What the F*** is wrong with EA


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Is it just me or should EA be forbidden from making another commercial ever again. They seem to make the worse possible decisions. I?m watching Hulu and I see the battlefield commercial and what is the backing song? 99 problems. Seriously? Then I think back and I remember EA past decision on representing their products. This game is too disturbing from your Mom commercials comes to mind.

Look I don?t really have a problem with the song and it might even fit for Max Payne 3. At least the song would ironically tie to the game. But Battlefield is just a s shooter; this association is just stupid machismo


New member
Apr 3, 2011
It wouldn't be the first time a random song that has nothing to do with the game is used in its commercial. Usually the rap is used to try to appeal to a wider audience.

Remember, you as a gamer probably already know of this game and have decided whether or not you're getting it, they're trying to appeal to some non-gamer type person.

Personally I'm just annoyed they picked a song that has to be censored in certain parts. It just kills the flow of the commercial
Apr 28, 2008
Where the hell have you been?

I've been asking this since Spore's DRM.

Get with the times, brah.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
You know, I hold up the "Soldier in All of Us" commercial for Black Ops as the best televised ad for a video game I've seen. EA's commercials are just garbage.


Destroyer of Worlds
Mar 26, 2011
Just you... and I loved the "Your mom hates this game" commercials, if those are the ones that you are talking about.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
l33tness08 said:
It's just you... To forbid someone from doing something is a violation of so many rights...
Here I'll save you the trouble of looking it up, just use the below link.


To spell it out for you, I don't actually mean they should be forbidden, only that they make crap commercials that paints people who play their games as below average sad cases.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
EDIT: no, google confirmed. OP is right.

I actually dont mind the song and see how it fits (despite the censoring on TV) but they could at least use the Hugo (read: good) version.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Its really amazing how bad the commercial for bf3 is, they picked one of the worst songs they could for it, I mean it doesn't fit the feel of the series at all and its a stupid song.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Gamblerjoe said:
EA does not make commercials. They fund and publish video games. Talk to their PR firm.
EA pays for and green lights every commercial. You can't say it is the PR firm. It is very likely they give a general story board as well.

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
Cheshire the Cat said:
Who exactly do you think their target is?
Its 12 years old and frat boys.
We may not like their marketing but we are not their target audience.
So ya can't really blame EA for appealing to the douchebag culture. Thats just where the money is.
Kinda this. I mean, you can't forbid someone from doing something (unless you pull the *insert one of five basic freedoms here* card and whine) so I can't see them stopping any time soon. Still... It pisses me off that the public face of gaming in the eyes of most non-gamers are those assholes in the EA marketing/customer relations offices.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
also while I'm ranting about the BF3 commercials. WTF is with the fake static throughout? You spend millions making your game look as pretty as possible and then you fake static in the commericals? You make your game look like a SD piece of crap.

I mean I guess it is trying to simulate the chaos of the battlefield but seriously, it just makes it look like crap to me.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Irridium said:
Where the hell have you been?

I've been asking this since Spore's DRM.

Get with the times, brah.
You got a good point. EA releases some good games from time to time, but they seem to do a lot to poisen the industry like buy good studio and run them into the ground, sell the sports year++ games, make commercials that screem computer games of are for babies, market M games to 12 year olds, and attack the after market and feel insensed that anyone might want to buy a used game.

Elijah Ball

New member
Jan 29, 2011
jthwilliams said:
Is it just me or should EA be forbidden from making another commercial ever again. They seem to make the worse possible decisions. I?m watching Hulu and I see the battlefield commercial and what is the backing song? 99 problems. Seriously? Then I think back and I remember EA past decision on representing their products. This game is too disturbing from your Mom commercials comes to mind.

Look I don?t really have a problem with the song and it might even fit for Max pain 3. At least the song would ironically tie to the game. But Battlefield is just a s shooter; this association is just stupid machismo
maybe if you cry some more it will change...


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Elijah Ball said:
jthwilliams said:
Is it just me or should EA be forbidden from making another commercial ever again. They seem to make the worse possible decisions. I?m watching Hulu and I see the battlefield commercial and what is the backing song? 99 problems. Seriously? Then I think back and I remember EA past decision on representing their products. This game is too disturbing from your Mom commercials comes to mind.

Look I don?t really have a problem with the song and it might even fit for Max pain 3. At least the song would ironically tie to the game. But Battlefield is just a s shooter; this association is just stupid machismo
maybe if you cry some more it will change...
I'll give it a go.

Look, I am not questioning their game, I just think their commercials are shit and make me and possible others like me not only annoyed but embarressed to be associated with them in any way.