what surgery's have you had?


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Well, this is going to sound lame next to some of you people. I had a tooth removed a couple of years ago, the dentist couldn't get the whole tooth after about half an hour so she sent me to the dental surgeon where the guy cut my gum open and removed the roots. Don't worry, I never felt a thing, my face was totally numb.

When I was young, I ended up in hospital because as I was recovering from Chicken Pox, I had a spot on my finger and the infection moved into the bone, basically causing my hand to cease up. That was a couple of days in hospital.

Other than that, nothing serious, it seems like I'm one of these people that never gets seriously hurt.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
I've had only one surgery, and that was to remove an impacted wisdom tooth and the molar it fucked up. I'll be getting another wisdom tooth removed soon, as well. Hopefully this time it's only the wisdom tooth that needs removing.


New member
Jan 16, 2011
Safaia said:
I had my wisdom teeth out and my gallbladder removed. Abdominal surgeries are the worst -.-
Personally, I've never been as relaxed as I was right after my gallbladder removal. It was flippin' fantastic. Kind of made me wonder what I'm missing out on by refusing any and all recreational intoxicants but caffeine...


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Just wisdom teeth, one of them broke when he was pulling it out so he had to cut it out. Fortunately I had opted to be knocked completely out for the procedure. Though supposedly I was making jokes during the procedure which I have no recollection of.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
carlsberg export said:
not sure if this topic has been done but thought i would give it a go.
i had to have my wisdom teeth removed once, that was bad :(
I've had my wisdom teeth out.

I've also had Orthognathic Surgery, which is surgery performed on the jaw to correct a misaligned bite. The long and short of it was that I was born with an enormous underbite, and it had to be corrected. So they put me under, cut off chunks of my lower jaw and bolted it together, the cut apart my upper jaw and put the pieces from the lower jaw in the new gaps, then bolted it all together.

I was eating through a straw for 5 weeks. It fucking sucked.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
excalipoor said:
Safaia said:
I had my wisdom teeth out and my gallbladder removed. Abdominal surgeries are the worst -.-
Personally, I've never been as relaxed as I was right after my gallbladder removal. It was flippin' fantastic. Kind of made me wonder what I'm missing out on by refusing any and all recreational intoxicants but caffeine...
I discovered that me and morphine do not mix well. On an empty stomach after surgery. Worst experience ever. I was more worried about them not finding anything wrong with mine since we weren't even 100% sure that's what was making me sick. I couldn't keep down food for almost two months, lost something like 15lbs in 4 weeks, and all of my tests said nothing was wrong. My surgeon was like 'here are symptoms A, B, C, and D for gallbladders issues. You have all of them let's take it out.' Fortunately it was the problem (yaay).

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
I got cancer removed from near my neater regions, and I also got my right ear reattached from being cut off, that count?


New member
Jul 4, 2008
wisdom tooth removal(one wisdom tooth, like ever, lucky bastard eh?) dentist told me that I shouldn't be suprised if I bled like a stuck pig, only bled like a drop, barely any pain afterwards.

Dunno if stitches and wound closures count as "surgeries" if so, I've had 5 stitches on my head(sliding door rail bracket thing), 5 stitches on my left leg(inner thigh, bike accident) and 21 staples(and numerous stitches) on my right leg above the knee (7" bone deep knife wound).

Otherwise, all my innards seem to function, appendix has been a real champ, and my level of overall physical health has been top notch.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
carlsberg export said:
Anarchemitis said:
I've had my wisdom teeth out, as well as an emergency appendectomy.
did you swell up?
i did but the pain came after
Had my wisdom teeth and lower canines removed (at separate times). I think I remember pain, but my good friend Mr. Vicodin tells me I must have been imagining it. I.....I don't really remember the days that followed to well.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
1. I had my tonsils and wisdom teeth removed. The lack of wisdom teeth made me bleed so much I almost passed out.
2. I had gromits in my ears as a child.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
Wisdom teeth and tonsil surgery.

The latter is not so bad 'cause i was like 10 and got loads of ice cream and yoghurt :D


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Two major ones. One to fix my arm when it got broken. Quite a severe break too, came off my bike as I was riding full speed down a very steep hill. Very stupid of me. I actually put one of my wrist bones through the skin, so it was sticking out of the flesh. I still bear a scar to this day.

The second was my circumcision. I was about 8 years old or something, and my dick got infected, so they had to lob the foreskin off. Oh man, I fucking wish my parents circumcised me when I was an infant. The pain that I went through in the following weeks after the surgery, and the absolute nightmare it was trying to get the bandage off... just terrible. Brings back bad (and painful) memories. This probably leads to my tolerance of infant circumcision - it's just hell to go through later on in life.

That would be about it for major surgeries. Not too much has happened, so I guess I'm lucky.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
They had to dig in to get all four of my wisdom teeth because they weren't coming in and took out two impacted baby teeth.
All in the same go. Yeah, wasn't pleasant for the next few days. Thank goodness for painkillers. I'm sure most of you would now, neglect taking them once, and you're gonna pay for it.
That was a couple years ago and one of the adult teeth hasn't come in yet. Hm, I should probably get that checked. Other than that, I had a testicle removed. I forgot the reason but I assume it was important.
[small]At least I hope it was important...[/small]

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I had two wisdom teeth out, but it was in a dentist's chair so I'm pretty sure that doesn't count.

I had surgery to debride and drain a severe burn.

That's about it. so far.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
1 for multiple teeth taken out
1 surgery on my upper back (scoliosis)
1 surgery on my lower back (ditto)


New member
Sep 19, 2010
I've never had a surgery. Never even broken a bone, either.

My wisdom teeth aren't causing me any problems, either. Although the lower ones haven't even started to grow in yet, content to just chill underneath the gums. And I'm 23.

So I'll just sit here basking on how I'm a perfect human or something. IDK.


New member
Mar 3, 2012
So on Wednesday (1/5/13) i went to hospital for the second time in two weeks because i had a collection of liquid above my stitched up surgical wound which was Cellulitis of the umbilical(belly button) which also had turned my umbilical tissue necrosed (yeah like in house all black and stuff im guessing) so after they removed the collection of liquid they have left me with an open wound which needs to be packed every day also i no longer have a belly button so yeah


New member
Aug 13, 2010
carlsberg export said:
not sure if this topic has been done but thought i would give it a go.
i had to have my wisdom teeth removed once, that was bad :(
Same here, guess if they have to cut into the gums because they haven't started popping out yet then it is a surgery, fine by me since they put me under and I woke up at home. But in a shit ton of pain. oh Vicodin how I loved you those next 2 weeks... until you got thrown away... mother (thought I would get addicted or something) when I had a week left. my god did that week SUCK. and people got mad at me since the first two weeks had passed and I didn't complain much about pain, well no shit I had Vicodin the whole Time and I was off it a week early cuz some people don't listen to doctors and throw their sons pain meds away for some dumb-ass reason.