It's a tricky one to be honest.
I love the Fallout series and so New Vegas is definitely there.
Portal was pure genius and the sequel looks amazing so far as well.
Gears 3 looks to be just as mindless as before, but there is something I love about the series and so that's also at the top.
Reach looks better than expected but to be honest I still look at it and think "It's just more Halo". So while I shall get it, I am not exactly hyped for it.
Mass Effect 3 is also supposedly out next year but no details have been released.
Out of them I reckon New Vegas is at the top; Portal I am sure will be great but it's not story-based so I am not impatient for it, and Gears as aforementioned is more of a fun shooter with great visuals as opposed to a compelling campaign so I can wait for it.
So yeah, New Vegas it is.
dfcrackhead said:
Dr. Gorgenflex said:
Civ 5, Portal 2 and HL2E3.
Wow I can't believe it took 9 posts for someone to mention Portal 2 or HL2:EP3
OT: both of those....
Portal 2 was mentioned in the 3rd and 4th replies.