What the hell game journalists?


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
Ok, so I enjoy the work of many gaming journalists (as in people who produce videos/other media around the topic of gaming) such as Yatzee, Jim Sterling, the Extra credits guys, the LRR guys, moviebob and Penny arcade (not all of the named journalists are guilty of the accusations in the rest of this post, they're just example journalists who I like(d)).

What I haven't enjoyed seeing, in fact it has been saddening, is the way the much of media surrounding games and gaming have closed ranks over the ME3 ending debacle. (I haven't seen ME3's ending nor have I played ME3 so I don't know just how bad the ending is.) What I do know however is that a lot of fans have been severely disappointed by the ending to a franchise they became heavily invested in. Then when this is expressed and talk of another ending/epilogue or other fix appears most of the journalists jump to calling us entitled and saying we want to ruin games as an art form. Many of these journalists in what they have said have directly contradicted their own words/feeling expressed in earlier works.

I always felt that in the producers vs players (I know it shouldn't be, but it feels it) stakes most journalists have been on our side; reviewing/critiquing the games, calling the industry out whenever it tries to screw us, opening the inner workings of the industry for us to see and generally making gamer culture better. But this, this has made me reevaluate. When it comes down to it and it appears like the industry might actually listen to us for once the journalists throw in with the industry against us.

I've always known there are a few corporate shills out there, GameSpot for example, but many of them have said things that sound like they want a better industry, with more say for the consumer which are great right up until crunch time, the second it came time to act on a real issue they all contradicted themselves. Actions speak louder than words guys.

In short I have lost a lot of respect for a lot of journalists, particularly EC who contradicted one of their own videos in their take on this whole thing.

I fully believe the industry would be far better with the consumer having a greater say in it, I have no idea why anyone would oppose a company actually listening to us for once. Every boycott, every petition and every lost sale have failed to convince the industry to listen to us, anything that makes them listen is a GOOD THING. Hell operation rainfall failed despite waving wads of cash under producer's noses.

And one last request: Please don't turn this into a row over the ending, if they should change it or if games are art. There are plenty of threads for that already. This one is to voice thoughts on the comments and works of journalists regarding this whole mess.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
In the end, journalists are people, just like you and me.

Sometimes, they'll contradict themselves (or their opinion is going to change). That happens and it would happen to you if every time you had an opinion, you had to write it down somewhere and have it available for anyone to see (if I'm not mistaken, Movie Bob wrote an article on this very thing). EDIT: Found it! [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/columns/moviebob/9386-How-To-Talk-To-A-Critic-Assuming-You-Want-To] See Point 1.

With that, journalists are in a unique position and will form their opinion based on that. They see the hard work that the industry puts into their games and know that game makers care just as much (if not more) about their product than you do. I'm guessing that this part of their perspective is what is making them jump into the defense of the industry.


New member
Feb 6, 2011
If something disappoints more than half of an entire long established fanbase that bought your game fast then you need to make changes.
If you dont your at risk of losing said base.
But the fact they are coming up with an ending means they admit it wasnt that great, so maybe it is best.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
There has always been a bit of a disconnect between many of the larger game news outlets and consumers. The only difference here is that the little guys are turning their backs on those they once represented. Its quite strange to see so many of them take the same side. I doubt their is any kind of conspiracy going on here but I am sure many people are just unwilling to burn bridges with those in the industry they have worked/might work with.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
tippy2k2 said:
Sometimes, they'll contradict themselves (or their opinion is going to change). That happens and it would happen to you if every time you had an opinion, you had to write it down somewhere and have it available for anyone to see (if I'm not mistaken, Movie Bob wrote an article on this very thing).
I understand this but some have done a full U-turn from what they have portrayed as their thoughts, contradicting something you forgot about is fair enough but contradicting your entire portrayed stance is quite another thing.

Fappy said:
I doubt their is any kind of conspiracy going on here but I am sure many people are just unwilling to burn bridges with those in the industry they have worked/might work with.
This is what I thought too, having the main source of critique that close to the people producing the product is going to lead to problems. Be it slight biasing or full sacking of people who don't tow the line.
Jan 27, 2011
*hasn't gotten around to playing ME3 yet, too much schoolwork. I AM going to finish the trilogy as soon as I have time, though*

I kinda agree with the OP a bit.

While I DO think that some of the fan reaction has been over the top, ultimately, they have a reason to be pissed. If it were as simple as "Oh the ending wasn't what I wanted!" then we could write them off as entitled.

But when an epic trilogy that has been pushing your choices (and the consequences of them) as the biggest point, and allows you to carry data between 3 whole games gives you a set of endings that don't take those choices into account...

Yeah, I can understand why people are upset.

I can VERY much understand why people feel betrayed by Bioware.

cookyy2k said:
Hell operation rainfall failed despite waving wads of cash under producer's noses.
It wasn't a TOTAL failure...Xenoblade is coming out in NA very soon. Although it's a gamestop exclusive, which was a REALLY stupid move, IMO. If we manage to make the game sell out, they will HAVE to follow through with the other games. If they don't, they're freakin hypocrites and idiots.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Of course "game journalists" are going to side with publishers and developers. Why on Earth would they bite the hand that feeds them? They know who pays their salary, they wont dare contradict any of them.

Then you have people like Extra Credits who just write down plain crap, or Andy Chalk who patronizes a fanbase and their concern over a games ending without even playing the game himself. This is why I hate the term "game journalists". 99,9% of these people are not worthy of the term.

Luckily all of these guys can throw around terms like "artistic integrity" to dodge any real discussion, or take a position of smug superiority because they have a job writing articles for a website no one visits for the news. And if I sound bitter, its because I am. Getting fed up of this. I, a person who is by no means known for insight or good English skills, could do a better job than most of these people.

Not that I would want the job - the term "game journalist" is quickly approaching the point where it becomes a hefty insult.
I still expected a few of them to at least come down on our "side" or even just look at it. There have been other controversies before but never has it seems quite so much like the journalists are talking the exact same crap whilst insulting a good portion of their audience.


New member
Mar 1, 2012
Oh please, boo hoo industry professionals who have a far better insight than one eyed fanboys don't agree with you?? Then take the hint, you have every right to be unhappy and bag the ending out and maybe even demand a refund, anyone thinking they have the right to demand changes is just so far beyond stupid that there really isn't any words strong enough to describe it


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
Well since the game companies tend to put more money towards the journalists paychecks than I do. I'm not entirely shocked when they soften a harsh blow for the industry. But it is an understanding. I know where they are coming from, and have to if they want to eat. It isn't intentional, its just the way it is. The industry has been de-evolving for quite a few years, and it probably hasn't hit bottom yet. Either way I'd never blame the journalists, no matter how they spin it, they are still keeping us informed.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I recall MovieBob making a point that because he see SO MANY MOVIES, and tends to watch them more closely than 'the average person' that what he sees as a 'rip-off' or 'generic' may not be to the general public because they don't 'do' movies like he does.

I think the same applies to video games.

My Creative Writing teacher in HS had us all find our favorite movie (or trilogy) (I chose Star Wars EP4/5/6) and watch it 'like a critic' - with a handout on what we were looking for - and I found myself being rather annoyed at how DIFFERENT the movies were.

I think the same thing happens with video games.


New member
Mar 30, 2012
cookyy2k said:
Hell operation rainfall failed despite waving wads of cash under producer's noses.
Wait how did Operation Rainfall fail? They got Nintendo to release Xenoblade AND The Last Story. I'd say 2/3 games is pretty good and certainly not a failure.