What was your favorite Mass Effect 3 moment (Spoilers+No ending discussion pls)


New member
Jun 19, 2009
After a day to let the scars of the ending heal, im ready to reflect on all of the things i enjoyed.

So what was your favorite moment from ME3.

Spoilers incoming-

For me it was the conflict between Legion his Geth and the Quarians. At first i wasnt quite sure what was going on. I had missed some of the exposition from the last game. But when i had to follow legion into the Geth network and slowly see how the war started it started to get to me. The crown moment however was hearing Legion refer to himself as "I" for the first time, especially since i had managed to get the Quarians to stop attacking. It really hit me in the gut to see his sacrifice for his people at his highest moment. I seriously almost shed a man tear.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Two moments first was the death of Mordin, I was so sad he was favorite character in Mass Effect. The second was when Grunt emerged from the caves all bloody, I don't think any moment in a game had me go from oh no! FUCK YA he survived. I was so sad with Grunt's suppose death that when I saw him alive it was something to cheer about. So many moments in ME3 provoked some sort of emotional responses. I don't think I've gotten from the previous 3 games I have played.


New member
May 12, 2011
shooting bottles with garrus on the citadel it felt really relaxing even with the whole war and every thing two best mates could relax


New member
Mar 8, 2010
everything the game is fucking fantastic (specially good things i like are, thane, grunt, mordin awesomeness moments in the game, tali romance, the "this is for thane you son of a *****" from shepard)

worst moment in the game: legion death i fucking cry there, and thank god tali didnt commit suicide or i would have uninstall the game right there


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Probably end of Krogan/Salarian story arc.

Mordin's sacrifice and seeing Krogan cured of genophage.

*Sharp inhale*



New member
Aug 29, 2011
For me it was when Shepard stabbed Kai and said "Thats for thane you SOB."

Also the whole Tali romancing is ME3, they way they interact reminds me so much of how i interact with my GF (well, minus the whole saving the galaxy from giant evil machines).

Matt King

New member
Mar 15, 2010
when kai lang or whatever his name is, is sneaking up behind him and you get the renegade option to turn round punch through his sword and stab him, a)badass moment b) i fucking hated that guy so much


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2010
There were so many...

Funniest part(s): When Tali was drunk & when Garrus and Tali were making out.

Action part (I guess): When you destroy the Reaper on the Quarian home world.

Those were only some of the many, many great moments.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Many, many fantastic moments, but my favorite two would be Mordin's hero death, and the arrival of the coalition fleet in the Sol system and the engagement of the Reapers. On a pure visual spectacle/surge of emotion level it matched the charge of the Rohirrim at Minas Tirith in Return of the King, which was no small feat. They may have done a face plant on the endings, but they NAILED the climax, imo.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Mordin's Death and Legion's Death..

One to protect another race, not for money or glory, but because it was the right thing to do, and the other sacrificed himself to assure his people survival and evolution.

Those will forever be in my book of epic awesomness!!

Sexy Devil

New member
Jul 12, 2010
I don't know, it's a three-way toss-up for me. There's the scene on the Citadel with Garrus, where he and Shepard start shooting bottles. Felt really nice to see Garrus choose to spend what he knew would likely be the last bit of free time he ever had with Shepard.

Then there's the one where Legion sacrifices himself to give the Geth independence, obviously (I got the Quarians to stop shooting). That whole "does this unit have a soul?" conversation, Shepard and Tali relentlessly begging the admiral to stop firing (especially tense considering I thought Tali's death was unavoidable from the way people were talking on forums). And then Legion referring to itself as an individual. It was all just great, had me almost considering maybe tearing up a bit. Of course I opted to lift weights instead, like the man I am!

And the third was Thane's death scene. I mean ever since he said he was dying on Illium, I never expected him to make it through the third game alive. Still, it was nice to see him die from doing something good rather than the Kepprel's Syndrome killing him.

Mordin would have also been in this list, but I thought the part where he was singing that song from ME2 was kinda cheesy and it sort of killed the moment for me.

All in all though, basically every character/story arc had a really good moment in it, and it is a shame the game had to end the way it did.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2010
RatRace123 said:
Probably end of Krogan/Salarian story arc.

Mordin's sacrifice and seeing Krogan cured of genophage.

*Sharp inhale*

Bang Kaboom Ferrell said:
shooting bottles with garrus on the citadel it felt really relaxing even with the whole war and every thing two best mates could relax
These two as well.

Like I said before, so many great moments in this game.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Oh so many good moments.

For me it was definitely when Mordin sacrificed himself to administer the Genophage. All while singing "Scientist Salarian" while doing it. The moments where the Krogan take in the fact that the Genophage was finally cured was also really moving.

Also the moment where Shepard convinced the Quarians not to attack the Geth at the end. Before the option to stop them came up, I really thought I had to choose between the Geth and the Quarians. On one hand, I get the help of synthetics with Reaper tech, on the other hand, I get my girlfriend's flotilla slaughtered. Thankfully, I got the message to stop the Quarians. And as a result, the Geth and Quarians finally make peace.

Finally, I really like the scene before the ending in which TIM pulled a Saren. In more ways than one I might add.

A special mention the various scenes you have with Garrus. That Turian's a total bro.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
I think whatever I loved has already been posted. Legion, Mordin, Garrus and Tali.
So I'll start by saying I punched Gerrel. Twice cause I reloaded the save to do so again. I'm happy to say that I got all available assets for war too. I also like clicking on Vega consecutively to make him say "Hey Hey Hey".

Also, Emergency induction port.


New member
Feb 16, 2011

Bar the obvious ones several people have already pointed out...

Getting beaten by Kai Lang on Thessia - simply because the emotions that went through me when I realised that that DICK just made off with the most important intel in the entire fucking galaxy all while looking cool and there was nothing I could do about it.

Damn did I hate cerberus after that, carving my way through Sanctuary and their main base felt much more enjoyable than it probably should.

Any gaming moment that can induce emotion like that (even if said emotion happens to be hatred and rage) really deserves mentioning.

Also: Shepard and the little kid, clishé and kinda emo - but it struck a chord with me.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
After you think you killed off Grunt, he walks out of the cave, covered in gore. CHAMP!

Walking through the Geth Collective.

Renegade interuppt Kai Leng. Also the renegade interuppt imediately after you can do to the prothean AI.

Paraphraised said:
[Shep guts Kai Leng]
Shep: We're gonna win this.
Prothean: It isn't looking good, we must prepare for the nex-
Shep: I said we. Are. Winning. This. [walks out]