What was the first album you bought?

Phantom Kat

New member
Sep 26, 2012
Mine was Stadium Arcadium by Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Before that I listened to my father's Johnny Cash records and Irish/Scottish folk music.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
My first (non complilation) albums in order were:

Aqua - Aquarium
Vengaboys - Party Album
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Rammstein - Mutter
The Clash - London Calling (First one I bought myself.)

The thing with all these is that I obtained them all within 2 years of eachother (along with a few complilation albums) and I still listen to them all.

I spent a lot of time listening to my parents CDs, tapes and records though. My mum liked metal in her youth, and my dad liked country and classic rock/blues, and they both liked things like ELO, Roxy Music, Dire Straits and Genesis!


New member
Dec 16, 2008
The first album I will ever admit to buying is Lullabies to Paralyze by Queens of the Stone Age. I was, what? Early Teens?. Blew my mind. Alongside Marillion and Pink Floyd, it defined my music into something amazing.

The first album I probably actually bought was Busted. Which is less amazing.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Ugh, just reminds me of just how dedicated I was to not getting laid any time before getting a real job.

My first album was a Beethoven compilation. I remember running home and playing it on my playstation 1. Which was actually "neat" to be able to do back then despite walk-man CD players already being a thing.

Walkmans... how old am I? :(

EDIT: Oh, cassettes and actual records count too? I don't remember then. Just the first CD album is all I've got. The first album I bought was a record but that makes me out to be much older than I am. I think I bought several at the same time but mostly ended up enjoying the records with stories moreso than the music. I still enjoy stories being told records. Just something about the sound quality.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
It was a cassette tape of Thriller...I have no regrets or rather, I had no regrets up until the point I got Countdown to Extinction and realized I like Megadeth much more than Micheal Jackson.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I don't remember if it's the first album I bought, but the earliest I can remember is this...

And you know what? I still like it. Though I wish I knew about the thousand of better artists before him back then. Oh well. I was a kid, give me a break.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
I didn't actually buy my first album, but I would like to say the first album I "owned". It was Spice by Spice Girls in 1996. I would listen to it over and over and over, along with the film Spice World. After that I owned Much Dance 1999 and then Avril Lavignes 'Let Go'. I didn't really get into music in a big way until atleast 2006.

I also had a bunch of cassette tapes from my favourite disney films, but I am not going to count them and I don't remember them in detail, other than Lion King and Pocahontas.

Zen Bard

Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Sep 16, 2012
The first real music album I bought was "Rock and Roll Over" by KISS. They were just starting to get big back then. And as a skinny little comic book nerd, I was blown away by their larger than life look and sound.

I remember trying to bang out the chords to "Calling Dr Love" on my old Squire Strat and my dad telling me to "stop making such noise!"

Good times...


New member
Nov 12, 2009
My first album would either be One X by Three Days Grace or The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. I can't really remember which came first.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
This is going to show my age. While I had actual albums that were given to me, the first thing I purchased was a cassette of The Fat Boys - The Fat Boys are Back. Pretty sure I was 9 years old. I bet if I looked hard enough, I could find it hiding in a box in my closet. Ugh.....aging is a pain the the ass.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
My first bought was... must've been Pink Floyd's Animals. (Strange choice, I now realise.) Before then I had listened to Wish You Were Here and The Doors in full, those being borrowed copies that got returned after my listens, and my first big music moment came long before that, when my dad stumbled across the live version of Frampton's "Do You Feel Like We Do"on a now defunct AOR station.

All that might explain my current tastes...

(Title track to one of the more recent additions to my collection. I find it hilarious the poster put "with lyrics"!)


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Johnny Impact said:
It was either Pearl Jam's Ten album or Phish's Rift (don't judge me too harshly, I just experimented with Phish in high school, okay?).

Pretty sure I bought Pearl Jam first because that was the one cassette I owned before switching to CDs. I had other tapes but they all started as blanks.

I wish I could take 100 or so of my CDs back in time and give them to my twelve-year old self. For a long time I had every problem getting into music. At thirteen I was: A) hating most popular music, B) being unaware of/unable to access the music I would later come to love, C) blowing all my money on Magic cards, D) being raised in a podunk town, ten miles from the nearest record store, where they thought Billboard Top 40 was "a great selection," E) living with parents who strongly disapproved of all music (my mother is weird) or merely disapproved of anything recorded after 1975 (that would be Dad), F) most of the music I like hadn't been recorded in 1990.
Your last paragraph sounds a lot like me, except for E. Parents loved country music.

Anyways, I think the first album I bought for myself was The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails. It might have been Portrait of an American Family by Marilyn Manson though, I didn't get them that far apart. First time a music purchase was influenced by a video game was when I got October Rust by Type O Negative after they did the soundtrack for Blood and put the music video for Love You To Death on the bonus disc that came with it.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
I can't remember exactly but it was either Hybrid Theory by Linking Park or the Marshal Mathers LP by Eminem. Either way I was about 11 and my Mum didn't like either of them...so it made them automatically better.

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
Marshal Mathers LP. The dirty version. I was probably the coolest 7 year old on the block when I walked into CD warehouse put those explicit lyrics on the counter, put on my best grown up voice and walked out like a boss.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Kiss Destroyer. Until Kiss, the hardest thing I'd ever heard was the Beatles. A friend introduced me to the Kiss Live album (scandal! It wasn't all really live!!!) and I thought it unpleasant noise. Then I heard the guitar solo of "Detroit Rock City" and my musical tastes grew.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
First one I ever bought was American Idiot by Green Day. My parents didn't like it and that made the music sound that much better. It's nice that it still holds up today! I don't listen to them much anymore though.

For a while I listened to pop and then I got a copy of Rock Band and heard some Kiss and Metallica for the first time. Got a bunch of singles off iTunes from the game, then asked my friends to recommend some metal, and now I listen to everything from piano ballads to black metal. It's good times.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
In cassette form, it was Metallica's And Justice for All. The first CD I got was Soundgarden's Superunknown. Man those are good albums.
Aug 31, 2012
Sepultura's Morbid Visions.

I wanted Beneath the Remains but I couldn't find it. That day I learnt that good production really counts for a lot. As such I couldn't really say I had fond memories of it.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
"Is This It" by the Strokes was the first album that I actually bought with my own money. It's still one of my favourites. Every track is great.