What the hell is wrong with the world?

lord canti

New member
May 30, 2009
Chipperz said:
lord canti said:
Chipperz said:
lord canti said:
This is off topic but why is it that teens seem to have such anger against any form of authority?
Wasn't there something about having a chemical makeup in their brains that is related to their changing hormones, making it hard for them to accept orders or something? I... I can't remember where I saw it, or I'd link it.

I may have dreamed it, in fact, but it sounds plausible.
HMMM I'm not sure but I sounds like you being sarcastic. and if your not then that is really interesting I might have to look into it.
HAHAHAA!! Found it! [http://www.walrusmagazine.com/articles/2006.11-science-the-teenage-brain/2/]

It's a summary of the overall issue, but basically, the frontal lobe of people going through puberty "inverts" and starts processing information in a different way to young children or adults, messing with their emotional responses but making them more capable of assimilating new cultural information.Thanks for the link.

EDIT - yeah, I don't really care about the original post any more, but it does seem to be a big deal about nothing.

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
This post might have been easier to agree with if you'd actually pointed out something that was actually wrong. Ok yes, the 5 year age difference when its between a sophomore in high school and a junior in college is frankly quite creepy, but let's face it: Girls in high school ALWAYS go after the older guys. Its a sad but true fact. The guy probably just bugs you and you DO have a thing for the girl (just admit it) and so you're projecting your anger on to their relationship. I know its hard watchin the girl you like go out with a guy you wish was urself, but you kinda gotta get over that. At my school, there's this 15 year old going with a 19 year old senior and they're bumbin uglies in his van practically all the time. But you know what? They're both ok with it and there really isnt anything anybody can really do about it, so you just let sleeping dogs lye. Know its not the responce you're looking for, but hey its how the world works


New member
May 21, 2008
I don't see why you're so angry. Both of them seem willing and from what you've said there are no signs of rape, murder, or molestation so what's the big deal? Sure it's a gap but I just think you should give it up.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
it may appear to be kinda dodgy, but really YOU'RE the selfish one here, not them. If the 15 year old is dating him of her own free will, even though it's weird, it's not really affecting ANYONE negatively. You're just like "YOU CANNOT LIVE YOUR LIFE THE WAY YOU WANT! I AM SUPREME DICTATOR OF WHAT IS RIGHT AND WRONG! BOW TO ME!" Just because it's not what you believe to be socially "normal" or "right" doesn't mean it's wrong. Hell, at one time it was normal for a 15 year old girl to be married to a 30 year old man. Plus retrospectively 5 years isn't that big of a gap, it just seems that way because they're both relatively young. Do I think it's kind of wierd, well, yeah. Then again I also think it's weird to use shit like myspace and twitter or to watch japanese cartoons bump uglies. That doesn't necessarily make it "wrong," it just makes it something that I wouldn't consider right for me.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
geldonyetich said:
Depends on if they're having sex, really. The age of legal consent in the United States ranges from 16 to 18 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_North_America#United_States] so if this guy is boning a 15 year old, whether or not anyone else thinks it's cute, he could get himself prosecuted for statutory rape.

They're probably getting goo-gooed over because everyone assumes its a sexless relationship, which is pretty cute.

Granted, we're discussing this on the Internet, which is hilarious because let me tell you half the people on the forums of any Internet board seem to be closet sexual deviants. Don't expect the ratio of views expressed on this forum to be all that reflective of real life.
omg lol this is almost exactly what I was gonna type


New member
Mar 2, 2009
trelloskilos said:
What the Hell is wrong with the World? - A summary

Princeon: People are so fucking selfish. There's this guy I fucking hate, and his 15 year old girlfriend. I fucking hate him. Fuck fuck fuck. Why don't people agree with me? Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.

49% of the forum: A 20 year old, dating a 15 year old? That's DISGUSTING!

Another 49%: No it's not.

The first 49%: They're DATING.....ewwwww

The other 49%: That doesn't mean they're having sex, right?

