiers, ironically, they acted real professional and digified, even likable.
like how abi-wan loses his light-sabre in the third movie and that clone soldiers picks it up to bring it back to him, what a swell guy!


New member
Jun 19, 2008
General Vengeance said:
George Lucas's ruined Star Wars. However my favorite review of the newer Star Wars films released starting in 1999 with Episode 1 the Phantom Menace and onward are covered very well by Red Letter Media.

Part 1 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxKtZmQgxrI]
Part 2 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG1AWVLnl48]
Part 3 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdQwKPVGQsY]
Part 4 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOlG4T1S2lU]
Part 5 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBvp1r2UpiQ]
Part 6 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORWPCCzSgu0]
Part 7 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIWKMgJs_Gs]
Yeah, this. Seriously, there isn't any one element the ruined the prequels. Pretty much everything failed, especially what counts.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
I didn't mind them. I didn't think they were great, but I don't really see a whole lot wrong with them either.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
TestECull said:
xPixelatedx said:
TestECull said:
xPixelatedx said:
I seriously suggest you go watch the 'RedLetterMedia' reviews to see exactly what ruined these movies.

This comment is aimed both at people who defend these movies and anyone who just isn't sure.

The reviews are longer then the movies themselves haha.
How about no? Furstoval, I'm not going to watch a review longer than the movie it is reviewing, and secondly, why can't people accept that some people, myself included, liked the prequels despite them focusing more on explosions than exposition?!
Because it's that attitude that feeds money to lazy cinema and ensures that more movies of their breed will be made. It's ok to just like explosions, but some of us actually like movies that are more then eyecandy. Movies that have a story, and characters... and a point. It's going to be a sad day when those movies become exceptionally rare, and we are getting closer to it each and every year.

And for the record those reviews that so many people on this forum are mentioning, are in fact 10x more entertaining then the actual Starwars movies themselves. So I guess some good came out of those film abortions existing.

What I'm hearing: "I don't like those movies, nor does most of escapist, so YOU shouldn't either! Just because we said so! Damn personal preference, you need to stop liking them right this instant!"

Honestly I'm fucking tired of people with this attitude. You don't have to like it, I'm perfectly fine with that, but shut the fuck up and stop trying to force those who did to stop liking them already. Get the fuck over it, some people like the prequels for what they are. There is nothing wrong with that! My liking of the prequels as the action movies they are does not have an effect on the originals, nor does it suddenly mean you have to like them. So shut the fuck up about those goddamn reviews already. I liked the prequels, get over it.
What I'm hearing: "I don't like those movies, nor does most of escapist, so YOU shouldn't either! Just because we said so!
No, not because we said so, because there is a 100+ actual factual reasons why these movies suck: as movies and as star-wars prequels (which you would know if you didn't ignore a review that explained it all). You have to understand when something is so obviously terrible, people will stand up and voice their outrage, especially if it is something they feel cheated over. If someone goes to a restaurant and their food has hairs and bugs in it, then they have every right in the world to both complain and share their grievances with the world so everyone knows not to eat at that place, even if you personally - for some reason or another - like to eat hairs and bugs. It doesn't mean you have to stop, just that you are going to have to accept that trying to defend anything so abhorrent to taste, intelligence and human dignity is going to raise some eyebrows and attract only negative attention.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Jar Jar and the little shit (Young Anakin) just killed it for me, that and the plot. I mean really, trade embargos? Srsly guys?


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Pb Zeppelin said:
This 20 second clip from Episode III succinctly summarizes all that is wrong with the prequels.

This... This hurts me in such a way that I have never been hurt before.
I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit.


The 94th Blind Messiah
Nov 12, 2009
Anakin. I had no sympathy for his reactions to events in his life. He was a whiney, overreacting little ***** of a character. Top that off with bad overused CGI and terrible dialogue.

KOTR was a better SW story in my opinion. Hell, anything with Kyle Katarn for the win.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
Irritating child Anakin
Whiny teenage Anakin
Focusing on Anakin being Space Jesus
Not having a simple and definite threat
Not being coherent
Not making sense
Trade Federation wants to stop space trade... Why?
Who the fuck is General Grievious?
Turning Yoda into a migit space ninja rather his original role of pacifist monk
Telling not showing
Using lesser Sith Lord as disposable level bosses

NO GOOD SPACE BATTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you ask me the empire should have been a palpable threat from the start of the trilogy, Obi Wan Kenobi should have been a young Jedi sent as a bodyguard for someone important, say Senator Bail Organa fulfilling continuity with Leia's later message in the original Star Wars film.

There should be an emerging threat to the Republic in a particular region of space and senators are being assassinated covertly.

During a mission to this region of space Obi Wan meets a young Republican star-pilot called Anakin Skywalker whom he befriends. In an attempt on Bail Organa's life (An awesome space battle.) he discovers Anakin's latent abilities with the force and decides to train him despite Anakin being too old and Obi Wan not being a Jedi-Master.

Anakin for his part falls for Bail Organa's daughter Padme who is acting as an aide to the senator in training for the day that she might take over his posistion; though she remains cool to this rougish show off.

During the mission they discover that the renagades are building a massive fleet of "Star Destroyers" and are raising a giant army using cloning techniques (The clones are not all the same and are definitely not based on Boba Fett.)

