What immediately occured to me upon reading the point that Hawkeye's skillset doesn't stack up very well with "I'm literally a god" is the parallel situation in the Justice League.
How does "I'm a normal human trained in the martial arts and have some pretty cool gadgets" stack up as a power when compared to "I'm invulnerable, can fly, see through walls, etc", "I have a magic ring that can create anything I can possibly imagine", and so on? Having said that, which one member of the Justice League do you least want to piss off? Which one would emerge victorious if the whole Justice League went Battle Royale on each other?
Point is, it's not the skill set you've got, it's how much of a badass you are. Hawkeye's no Batman, admittedly, but the problem isn't so much that he's underpowered as that he's just way less cool than Iron Man.
(Mind you with Joss Whedon doing the Avengers, I'm sort of hoping for Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Moist...)