What was your best kill ever in a game?


New member
Oct 24, 2012
w9496 said:
ShinyCharizard said:
w9496 said:
Before the sawed-off shotgun was nerfed to hell in Gears of War 3, I once got a Quinn in multiplayer.

For those unfamiliar with the game, the sawed-off has nearly a 180 degree spread and only kills people inside of 5-6 feet. It can kill as many things as you can fit in this cone, which can be quite gory.

I was the second to last man standing and led 3 of their guys on a chase towards the other 2, and once I had their attention, I ran through a chokepoint, turned around, and proceeded to introduce them to their deaths. It's super tough to get more than 2 people to fight you in that range at the same time, so that remains my all-time finest kill.
Haha excellent. Best I've ever managed to do with the Sawed-Off was a quad.
That's still awesome though. Since they nerfed the gun it's damn near impossible to get more than a double.
True. Hell it's difficult enough to get a single kill with the damn thing since they nerfed it. Doesn't really matter though I just use the gnasher exclusively now.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Well, there was this one time...

Probably not as good as some of the fast 4ks and aces I've gotten, but it was fresh in my memory and I knew exactly where the stv demo was.


New member
May 7, 2012
I've had far too many kills in video games to count, so I will just relate a recent incident of awesome kill. It's so simple, but I can't help but smile every time I think about it since it happened.

I was playing The Last of Us and sneaking silently like a silent slithering snake. I happened upon a room with two guys around a fire. So, I lobbed a grenade which landed perfectly between to the two. Everything from that point on was perfect. The split second it took for one of the guys to notice it, shit his pants, and scream "goddammit!" before it exploded and the two guys went comedically flying off in opposite directions. I almost died laughing right then and there. Broke the immersion for a second. I had to quit playing for a while afterwards.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
My 2 favorite kills are from a few years ago when I used to play World of Warcraft (back when the level cap was still 60).

I had just gotten my Whirlwind Axe for my level 35 warrior, and I was running around solo with my new overpowered (for my level) weapon. I came up to a level ?? Horde thief (I played Alliance) chasing a level 34 priest around the map. I attacked him as they were running around, and, after a short while, I'd done enough damage that he ignored the priest and turned on me. At that moment, I used Retaliation for the first time ever, and absolutely destroyed him. I know it didn't take much skill on my part, but it was extremely satisfying at the time.

My absolute favorite kill of all time though wasn't even mine, technically. I had gotten my wife to play WoW with me (she was pretty terrible, but she had fun). She played a thief; I played a fully defensive shield warrior (I had a separate warrior just for playing with her). Anyway, we were running around Stranglethorn Vale together, both of us around level 35 or 36, when I got Sapped by level ?? Horde thief (not the same one from my first example). He went on to kill my wife's thief in 1 hit while I sat there stunned, then he turned on me. I fought what was easily the longest 1v1 pvp battle I ever fought using every block skill I had including Shield Wall, and, while I held my own fairly well, I was losing the battle. The thing was, I held out long enough for my wife to run all the way back from the graveyard, stealth, and Ambush the guy for the kill. Not only was that my favorite kill ever, it was the best time I've ever had playing a video game.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Ive had a few good ones
Cross map well timed rocket killed three guys in a hog on halo
A few multiple head shots sniping in cod and tf2
A surprise death from above axe kill as pyro in tf2
A few ones where I killed people and didn't even know what I was doing
Battlefield 1942 - got out of plane and parachuted to the ground to be confronted by a tank which promptly was destroyed by my abandoned plane
Lastly a jumping revolver head shot I did against my friend in red steel using fidgety wii controls


New member
Oct 24, 2012
Waffle_Man said:
Well, there was this one time...

Probably not as good as some of the fast 4ks and aces I've gotten, but it was fresh in my memory and I knew exactly where the stv demo was.
Hahaha that was awesome. Pretty much a 180 turn there lol.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
jhoroz said:
Also, my solution for the whole Dark Brotherhood initiation of trying to guess "who is the real killer" in that abandoned cabin was simply to kill everyone by lining up an ice storm spell and taking everyone out in one shot. Only way to be 100% sure. Didn't even bother asking who was the actual killer. Night mother's word is law.
On that character my answer was a little different. The assassin recruiter (I forget the name) said "until someone dies, no one leaves."