The first 49%: Oh yeah....but still....ewwwwww

2% of the forum: Jeezus! This is laaame.

Chipperz: It's not him who's got the problem. It's you.

Priceon: No I fucking haven't got a fucking problem, so fuck you. Can I say fuck some more?

Chipperz: (Doesn't need to say anything at this point, cos Princeon is somewhere 20 feet below, still digging himself into a deeper hole)

Cuddly-Tomato: You compared the guy to a rapist

Princeon: Anyway...that's not what I said. I said that I blew it all out of proportion, and now people are ragging on me. I wish everyone was cynical & bitter like me.

Stay tuned for part 2.....if you can be bothered!
I love you so much right now. Marry me? Unless you're 15, as that would make our marriage gross and icky.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
O-K... so because a guy and a girl are dating this is considerd a bad thing? look unless they are banging each other then I dont think that this is all that bad..my bro dates a 29 yr old and he is 19 and its pretty serious but still is legal, look a 35yr old dating a 40yr old, are you gonna think thats so bad? look i get it if you are trying to "protect" this girl but still buddy its a lose lose situation, 1. you could tell her parents and in the end she is gonna think you lover her and you want her wich (look i have no reason to not trust you) she would internally hate you. 2. let her get fucked and then you would feel jelous (maybe because you want to tap that ass? or because your still a virgin? look man its fine, and your right there are laws). 3. do nothing and eat a samwich


New member
Dec 31, 2008
First off, people saying things like "When she's 30, he'll be 35, is that so bad?" or "My parents have a 10 year age gap" aren't realising that at that age, the gap is a much smaller issue. 15 and 20 is however.
What they're doing is a bit weird, but who are you to judge? Why is it so bad?

When I was 21, I was going out with a 17 year old girl. People questioned it and thought it was a little weird. When I was 22, I was with a 20 year old who was actually much much more immature than the girl 2 years younger than her. Maturity varies from person to person as much as it does by age. This girl might be old enough to make, and face the consequences of her own decisions.

Why do you hate this guy? What has he done to you? You are adament in your inference that you are not interested in this girl romantically or sexually, but honestly, if you can't give an answer as to why this guy is so bad, so wrong, and so hated by you then that is the only logical conclusion many of us can draw.

If anything, you are the selfish one, trying to stand in the way of their happiness.

I don't know the guy, he may be a nice guy, he may be a horrible person, but the fact that he's with a 15 year old girl is not enough to make him evil. If she wants to be with him and him with her, that's their decision so butt out. The only reason you could have to step in is if he was abusing her either sexually, physically or emotionally.

And if the issue here is that you actually do want this girl for yourself, move on. Stop acting like a child crying over someone playing with the toy you wanted.

Edit: typo.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Uhhh wut? 5 year age gap is relatively small these days... I know a guy who wife is much younger than he is but they're happily married... and well in their 50s. Nothing bad is going to happen to her as long as she doesn't WANT to have it happen to her.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
You sort of contribute to what's wrong with people with your hatred. You don't hate the sinner, you hate the sin, and also, have the aforementioned 20 year old and 15 year old had sex? If not, then just because he is 20 and the girl is underage does not automatically make him a rapist.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
PrinceoN said:
How can people be so fucking selfish? Surely it can't be our DNA.

So heres the scene. I know this 20 year old thats dating a 15 year old. I hate him. I want to strangle him and/or brutally beat him with a bat or other blunt object. However, it seems that i am the only person on the face of that seems to think that way. Everyone else thinks that her being underage and the 5 year age difference is perfectly acceptable. Furthermore, these people are this guy's friends, because, "He's a sweetie!" (direct quote from several people) Also, he's not a bad person because, "He's never done anything wrong to me, and how he lives his life is his business." (another direct quote)

And I just think...what the FUCK has come over people lately? If a rapist is the sweetest person in the world, do we let the fact that he's a rapist go? If someone brutally murders people, do we let it go just because thats how they live their life? If a someone is a known child molester, is he a good person so long as he's not molesting YOUR kids?