The Senate, lead by a charismatic Senator named Palpatine is advocating annexation despite Bail Organa's efforts at diplomacy. This leads to the region's outright split from the Republic and it invades a nearby region of space.

An expeditionary force is sent to contain the Renegade fleet (Giant Space Battle.) the renegade systems are suppressed but the massive fleet and legions of clones survive. Anakin is named hero of the battle and wins Padme's affections.

Continued in Episode 2


New member
Dec 14, 2011
Pb Zeppelin said:
This 20 second clip from Episode III succinctly summarizes all that is wrong with the prequels.
wow. just wow. i don't remember it being quite so bad


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I enjoyed them. There are things I didn't like such as the overuse of CGI and the funny looking lightsaber battles, but overall I have no deal ending problems with them. I can admit to enjoying the scenes with Jar-Jar and when I was younger I even trained my voice to be able to imitate his.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
In the last Episode we saw our heroes thwart a threat to the Republic. It is a victory won at at great cost however. The Republican fleet is severely depleted and the remainder or the Renegade fleet and the many thousands of clones are still at large. Lawlessness is becoming rampant. Without the fleet the Republic is losing control to corruption and organised crime.

The leader of the renegade Fleet Mof Tarkin gains a foothold in a desperate region of space and institutes order via military law (Awesome space and ground battle.).

While the act is condemned in the senate some see it as a pathway back to Pax Republica. Chief among them Senator Palpatine who is currently being guarded by Obi Wan and Anakin. He sets off on a mission with them to woo Mof Tarkin into accepting amnesty and replenish the Republican Fleet.

Obi Wan has great reservations about this plan. He see's the potential slide into fascism. Anakin is far more positive however as he has seen his home system Tattooine slide into anarchy.

Meanwhile Padme is pregnant. This being a political scandal within the senate and the Jedi Consulate Padme is forced to flee home to Alderaan and her father is politically stymied.

The mission is a success. Mof Tarkin is won over by the platitudes of the seductive senator however Obi Wan overhears their discussion and learns of Palpatine's plans for subordinating the democracy of the Republic and instituting a reigme of tight militaristic control.

He confronts Palpatine who reveals himself to be a Sith Lord. During the fight Anakin enters. Torn between loyalty to his friend and the politics he believes in Anakin chooses the latter and sides with Palpatine. Outnumbered during the confrontation Obi Wan is forced to rend an arm from Anakin's body to escape.

Anakin is saved by Palpatine though he is gravely injured.

Knowing that the Senator will be unstoppable with an army behind him Obi Wan considers his options.

Continued in episode 3.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
The Republic has fallen into disarray after defeating a renegade province. To rectify this Senator Palpatine has successfully turned Mof Tarkin and the renegade fleet to his side and has returned to Courusent. Once there he moves that the Republic is in extreme peril. He calls a motion for him to made Governor Absolute for the duration of the crisis and that the Fleet and Clone Legions should be set to restoring order to the Galaxy.

He adds the additional motion that the Jedi Order are to be considered dangerous outlaws using the testimony of a severely crippled Anakin as evidence. As a reward Palapatine knights Anakin as Lord Vadar, his right hand. He sends Vader on a mission to exterminate the Jedi a task he excels in.

Meanwhile Obi Wan arrive to late to stop the senate decision. He flees to his master Yoda for advice. Yoda tells him that the only hope is to confront this new Lord Vader with the people who love him most and turn him against this new dictator. To this end Obi Wan flies to Alderaan.

Padme Organa has given birth to a daughter Leia, but she hears that the father of her child is supporting a totalitarian take over of the Republic, something she cannot counternance and on the return of Obi Wan she makes the difficult decision to leave her newborn child and confront her former lover, hoping to turn him from his new dark course.

Their meeting is bittersweet. They are angry at each other for supporting the opponents cause. She lures him with the act of love but Anakin/Vader realises that Obi Wan is nearby and accuses him of mind-tricking Padme into trapping him. Despite Padme's assurances to the contrary Obi Wan is again forced into fighting Anakin. This time Anakin doesn't lose a simple limb; he is thrown into an energy reactor destroying much of his human body.

Obi Wan and Padme escape (coincidently!!!!!!!!) to the planet of Tatooine and find shelter with Anakin's family. Padme wants to stay with her newborn son but Obi Wan warns her that she could never protect him from Vader. Old Ben will watch after this newborn Luke; a force sensitive to rival his father. She needs to take the little they can scrape for an interstelller ticket and go start the rebellion against the empire.

The saga will continue in Episode 4: A New Hope.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Mr.Tea said:
Captain Pirate said:
The RLM reviews [http://redlettermedia.com/plinkett/star-wars/] (link just in case) explain pretty much that, but there's really one thing for me which sums up just how dumb Anakin's storyline was in the prequels and it's this: Anakin wasn't seduced by the Dark Side of the force, he was tricked into becoming evil.
It's really as stupid as it sounds...
Well, no, its both.

He's tricked into being alienated by everyone else but Palpatine, he's still seduced by the notion that he can become more powerful.

Its far better for him to go to the Dark Side to save Padme, and then be redeemed by saving his son, than it is for him to join in the first place just so he can get his rocks off on super-duper power.