So I killed her. Wound up exterminating the entire Dark Brotherhood. Had such a high sneak, they never saw me coming. Oh well, "live by the sword..."


New member
Aug 26, 2011
Black ops 2 I YY'd 360'd then 180'd BB'd then YY'd again then god came down from the heavens and gave me a blow job.

No honestly have no idea guess when your as awesome as I am you don't remember the billion awesome kills you've gotten after 15 odd years of playing video games.

sir neillios

New member
Dec 15, 2012
Few months ago playing Natural Selection 2 as marines, the aliens were making a big push on our second base, half our team dead, I grabbed a shotgun and jetpack and phased through to the base, managed to drop a lerk and 2 fades in a matter of seconds. Broke the back of their assault quite nicely. Felt like an absolute god afterwards.


New member
Dec 27, 2012
It's actually pretty hard to come up with a "greatest kill". All multi-player matches just seem to blur together after a time, and none of them really stand out to me. I guess I'll just copy some of what I posted in the "what makes you a hardcore gamer" thread a while back:

I still find this hilariously WTF inducing.

I also find quite a bit of humour in the fact that the chest is likely bigger than the kobold.

My most difficult kill was barely killing a dragon with a lucky stab to it's head after it ripped off both my legs and my left arm. I still don't know how I didn't bleed out.

Finally, getting thrown by a giant into a cursed cloud, which turned me into a nigh un-killable zombie abomination. Luckily, the giant didn't wander into the cloud as well, or that fight would still be ongoing. Seriously, evil weather can be hardcore.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Clowndoe said:
tsb247 said:
If you aren't familiar with Falcon 4.0, Falcon 4.0: Allied Force, and/or Falcon BMS, I highly suggest you look them up. If you like the realism of IL2, then you would fit right in.
Thanks for the heads-up, although you'd be hard pressed to find a flight sim or even a space flight sim I've not tried.
Well, it's good to meet a fellow simmer. Falcon 4.0: Allied Force is what I would recommend. There's also Falcon BMS, but I don't know as much about it. Supposedly it's a community conversion/standalone release, but I am not sure. In either case, they replicate the F-16 experience quite well, and the enemy AI is AMAZING! If you can't find the guy you're chasing, look behind you. He's probably back there lining up a shot.

I'm thinking of looking into the DCS series as well. Both Blackshark and A-10C are supposed to be amazing, and hyper-realistic, but the fact that they use Starforce copy protection is a HUGe turn off. I may cave eventually though.


Back on topic though, another one came to mind.

I once took out a small squad from ~400m or so with some precision shots from an LMG (single fire) in an ArmA III co-op scenario. I felt pretty damn good about myself for saving some of my teammates who were moving in on a compound at the time.

EDIT 2: I found a screenshot I took of that Mig-29 gun kill. This was the second one. He started a sharp break right as I pulled the trigger. It did not save him.



New member
Nov 29, 2010
like someone said, it all blurs together. So, it's the first best kill I remember in Half Life 2 MP when I premiered in plucking an enemy grenade from mid-air and then tossing it right back into the tosser's face.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
I killed a dude from long range while blinded, with a shotgun in The Conduit. It felt pretty epic.

Jolly Co-operator

A Heavy Sword
Mar 10, 2012
I really can't remember an absolute best, but I do remember a time in TF2 when two enemy soldiers both simultaneously rocket-jumped. As luck would have it, they both landed on the same patch of sticky bombs I'd thrown down. I was a very happy Demoman that day.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Wow...so many. Most not as epic as many people but a lot of them. Where to begin?

My first truly epic kill (or in this case, kill streak) would have to be Unreal Tournament 2004. Playing the mode with the ball launcher in the big ass arena (idr either name) I scored 16 "holy shit" kills in a row (which is itself already like the 7th kill before you get those). Best part: 11 were enemy ball carriers, I was on defense. I had to impact hammer the last 3 because I was flat out of ammo!

While I'm on that, Unreal Tournament 3 cinematic-style point-blank jump kills with the Flak Cannon. More of those than I can count. I'm not usually an up-close-and-personal shooter player (never use shotguns in anything, heh) but Unreal has always been my exception. Nothing beats going eyeball-to-eyeball and filling your enemies face full of molten lead.