I know I might have taken things out of proportion a little bit, but sometimes thats really the only way to get people to listen. Has humanity really gotten selfish enough to say "Well so long as it has nothing to do with me, its not bad." Is a criminal no longer a criminal if they don't mess with you? Are we seriously letting people's personality forgive/excuse their actions WHILE they are doing them?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to mention, even though i sorta did reference this earlier. The 20 year old is male, the 15 year old is female.

EDIT (again): alright, fuckers, lets get this over with. i do NOT have a thing for this girl. just because im trying to protect/help this girl means i have a thing for her? if thats your logic, then so be it, i have a thing for this girl (according to you). however, back down here in reality, it really doesnt matter to me who it is, im against this subject no matter what. there are laws of consent for a reason, and thats what im against. it just so happens that im using the two people i know as a frame of reference.
There are also laws concerning attacking people, just because you don't like the way someone acts does not mean you have the right to hurt them. You're 19, why do you care, do you not think that these are people capable of making their own decisions or mistakes without you having to give a step by step play of what's going on. In the US people actually have a right to privacy so yes, it is no one else's business unless someone is breaking the law.

Furthermore, the law is not yours to enforce! In any case, how do you know what the extent of their physical relationship is. It might be entirely legitimate. I'm guessing you're just assuming, even if either of them has mentioned it they may be lying because of peer pressure.

This whole argument reeks of jealousy which is really just a form of selfishness. Can you see the irony about you decrying selfishness?

Note: Don't refer to the community as '"f***ers", it's just ignorant.

EDIT: If you think this is some of the worst behaviour in mankind then you lead a pretty sheltered life.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Though I don't believe that a teenager dating anyone 20+ can be true love (most likely to me, she wants a man to look up to and he wants sex), why get so freaked out over it?


New member
Jul 16, 2008
My Father is four years older than my Mother. He is 62 and she is 58. The age gap here is so not a big deal at all, you should calm down.

Two hundred years ago a 16 year old girl could reasonably expect to be forcibly married off to a man of any age, its only recently that marriage has been entirely between adults.

Even today you get 20 something women marrying 60 something rich guys. While that is kinda sheisty, its not that big a problem.

You need to slow down and realize that 15 is immature, yes, and teenagers dating 20 year olds has the enlightened potential to become a problem, but is not a problem of itself. You are at a 10 when you need to be at a 3. It is good to pay attention to what other people think: If they aren't worried you need to re-evaluate why you are.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Can you prove that this man is having under-age sex? Can you? Do you have evidence? Is it hearsay evidence? Put on a lawyer cap and think whether or not it could be admitted into court.

If so, do it. If not, I support your right to voice your disapproval. A 15 year old girl should not be dating anyone, much less a man 5 years older than her.

As for the social implications - this sort of stuff happens all the time. That doesn't mean it's right, but it's not rare, it's not something new. In the olde-times, kings used to rape 14 or even 13 year old girls all the damn time. It was sick then, it's sick now, but it's not new.

Human beings are adaptors and social survivors. The people who you are talking to in regards to this man, sound like they know him personally. Thus, their social and moral outrage might be tempered by the fact that they are "related/friends with/colleagues with" this man. The rest of us who don't know him, well, would probably heartily disapprove of his actions.

Remember - you need evidence before making an accusation. Prove a crime was committed here, and you can go to the police and make your voice heard. But remember to gather evidence in a legal way. You can't threaten him or her to provide evidence. You can't steal or set up illegal surveillance. In fact, there's probably nothing you can do but to advise his young girl that there are better things in this world than sex.