That...and I once took out an entire team with a remote-controlled redeemer in UT3. We were losing onclaught 2-to-1 and they decided to turtle up, sent one of 8 guys to attack random nodes and kept the rest of their team of defense, I believe it was Torlan. Anyhow, got the redeemer, sniped the one dude trying to kill our tank node, then whipped out the redeemer and wiped out their whole damn team right after he respawned. We still lost that round, though :-/

Besides Unreal...hmm...I mostly play strat games so...oh! In Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance I once completed the first mission with nothing but a single sACU and a Fatboy. No seriously. I usually turtle in RTS games so not counting a ton of base defenses I build only those 2 units. Wiped out every hostile on the map with it too - literally. I made a point of killing the Seraphim ACU dead last, after every single unit and structure was toasted. Never been more proud of any RTS strategy than that. Well...except...

In Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, I once defeated 5 Hard AIs in Skirmish as the Marked of Kane with 11 units. I used 9 Spectre Artillery (that I used the cloak power on so they were perma-cloaked) and 2 Shadow Teams. Defeated them all with called-in artillery strikes. Well...I had 1 squad of Vertigos solely for Ion Cannon elimination duty but aside from just that, only the Shadow Teams and Spectres. I was especially proud of this because Shadow Teams are SO fucking easy to kill I was shocked I only had to retrain them once.

Back on more direct games...I cleared out all the Deathclaws north of Sloan in Fallout New Vegas using only Ratslayer. Not the most spectacular feat but not the easiest thing to do, either. That playthrough I ended up in New Vegas way to fast and never tried that again - there's a reason they make you go around. The game is WAY too short and boring without that.

I guess maybe a few things in Skyrim? I sided with the Imperials every play except one, and in every play including the Stormcloak one, I always kill the final target with Unrelenting Force. It has such a ring of poetic justice to Fus Roh Dah Ulfric Stormcloak to death. Not really a badass kill as just an artful way to go about it.

Speaking of artful kills, Dishonored, in more ways than I can count. I used a springrazor and posession to take out many, MANY hostiles. Also Springrazor Bombs - attaching a Springrazor to a bottle, then pick it up and throw it so it detonates on impact, not silent but MUCH quieter than Grenades. Really, almost any kill in Dishonored automatically carries a level of badassery above average.

Borderlands 2 many times. My favorite to date has to be when I killed the Warrior on my Gunzerker in a single second with pistols. I freaking hate the Gunzerker. Least favorite class or character in any FPS I've ever played (well almost). That said, DPS is DPS. I theorycraft like nobody's business so I set one up with a special talent build (Divergent Likeness, Keep Firing, I'm Your Huckleberry, etc) and a Sheriff's Badge. Then I gave him dual 10.4 speed Infinity's. Then I just killed everything always and fast. Back before the UVH pack, he was doing 12.4 million DPS PER GUN! I haven't played him at all since but I'm willing to bet it scales exponentially, just like everything else.

And...I've got about a dozen more but I'm just gonna stop unless someone says they really wanna hear this from me, heh.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Best kill I can remember was in Halo 4. On, the map with the large tower in the center, an opening on on side of the map, and a closed wall with the elevator going up on the other, I was jupmping to see over the ledge created by the incline ramp. Saw two guys while playing SWAT, and got a double kill with the DMR without zooming in or making a second jump.

Most by best kills are from Halo 3, Reach or 4...ain't the best CoD player (just above average but nothing spectacular) and don't really any other online games.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Unfortunately, all I have is my best kill assist, but it was the only time I have ever achieved perfect silent sync with random players in Dota, so it's about the only moment of my time in that game that I am truly proud of.

I was Sven, playing a tank/initiator role, and during a lull in the game I noticed that Juggernaut was using a Shadow Amulet right in the middle of the river. Seeing the other team's Venomancer farming nearby, I ran out to get his attention and then retreated, knowing that Sven had enough HP to survive for a little while and also that Venomancer wouldn't pass up 200 free gold.

And as soon as he was past Jugg, he uncloaked, I turned around and ass was kicked.

Neither of us said anything to one another. I just knew from how he was standing still that it was a Shadow Amulet and came up with a plan to make use of it that he immediately understood. That was the only time I have ever truly kicked ass at Dota.