New member
Oct 29, 2008
cuddly_tomato said:
DeathQuaker said:
Statutory rape is rape, guys. Whether you think it should be or not.
Do not compare consenting sex between two people, one of whom is in mid-teens and can say "no" at any time, with a forced sexual attack.
There's a lot of kinds of rape, hon. You're right that the most violent kind is the worst. But all of the kinds are a crime, and can cause psychological damage to the victim, now or later. There's a reason why statutory rape is defined as what it is, and there's a reason it's illegal, and it isn't just to be oppressive or unfair. It's there to protect young people from adult sexual predators. Live in your little bubble and say it ain't so, but you're denying both reality and the law.

It's interesting the way you word your statement. This situation is not about consenting sex "between people." What is okay behavior is "consenting sex between adults" (or "between teenaged peers"). This is neither. Understanding that is essential.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
DeathQuaker said:
cuddly_tomato said:
DeathQuaker said:
Statutory rape is rape, guys. Whether you think it should be or not.
Do not compare consenting sex between two people, one of whom is in mid-teens and can say "no" at any time, with a forced sexual attack.
There's a lot of kinds of rape, hon. You're right that the most violent kind is the worst. But all of the kinds are a crime, and can cause psychological damage to the victim, now or later. There's a reason why statutory rape is defined as what it is, and there's a reason it's illegal, and it isn't just to be oppressive or unfair. It's there to protect young people from adult sexual predators. Live in your little bubble and say it ain't so, but you're denying both reality and the law.

It's interesting the way you word your statement. This situation is not about consenting sex "between people." What is okay behavior is "consenting sex between adults" (or "between teenaged peers"). This is neither. Understanding that is essential.
Heh. This would be quite legal in many EU countries and they aren't all psychologically damaged. Interesting that you suggest I am the one living in a bubble - "15 year olds have sex OMG!". Sorry but this happens all the time to lots of 15 year olds (many people posting here have had sex at 15 and before). All without "psychological damage to the victim".

We really have to stop labelling people as "victims" when they have done something they decided to do. This is putting them into that bubble you seem to think I am in.
Donnyp said:
cuddly_tomato said:
Donnyp said:
PrinceoN said:
EDIT (again): alright, fuckers, lets get this over with. i do NOT have a thing for this girl. just because im trying to protect/help this girl means i have a thing for her? if thats your logic, then so be it, i have a thing for this girl (according to you). however, back down here in reality, it really doesnt matter to me who it is, im against this subject no matter what. there are laws of consent for a reason, and thats what im against. it just so happens that im using the two people i know as a frame of reference.
I'm open to letting People ruin there lives. Also i think its wrong. 15 Dating 20. Maybe 17 dating 20 but not 15. 3 year diff is most. I can't even look at a girl whos over under 18 and think man i'd do her. More like I'd Do her if she were closer to my age but 5 years is to big a Diff. I've spoken to girls about the whole dating guys 5 years older and such and they say the Guys are more Mature. They also have a higher wanting for sex. I would join in with you and the Murdering him with a bat if i knew him. Cause thats wrong. I don't care if she thinks shes doing fine but thats wrong. She should get a bit of a beating and he should be put in jail.
Is there some kind of arbitrary switch in ones brain that activates when someone within 3 years of your age dates you? When someone 3 and a half years takes a fancy to you do you suddenly turn from nice guy, but a bit lonely, into a full on sexual predator worthy of a Chris Hansen suprise special?

And what if a guy does find a girl he really likes who is younger, but mature? What if they are having fun together and finding emotional support with each other? Would murdering him with a bat really improve their situation to any noticable degree?

Murder is never the answer. Its a good one but not the right one. Well when a Girl is 3 years younger then me shes 19. so usually its not a problem. But 20 and 15. 16 is the age for consensual sex so 15 fucking a 20 year old is = bad. Before you go off let me ask you. If you were 15 dating someone older then you would you go out and ask your parents for sex or just do it?
I just did it. When I was 14 I lost my virginity to my mates girlfriends mum. She was many years my senior and weighed about twice as much as me but what the hell... I suppose I am a psychologically damaged "victim" now who will need councilling forever?